Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1889 The answer is about to be revealed

Remember in one second【】

Li Fan and his party returned to the village, but the heated discussion on the Internet about "A Laugh in the Sea" and speculation about the identity of the beautiful figure in the MV are still continuing.

Moreover, there is no intention of stopping.

Everyone guessed and guessed, but in the end there was still no convincing answer. If you want to know the correct answer, you can only find it in the next serialization of "Swordsman".

The serialization of "Swordsman" is already continuing.

After the controversy that "Swordsman of the Swordsman" was regarded as "Evil Sword Technique", Linghu Chong, Yue Buqun, Yue Lingshan and a group of disciples of the Huashan School left Luoyang.

Along the way, various conflicts continued. Linghu Chong, who was already injured, became more serious and complicated.

Ping Yizhi, the most famous doctor in the world and the "famous murderer", wanted to cure Linghu Chong's injuries, but in the end he was helpless.

Heiichi is known as the "famous murderer", and he must kill someone to save one person.

But now, if he can't save Linghu Chong, what should he do?

In the end, Ping Yizhi chose to commit suicide. If he couldn't save Linghu Chong, he would have no choice but to kill himself.

Otherwise, what kind of "murderous famous doctor" would he be?

This was what Ping Yizhi said. When Linghu Chong saw that Ping Yizhi died because of him, Linghu Chong couldn't help feeling desolate.

A group of book fans also sighed in astonishment. They seemed to understand Ping Yi Zhi's approach of killing himself after failing to heal others.

In addition to Ping Yizhi, there were countless people from all over the world who came to him and offered them rare and secret medicines to help Linghu Chong heal his injuries.

Those in the martial arts world called him "Master Linghu" and treated Linghu Chong with great respect, but they were quite indifferent to Yue Buqun and others.

This made Linghu Chong a little confused about the situation. He didn't know those people in the world. Why would those people in the world behave like this?

A group of book fans were also very shocked, and they were also confused about the situation.

Finally, all the people from all walks of life gathered in Wuba Gang, and there were thousands of people.

Linghu Chong drank and had fun with them, and lived a very comfortable life.

He didn't care about his injuries.

However, for some unknown reason, all the thousands of heroes dispersed in a hurry and walked away cleanly. It seemed that they were very afraid that someone was coming, so they left in a hurry.

Not only did Qunhao leave, but Yue Buqun, Yue Lingshan and others also left.

Wu Ba Gang, which was very lively before, suddenly only Linghu Chong was left, which made people feel very desolate.

However, someone came.

It was the person in the Green Bamboo Alley of Luoyang City whom the Green Bamboo Man called "aunt" and Linghu Chong called "mother-in-law".

There is naturally nothing wrong with this title. Luzhuweng's aunt must be ninety years old anyway, so Linghu Chong should indeed call her "mother-in-law."

All the book fans were in high spirits when they saw "Mother-in-Law" appear again.

Some people have speculated that this "mother-in-law" is actually not very old. She should be the beautiful woman playing the piano who appeared in the MV for "A Laugh in the Sea".

For this statement, more people think that it is not reliable at all. The mother-in-law is the mother-in-law, how could she be a young and beautiful woman?

So, is it possible that the mother-in-law is the beautiful woman playing the piano in the MV?

The answer may be about to be revealed.

Therefore, all the book lovers are in high spirits.

Her mother-in-law was playing the piano. After listening to this, Linghu Chong's somewhat miserable mood gradually calmed down.

At this moment, Shaolin sent Xin Guoliang and others to Wu Ba Gang to search for the remaining members of the Demon Cult. When they heard the sound of the piano, they thought it was the remnants of the Demon Cult playing and wanted to arrest them.

In order to prevent Xin Guoliang and others from harassing his mother-in-law, Linghu Chong tried his best to deal with Xin Guoliang and others, and finally drove away Xin Guoliang and others, but his own injuries became more serious.

Later, Linghu Chong said goodbye to his mother-in-law and thanked her for helping him calm down with the sound of the piano.

The mother-in-law said that Linghu Chong had just risked his life to fight against a powerful enemy so that she would not be humiliated as a disciple, so she should be grateful to Linghu Chong.

Afterwards, Linghu Chong asked his mother-in-law where she was going. Said he was willing to escort him for a ride.

The mother-in-law said that she had a powerful enemy who came to Luoyang's Luzhu Lane to embarrass her. Now that she had taken refuge here, her enemy was afraid that he would follow her again, so she wanted to find a hidden place to hide temporarily.

After hearing this, Linghu Chong said that no matter where his mother-in-law wanted to go, he would escort her there. No matter the end of the world, as long as he was not dead, he would definitely escort her there.

The mother-in-law was happy, but she asked Linghu Chong to give her one condition, that is, no matter what the circumstances, he was not allowed to look at her, not to look at her face, not to look at her body, limbs, or her clothes. Shoes and socks, not even her back can be seen.

If Linghu Chong couldn't do it, then she wouldn't want him to escort her.

Although Linghu Chong was muttering in his mind, why would his mother-in-law have such a request? But he still agreed.

In this way, with Linghu Chong in front and her mother-in-law behind, they walked towards the foot of the post.

Linghu Chong was muttering in his heart, and all the book fans were also muttering that this mother-in-law's requirements were too harsh and weird.

People kindly want to escort you, but you let them not see anything. Isn't this nonsense?

"However, in this case, this mother-in-law is indeed a bit weird." Many book fans thought so in their hearts.

"Could it be,

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Is she really not that old? The reason why she made such a weird and harsh request was to prevent Linghu Chong from knowing that she was young? Could it be that the guesses of a few people were correct? ” Such murmurings appeared in many people’s hearts again.

The mother-in-law made such weird and harsh demands that they had to start muttering.

So, will Linghu Chong really never look at his mother-in-law?

If for various reasons, Linghu saw her mother-in-law without being allowed to.

So, the identity of this mysterious mother-in-law should be revealed, right?

In this way, the questions that everyone has been speculating about before should have answers.

Everyone is more energetic and full of expectations for the answers that may be revealed next!

Linghu Chong and his mother-in-law left their posts one after another. After walking for a while, they met dozens of people from the world.

These people had all been to Wu Ba Gang before, and Linghu Chong was familiar with them. Just as he was about to say hello, he found that the dozens of people were all looking behind him and trembling.

Linghu Chong didn't understand why at first, but then he realized that those people must be very afraid of the mother-in-law behind him.

What's happening here? Is the identity of the mother-in-law very scary?

Linghu Chong thought so in his heart, and all the book fans also thought so in their hearts.

Next, three of the dozens of people immediately blinded their eyes and said that they had been blind before and could not see anything.

The others seemed to be similarly trying to blind themselves.

Linghu Chong was shocked and quickly asked his mother-in-law to stop them from doing this.

The mother-in-law agreed, saying that there was a Panlong Island in the East China Sea, and she asked those people to go and play on the island, and then return to the Central Plains after seven or eight years.

Those who heard this were overjoyed and ran away in an instant.

Linghu Chong was horrified, thinking that his mother-in-law would send them to a deserted island in the East China Sea with just one sentence, and they would not be allowed to come back for seven or eight years. Instead, those people were overjoyed, as if they had received amnesty. Could it be that my mother-in-law is a big demon to be feared?

Linghu Chong shuddered, and all the book fans said "Sure enough."

The identity of that mother-in-law is indeed not simple.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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