Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1857 To change the route forward

Remember in one second【】

All biologists are eager to try and be the first to discover moa.

Qin Yulin was also eager to give it a try. She whispered excitedly into Li Fan's ear: "Brother-in-law, let's also look for the moa. How about it? Let's try to be the first to find the moa."

Trying to be the first to find the moa?

If Li Fan is willing, there will naturally be no problem.

Because he had Xiao Ju to help him, how could anyone else find him?

The point is, is it necessary to be the first to spot a moa? Li Fan turned his head and saw Qin Yulin's faintly excited look. He smiled in his heart and said to himself: "Okay, since this girl is so interested, let's help her."

It's getting late now, and the wilderness is even more dangerous in the dark.

Therefore, although everyone is eager to give it a try, the search for a job will not officially begin until tomorrow.

Now, everyone needs to set up tents and spend the night safely.

Li Fan took out the prey he caught during the day and everyone roasted it and ate it at night.

After a safe night, the first ray of morning light on the next morning shone on everyone's tents.

Everyone woke up one after another, and after everything was sorted out, a rough route for today's search was drawn up, and then the search officially began.

Today's search range is about 50 kilometers along due east.

Li Fan has no objection to this. Anyway, there are no moa within a radius of 300 kilometers.

Places with a radius of 300 kilometers are beyond Xiao Ju's current range of perception. Li Fan doesn't know which direction there are moas?

In this case, let’s walk 50 kilometers due east first.

Finding a rare wild animal in the wilderness is not an easy task.

Everyone wished each other "good luck" and then dispersed, heading towards the planned route.

Everyone has the skills and experience to survive in the wilderness, but Li Fan doesn't have to worry about everyone's safety.


The distance between everyone is not far, and everyone takes care of them.

Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen also set off together, while Li Fan led Qin Yulin and four old men, walking slowly behind.

It’s impossible to spot a moa today anyway, so why be so anxious? Slowly experiencing the unique roughness in the wilderness is obviously a good choice.

Of course, the biologists were not moving very fast, because every time they found valuable clues, they would stop and investigate.

Along the way, if he found pheasants, hares, etc., Li Fan would draw his bow and arrow. Those were food. Since he encountered them, there was no reason to let them go.

Qin Lie and Su Yilin, two old men, felt itchy when they saw Li Fan setting up his bow and arrows, so they asked Li Fan to make a pair of bows and arrows for each of them.

The two old men were both soldiers, with both civil and military skills. It was natural for them to hunt with bows and arrows.

The three of them drew their bows one after another, and sometimes they even competed with each other with great interest.

The two old men Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng were also very jealous and asked Li Fan to give them the bow so that they could shoot an arrow.

Li Fan was naturally happy, but the two old men were both literati, and archery was really not suitable for them. The arrows shot were at least one foot away from the prey.

After shooting a few arrows respectively, the two old men returned the bow to Li Fan politely. They would just like to watch the excitement.

The group of people just walked and walked through the wilderness.

In the evening, everyone slowly gathered together, chose a place, set up tents, cooked dinner, discussed their findings today, and discussed the search route for tomorrow.

The next day, everyone packed up their things and set off again.

The situation is almost the same as yesterday. A group of biological experts discovered, inspected, discovered again, and inspected again.

Li Fan, Qin Yulin, and the four old men were playing, hunting, playing again, and hunting again, quite leisurely.

After walking eastward for several days, the straight-line distance has exceeded 200 kilometers. Biologists have also discovered more and more clues about moa, such as footprints, recently excreted feces, fallen feathers, etc. All this shows that the moa seem to be getting closer to everyone.

The biologists are getting more and more excited and looking forward to it.

Xiao Ju's voice suddenly sounded in Li Fan's mind, "Master, we have found traces of the moa."

"Finally here!" Li Fan was refreshed and asked Xiao Ju in his mind: "Xiao Ju, where is it? How far is it from here? How many moas are there? Are they passing by that place, or do they always live there? ?”

Xiaoshu replied: "In the southeast, nearly 300 kilometers away, there are a total of six moas, all of which are adult moas. According to my perception, those moas are more likely to live there."

Li Fan nodded calmly and said to Qin Yulin: "Girl, I seem to have sensed the moa somewhere."

Qin Yulin's eyes were bright, and he had no doubts about Li Fan's words. He said happily: "Brother-in-law, where is it? Let's go there. We have to find them before those experts."

Li Fan smiled and said: "There's no rush for this, the distance is still a bit far, almost 300 kilometers away. Let's walk slowly, don't be in a hurry."

"Tch!" Qin Yulin was a little doubtful of Li Fan's words now. He could feel it 300 kilometers away?

Qin Yulin glanced at Li Fan suspiciously and said, "Brother-in-law, just go ahead."

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Li Fan didn't explain, and said: "You girl will know in a few days. Now, I have to talk to the experts and ask them to change the direction of travel a little bit."

After speaking, Li Fan walked up to Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen and said, "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Luo, I suddenly had a feeling that there are several moas living there 300 kilometers southeast of me. What do you want? If you find a moa, you should no longer head towards the east, but towards the southeast.”

After hearing this, Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen looked at Li Fan with suspicion. Did they feel it even 300 kilometers away? This is too ridiculous.

Li Fan chuckled and said: "This is talent, there is no way, there is always such a feeling in the dark."

Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen were quite dumbfounded after hearing this. The feeling of freedom in the dark was just nonsense.

However, they had to admit that Li Fan may indeed have this talent for sensing the existence of animals. Some people do have such talents. Science cannot explain it, but it is indeed a fact.

So, is what that kid said true?

Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen looked at each other and understood the meaning in each other's eyes. They would rather believe it than believe it didn't.

Anyway, walking towards the east is also walking towards the southeast, so why not walk towards the southeast?

So, the two experts gathered the other biologists together and explained what Li Fan meant, preparing to ask everyone for their opinions.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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