Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1873 1 Song

Remember in one second【】

After it was confirmed that Linghu Chong was the protagonist, all the book fans were very excited and continued to read the rest of the story.

The following plot about Liu Zhengfeng washing his hands in the golden basin made all book fans sigh deeply and feel very regretful and helpless.

The heroes of the world gathered in Hengshan. Liu Zhengfeng washed his hands in the golden basin and wanted to withdraw from the world. However, Zuo Lengchan, the leader of the Wuyue Sword Sect and the leader of the Songshan Sect, intervened and accused Liu Zhengfeng of colluding with the demon sect elder Qu Yang to harm decent people.

Liu Zhengfeng did make friends with Qu Yang, the elder of the demon sect, but it was definitely not a collusion. The two became friends because of the piano and flute, and each was the only confidant in the other's life.

No one in the world can match Qu Yang in playing the harp, and Liu Zhengfeng is the best in the world when it comes to playing the flute.

The two became close friends because of Qin and Xiao. Although Qu Yang is an elder of the Demon Sect, he has a noble character and a bright mind. He can be called a gentleman.

But unfortunately, the Sun Moon God Sect and the so-called decent sects have been killing each other for hundreds of years, and countless people on both sides have lost their lives.

The friendship between Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang is destined not to be understood and recognized by decent people.

This is indeed the case. When the decent people on Hengshan Mountain learned that Liu Zhengfeng had befriended the elders of the Demon Sect, they were all shocked.

And when he knew that the two of them were friends for no other reason than the music of the piano and flute, they couldn't understand it.

Could it be that for the sake of music, we should forget about good and evil? How can you disregard the morality of the world?

Decent people can't understand Liu Zhengfeng's friendship with Qu Yang at all. Liu Zhengfeng has become the opposite of decent people.

His end is sealed.

Liu Zhengfeng may have offended the Songshan Sect for something before, but now the Songshan Sect finally found an opportunity to deal with him.

In order to persecute Liu Zhengfeng, the Songshan sect killed Liu Zhengfeng's wife, children, and disciples one by one in front of the heroes.

Seeing this, countless book fans are filled with emotion.

In fact, the so-called righteousness is not kind in nature, nor is its heart kind, and what it does is something that even people in the devil's sect would not do.

Those so-called decent people who do cruel and despicable things in the name of justice are actually far more hateful than the people in the Demonic Cult.

His wife, children, and disciples were killed one by one.

Liu Zhengfeng was inexplicably sad and angry, and was about to commit suicide with his sword. Qu Yang appeared and rescued Liu Zhengfeng.

The two of them were between heaven and earth, playing the piano and flute together to play an unprecedented song called "Swordsman".

"Swordsman" is a song composed by Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang after several years of work. It can be regarded as the best song in the world.

By chance, Linghu Chong was fortunate enough to listen to this song that would never be heard in the world.

Then, Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang presented the score of "Swordsman" to Linghu Chong, asking Linghu Chong to bring the score to the world and find a successor.

If the song "Swordsman" can be passed down to future generations, they will die without regrets.

After the score was given, Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang held hands and laughed in unison, using their internal energy to cut off the main pulse of internal breath, close their eyes and pass away forever.

The song "Swordsman" played by the two of them with piano and flute just now has become a masterpiece in the world.

When they saw this, all the book fans sighed.

upright? Demonic Cult?

Decent people act like demons, but demons act like righteous people.

Of course, this does not mean that all decent people are like demons, nor does it mean that all demons are like decent people.

But at least the Songshan Sect, which is known as a well-known and upright sect, acted insidiously and viciously this time, even worse than the Demon Sect.

However, Qu Yang, the elder of the Demon Sect, has a noble character, a brilliant personality, and a chivalrous heart. You must know that Linghu Chong was seriously injured before, and it was Qu Yang who saved him.

Many book fans have expressed their feelings for Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang. These are two unprecedented figures of musical soulmates, and they are destined to become classic figures in martial arts.

In addition, the song "Swordsman" played by the two also made book fans worried.

It turns out that there is another song called "Swordsman".

Although book fans know that this song "Swordsman" is just a fiction created by Gu Yong, there is no "Swordsman" in reality.

However, book fans have a very strong desire to listen to the song "Swordsman".

Unfortunately, the descriptions of the song "Swordsman" in the work are just words.

There is no way to convert text into music files for book fans to listen to.

Not being able to listen to "The Swordsman" makes all fans of the book very regretful and regretful.

And then, the story still continues.

Linghu Chong was punished by Yue Buqun, the head of the Huashan Sect, because he acted willfully, repeatedly violated the sect's rules, and disobeyed his teacher's orders.

The story that happened in Siguo Cliff has excited book fans again.

Because, here they once again saw a character that made them very excited, the sword demon Dugu Qiubai.

Linghu Chong was thinking about his past on the Siguo Cliff. Tian Boguang came to the door and wanted to compete with Linghu Chong for some reason.

Linghu Chong had no choice but to agree to compete with Tian Boguang. However, he was defeated repeatedly and was no match for Tian Boguang.

There is a senior in Huashan, named Feng Qingyang, who has unparalleled martial arts and swordsmanship. He has lived in seclusion on Siguo Cliff in Huashan for decades.

Feng Qingyang observed Linghu Chong's character for a long time and saw that he was a sincere and sincere person, so he recognized Linghu Chong's character.

Later, I saw Linghu Chong competing with Tian Boguang.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

During the fight, after being defeated repeatedly, he showed up to teach Linghu Chong his swordsmanship.

After being given some advice, Feng Qingyang discovered that Linghu Chong was extremely talented. He couldn't help but be overjoyed and taught all the "Dugu Nine Swords" that he was most proud of in his life.

The Dugu Nine Swords are infinitely mysterious and can defeat all moves in the world. The essence of its swordsmanship is "no move can win, but one move". It pays attention to the movement of clouds and flowing water, and it can be done at will.

Dugu Nine Swords is one of the most exquisite skills in the world. It was not created by Feng Qingyang, but by a martial arts prodigy, the sword demon Dugu Qiubai.

Feng Qingyang said to Linghu Chong, "Dugu Nine Swordsmanship, advance and never retreat! Every move is an attack. If you attack the enemy, you have to defend. Of course you don't have to defend. The senior Dugu Qiubai who created this set of swordsmanship is named 'Seeking defeat', his old man has wanted to be defeated all his life, but he can't get it. If he uses this sword skill, he will be invincible in the world, so why defend? If someone attacks him and he returns to the sword to defend himself, he will be really happy and overjoyed. ”

Thinking back to those days, Dugu Qiu was defeated in the Jianghu and was invincible in the world. He couldn't even find an opponent to force him to defend with one move. How heroic was it? How lonely is it?

Dugu Qiubai is a name that is enough to excite all book fans.

In the previous "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", book fans were already fascinated by Dugu Qiubai, but they never thought that in the current "Swordsman", they would see Dugu Qiubei again.

Moreover, there is also a set of unique skills created by Dugu Qiubai, and the Dugu Nine Swords have been passed down.

How did Feng Qingyang learn the Dugu Nine Swords? This is unknown.

However, this is not important.

The important thing is that now Feng Qingyang has passed the Dugu Nine Swords to Linghu Chong.

So, in this way, Linghu Chong can be regarded as the successor of Dugu Qiubai.

Thinking of this, book fans are even more excited.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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