Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1867 The senior brother is a passerby

Remember in one second【】

"The Swordsman" has returned to its previous style, which makes many book fans even more excited.

The story of "The Swordsman" has already begun.

The beginning of the story is that there is an escort agency in Fuzhou Prefecture called "Fuwei Escort Agency".

Fuwei Escort Agency is the leading escort bureau in Jiangnan and is quite prestigious in the world. The current owner of Fuwei Escort Agency and the chief escort of Fuwei Escort Agency is named Lin Zhennan, who is not weak in martial arts.

Fuwei Escort Agency was founded by Lin Zhennan's grandfather, Lin Yuantu.

At that time, Lin Yuantu dominated the martial arts world with his seventy-two "evil-proofing sword skills", founded the Fuwei Escort Agency, and traveled the world.

"Evil Sword Technique" has also become the secret skill of the Lin family. It is a pity that Lin Yuantu's descendants have not practiced as powerful martial arts as him, and the martial arts of the descendants are not as good as the previous generation.

When it comes to Lin Yuantu's grandson, Lin Zhennan, his martial arts can only be described as not weak.

Fortunately, Lin Zhennan is very good at running an escort agency, and under his management, the "Fuwei Escort Agency" is getting better and better.

Lin Zhennan has a son named Lin Pingzhi, who is also the young escort chief of Fuwei Escort Agency.

The story of "Swordsman" begins with Lin Pingzhi.

It is said that one time, Lin Pingzhi went hunting with several escort heads from the Fuwei Escort Agency, and when they returned, they went to a hotel for dinner.

The hotel has just changed its owner, and the shopkeeper has been replaced by an old man with white hair, called Old Man Sa.

There is also a girl in green clothes, I heard that she is the granddaughter of old man Sa. She has a graceful figure, but has dark skin and very ugly appearance.

Lin Pingzhi and several bodyguards were waiting for the food and wine to be served. Two young men came into the hotel. They seemed to be from the Jianghu area. Judging from their clothes, they should be from the Funan area.

One of them, surnamed Yu, saw the graceful figure of the girl in green and started teasing her.

Lin Pingzhi, a young hero with a strong spirit, immediately stopped him and the two sides clashed.

During the conflict, Lin Pingzhi accidentally killed the young man named Yu, and the other young man escaped.

Lin Pingzhi accidentally killed someone and was a little at a loss. After returning home, he kept hesitating whether to tell his father Lin Zhennan what happened?

But before Lin Pingzhi made a decision,

Something happened to Fuwei Escort Agency.

The several bodyguards who went hunting with Lin Pingzhi died mysteriously one after another.

Lin Pingzhi was worried that someone accidentally killed him today. The young man named Yu came for revenge, so he told Lin Zhennan about the accidental killing of someone today.

Lin Zhennan guessed that the young man named Yu might have some kind of close relationship with Yu Canghai, the head of the Funan Qingcheng Sect.

Now that the several bodyguard leaders have died mysteriously one after another, it is indeed possible that Yu Canghai is secretly seeking revenge.

It's just that the Qingcheng Sect is far away in the south of Funan, separated by thousands of rivers and mountains. How could Yu Canghai know the news so quickly? Coming for revenge so soon?

Lin Zhennan had no time to think about these problems. He had to first find a way to prevent the people in the escort agency from being killed or injured.

However, despite Lin Zhennan's complete preparations, people in the escort agency continued to die.

In the end, Lin Zhennan had to take his wife and son Lin Pingzhi, disguised himself, and escaped from Fuwei Escort Agency.

In fact, the young man named Yu who was accidentally killed by Lin Pingzhi was the son of Yu Canghai, the head of the Qingcheng faction, and the person who secretly attacked Fuwei Escort was indeed a member of the Qingcheng faction.

However, Yu Canghai, the head of the Qingcheng faction, did not take action against Fuwei Escort Agency to avenge Lin Pingzhi for killing his son.

In fact, he had already planned it and came to Fuzhou in person in order to secretly eradicate the Fuwei Escort Agency.

