Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1863 Flowers bloom tirelessly just for the sake of butterfly love and fragrance

Remember in one second【】

Jian Yishen was very nervous, and the rest of the martial arts authors were equally nervous. They were also very eager to see Gu Yong's martial arts works again, even if there was only one.

Celebrities and masters are very nervous, martial arts authors are very nervous, but not all celebrities and masters are very nervous, such as Liang Sheng and Zheng Jie.

Sansheng Village.

Liang Sheng looked at Li Fan and said, "Have you really decided to officially close martial arts after the next martial arts work?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "It's decided. Although I still have many stories to write, it's no longer necessary."

Zheng Jie said: "You have single-handedly pushed martial arts to its peak, and now you are about to end martial arts writing so soon. Are you willing to do so?"

After hearing Zheng Jie's words, Li Fan became a little silent.

Are you willing to do so?

To be honest, he is really reluctant to part with it. Starting from "Yue Nu Sword", he has released more than 20 works in total, all of which are classic works by the two masters of the past, Jin Yong and Gu Long.

These works have pushed the world's martial arts to its peak step by step.

Under the influence of these works, the martial arts authors in this world have also broken through their own shackles and created a large number of excellent works.

Although those excellent works cannot be compared with the classic works of the two previous masters Jin Yong and Gu Long, they can be regarded as very excellent.

It can also give book lovers a strong desire to read.

For Li Fan, he watched the works he brought, influencing the martial arts authors in this world bit by bit, allowing them to break through their own shackles bit by bit, and the works they created became more and more excellent. , he felt very pleased and quite proud.

He also felt very gratified and somewhat proud when he saw the world's book fans, martial arts authors, celebrities, and major media constantly appreciating, commenting, and discussing the works he brought.

Those works were so influential and popular that Li Fan was really reluctant to let go of his martial arts career.

There are still many influential martial arts artists in the past life. Li Fan also wants to continue to bring those works to this world, and then continue to see the influence of those works in this world.

But after thinking about it for a long time,

Li Fan decided to officially end his career in martial arts after his next martial arts work.

First, he wants to retreat bravely at the peak.

Secondly, now is indeed the best time to write about martial arts.

Now, the martial arts in this world have reached their peak.

There are many martial arts authors, and the number of martial arts works is even greater. Although the quality of the works is somewhat uneven, there are also many excellent works.

With so many martial arts authors and so many martial arts works, martial arts in this world has become a thriving scene.

Martial arts TV series adapted from martial arts have now changed from the situation where not many people were interested in them in the past, and have become a type of TV series that is extremely popular among audiences.

The ratings of martial arts TV series are generally satisfactory, and the TV series adapted from Gu Yong's works have repeatedly set new highs in ratings.

Many people who don’t like or don’t like watching martial arts love watching martial arts TV series.

Martial arts culture is developing healthily and rapidly.

All of this makes Li Fan no longer have any regrets about martial arts. His original vow to promote martial arts culture in the world has now been realized.

Then, it’s time to retreat from the rapids.

After Li Fan was silent for a while, he smiled again and said: "To be honest, I really can't bear to part with it, but sooner or later I have to close the book, so it's better to close it now when it's at its peak. Besides, closing the martial arts book, for me, Say, it’s not just the end, it’s the beginning.”

Hearing what Li Fan said, Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng both nodded slowly.

Perhaps, what Li Fan said is right. Choosing to close the book when he is at his peak may indeed be the most correct choice.

Then, Li Fan's last words made the two people's eyes light up again.

Closing the martial arts novel is both the end and the beginning.

The end is obviously the end of martial arts, and the beginning is the beginning of what?

Liang Sheng asked: "The beginning? What is the beginning?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "Didn't I mention it many times before? After martial arts, I will launch a new type of work, a work that has never appeared in this world. 'Start', of course, is that The beginning of a new type of work.”

"A completely new type of work?" Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng nodded again. Li Fan had indeed said this before.

Liang Sheng said: "What kind of new type of work is it? When I asked you before, you always smiled mysteriously and didn't answer. Now that it's about to be released, can you finally talk about it?"

However, Li Fan still smiled and did not answer, just letting the two of them wait patiently.

The two of them were helpless, but they didn't ask any more questions.

It doesn't matter if you don't know, this will make the expectation in your heart even stronger, which is not a bad thing.

Then, Zheng Jie said: "The entire outside world is very nervous now. Many people are afraid that you will suddenly announce that you will end martial arts. Would you like to make an announcement to explain it so that everyone can calm down."

Li Fan sighed lightly and said, "I will make the announcement as soon as possible, but book fans may not be happy about this announcement."

Liang Sheng said: "No matter what, book fans can at least watch one more of your martial arts works, which will give them some comfort."

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Li Fan nodded and said, "Then I will send out the announcement as soon as possible."

The outside world is very worried. Many people are looking forward to Gu Yong updating Weibo soon, but some do not want Gu Yong to update Weibo soon.

They were afraid of seeing the news that Gu Yong had banned martial arts.

If Gu Yong didn't make an announcement, they would at least have something to think about in their hearts.

But Gu Yong’s Weibo was updated after all.

"I know that everyone has a question in their minds right now, that is, will "The Passionate Swordsman" be my last martial arts film? I can tell you this question clearly now, it is not.

However, it will be my penultimate martial arts film.

You all already understand what I mean, that is, my next martial arts film will be my last martial arts film.

After the next Wuxia movie, I will officially close my book on Wuxia.

This is a very difficult decision. Starting from my first martial arts film "Yue Nu Sword", I have witnessed with everyone the brilliance I have created.

Those brilliance belong to me and to every book lover. It is you and I who jointly shaped those brilliance.

Now, our glory is coming to an end, and I am as reluctant as everyone else.

But this world will eventually have to say goodbye. Goodbye is not about never seeing each other again, but about waiting to meet again next time.

Flowers bloom tirelessly just because butterflies love their fragrance. Flowers bloom tirelessly just because butterflies love their fragrance.

Just because I have stopped writing about martial arts does not mean that I will stop writing. I will continue to write and bring you more stories, just because I know that you like the stories I create.

But for martial arts, we really have to say goodbye.

My next martial arts work, also my last martial arts work "Swordsman", will be officially serialized in the next issue of "Swordsman" magazine.

I am here to invite you and invite you to be proud of yourself with me! "

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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