Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1861 The End of

Remember in one second【】

On the Internet, netizens' discussions continue.

"Listening to what you said, I suddenly became full of expectations for this. It would be really great if Mr. Li Fan could discover one or two more animals that are considered extinct!"

"I'm also looking forward to it. The key depends on whether Mr. Li Fan is interested in continuing to discover?"

"I wonder if Mr. Li Fan found the moa chicks specifically, or did he find them by chance?"

"We don't know about this, we just have to keep looking forward to it."

“It’s not about keeping expectations, it’s about keeping expectations high!”

"Yes, keep your expectations high! Maybe one day, Mr. Li Fan will suddenly surprise the world."

"I think this possibility is not small. You must know that Mr. Li Fan is the owner of Xianyuan Farm and has an indissoluble bond with various animals."

"No matter what, we just have to keep our expectations high."


Sansheng Village.

Li Fan, Qin Yulin, and four old men have returned to the village.

During these ten days, many tourists came specifically for the moa chicks, including many tourists from abroad.

The little guy has grown up a lot in these 10 days. He was originally only the size of an adult hen, but now he is one size larger than an adult goose.

Li Fan looked at the little guy in front of him with emotion.

After sighing with emotion, he thought in his mind, "When will I let this guy take the Qiling Pill?"

This guy's talent potential is as high as 99%. He is a guy who can grow into a mythical beast. Li Fan naturally wants him to take the Spirit-Enlightening Pill.

However, after taking the Qiling Pill, it is not so easy for tourists to see the little guy again.

After all, the little guy is going to grow into a mythical animal, and it still needs to be strong. How can it be easily seen by tourists?

And now there are still many tourists,

They all come specifically to see the little ones, including many foreign tourists. Now let the little ones enter the space to grow. Isn't it a little unkind?

After all, the whole world knows what happened to the little guy in Sansheng Village. Why should the little guy stay in the outside world for a while, right?

After thinking about it for a while, Li Fan decided to let the little guy take the Qiling Pill in ten days.

There's a lot of commotion here about the moa, and "The Passionate Swordsman" has reached its finale.

"The Passionate Swordsman and the Ruthless Sword" is a work that makes countless book fans endlessly sad and extremely fond of it.

Li Xunhuan is a character that makes countless book fans sigh with admiration.

During the serialization period of "Sentimental Swordsman", it was both painful and joyful for countless book fans.

Of course, more happiness.

But now, both pain and happiness are over.

at the end of the story.

Li Xunhuan told A Fei that he had invited people to drink any kind of wine, but he had never invited anyone to drink wedding wine.

A Fei asked why?

Li Xunhuan said it was because the wedding wine was too expensive.

"Too expensive?" A Fei seemed a little confused.

Li Xunhuan explained that if a man invites someone to a wedding banquet, it means that he will have to pay the bill slowly throughout his life. Unfortunately, he does not want to disappoint his friends.

"A Fei smiled.

He hasn't smiled like this for a long time.

This smile made him suddenly feel that he was much younger again, full of courage and confidence in himself, and full of hope in life.

Even the withered wooden leaves were full of life in his eyes, because he knew that there was still new life there, and new shoots would soon grow.

He never knew that 'laughter' had such power.

Not only did he admire Li Xunhuan, he was also very grateful, because although it was not easy for a person to keep his smile forever, he would be truly great if he could also make others laugh!

‘Superfluous’ is not only redundant, but also ridiculous.

But there are so many worries in the world, could it be because we smile too little?

Laughter is like perfume. It not only makes you fragrant, but also makes others happy.

If you can make someone smile, why not do something stupid? "

This is the finale of "The Passionate Swordsman".

At the end, Li Xunhuan laughed, Sun Xiaohong laughed, and A Fei also laughed.

Countless book fans also laughed, no matter what, this ending is a happy one.

Countless book fans are discussing on the Internet, not only for this work, but also for Li Xunhuan.

Countless celebrities have also published their interpretations and appreciation of the character Li Xunhuan in the work "The Passionate Swordsman" on their Weibo.

Yang Qiming wrote on Weibo: ""The Sentimental Swordsman" is over, but I feel that Li Xunhuan's story is far from over.

In this work, Gu Yong created another extremely classic character in the world of martial arts novels.

Li Xunhuan understands life very well, because he has experienced too much suffering and the pain in his heart has been hidden for too long. He seems to be very negative and bored, but in fact he is full of endless love for life and human beings.

Li Xunhuan is not a healthy person. He often

^0^ Remember in one second【】

I often cough non-stop and even cough up blood.

Among all the protagonists of Mr. Guyong's martial arts novels, Li Xunhuan is obviously the most unhealthy person physically, but his mentality is absolutely healthy.

His will is as strong as steel and his control is unparalleled by few.

He hid from the world, escaped from his reputation, and no matter what he did, he didn't want others to know.

But while he was alive, he had become a legend.

Not many people have seen him, and very few people have not heard of his name, especially his sword.

Xiao Li's flying knife is a good example.

His sword is never released casually, but once it is released, it will never fail.

Mr. Guyong's new style of work is very different from his previous works in the description of martial arts.

In this new style of work, Mr. Guyong no longer describes every move of martial arts in person, but focuses more on leaving more blank spaces for readers to imagine.

The same goes for Li Xunhuan's flying knife. Mr. Guyong never described the shape and length of the flying knife, nor how it was shot, nor how Li Xunhuan mastered it.

Li Xunhuan often used carving to stabilize his hand with just a slight lift.

Other than that, there is no description, and everything is left to the readers' imagination.

Li Xunhuan's flying knives are also more suitable for readers to imagine.

Because his flying knife is originally a symbol, symbolizing the power of light and justice.

Therefore, although Shangguan Jinhong's martial arts was better than him, he still died under his flying knife in the end.

Because justice will surely defeat evil.

No matter how long the darkness lasts, light will come sooner or later.

Therefore, I think Li Xunhuan's flying knife is neither a weapon nor a hidden weapon, but a power that can inspire people.

As long as people see the appearance of Xiao Li's flying knife, they know that power will be eliminated and justice will be done.

This is the 'Xiao Li Flying Sword' that makes countless people with evil intentions tremble.

"The Passionate Swordsman" is a work of very high artistic achievement. I would like to thank Mr. Gu Yong for bringing such a work to the world of martial arts novels. "

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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