There are two reasons for this. One is because of the grievances of the previous generation.

It turns out that Yu Canghai's master, Chang Qingzi, was defeated by Lin Yuantu. Chang Qingzi always regarded this as a great shame and humiliation. Yu Canghai was avenging his master.

Of course, this is not the main reason. The main reason is to obtain the Lin family's "Evil Sword Manual".

After Lin Zhennan, Lin Zhennan's wife, and Lin Pingzhi escaped from the Fuwei Escort Agency, they were discovered by several disciples of the Qingcheng Sect, and then the two sides fought together.

Lin Pingzhi's family of three were no match, and were captured by several disciples of the Qingcheng Sect. They said they wanted to take Lin Pingzhi's family of three back to the Qingcheng Sect and ask the leader Yu Canghai to punish them.

Fortunately, Lin Pingzhi was able to escape with the help of the old hotel manager Sa and the graceful and ugly girl.

It turns out that old man Sa and the girl are also good at martial arts, and they are far better than Lin Pingzhi.

Although Lin Pingzhi escaped, his parents did not escape. They were still in the hands of Qingcheng Sect disciples and were escorted to Qingcheng Sect by several Qingcheng Sect disciples.

In order to save his parents, Lin Pingzhi also went to the Qingcheng faction.

As for his low martial arts skills, if he really joins the Qingcheng sect and can save his parents, he can no longer control that much.

When book fans read this, they are already sure that Lin Pingzhi is the protagonist of the work.

So, what kind of stories will happen next for Lin Pingzhi on his way to the Qingcheng Sect? Will Lin Pingzhi get some kind of adventure and make great progress in martial arts? Or maybe a mysterious master teaches martial arts?

Book fans are looking forward to these. They know that as the protagonist, Lin Pingzhi's martial arts will definitely become stronger and stronger.

As for how to become stronger and stronger? That's unknown.

Therefore, book fans are very curious and looking forward to it!

On the way to the Qingcheng Sect, Lin Pingzhi learned the real reason why the Qingcheng Sect dealt with their Fuwei Escort Bureau.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Inexplicable grief and anger.

In addition, Lin Pingzhi also learned the news that his parents were escorted to Hengshan by a disciple of the Qingcheng Sect.

Lin Pingzhi turned to Hengshan Mountain.

Within a day, I arrived at Hengshan and entered the city. I found that there were many people coming and going on the streets.

It turns out that in two days, a big event is going to happen in Hengshan, that is, Liu Zhengfeng, the second master of the Hengshan sect, will wash his hands in the golden basin in two days.

Those people in the world came to witness Liu Zhengfeng wash his hands in the golden basin.

In a tea shop, Lin Pingzhi, who had disguised himself and pretended to drink tea, was actually eavesdropping on people talking about Liu Zhengfeng's hand washing in the golden basin, hoping to hear news about his parents and the Qingcheng sect.

In this tea shop, Lin Pingzhi met again the old man Sa and the graceful girl with an ugly face.

However, they are not the relationship between grandparent and granddaughter.

Because the girl called Old Man Sa "Second Senior Brother", and Old Man Sa called the girl "Little Junior Sister".

It was obvious that they were brothers and sisters of a certain sect. No wonder they both knew martial arts.

In addition, there were several people with them, and those few people were also the girl's senior brothers.

Lin Pingzhi listened to their conversation and learned that they were disciples of the Huashan sect. They came to Hengshan at this time to wash their hands in the golden basin of Liu Zhengfeng.

They came to this restaurant to wait for someone, their senior brother, whose name was Linghu Chong.

And the little junior sister seemed to be quite emotional when talking about her senior brother.

This made Lin Pingzhi a little strange. The second senior brother was already very old, so wouldn't the first senior brother be even older?

It's really strange that a young junior sister, a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl, has feelings for a senior brother of such an age.

Lin Pingzhi was surprised, and so were all the book fans, but they didn't think much about it and didn't care at all.

Anyway, that big brother Linghu Chong is probably just a passer-by, so why would book fans care?


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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