Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1893 Three and a half people who admire and don’t admire

Remember in one second【】

With the continuous serialization, the stories discovered by everyone are becoming more and more exciting. Gu Yong's final work still maintains its previous peak level.

In terms of writing and narration, it is even more fluent than the previous peak level.

The higher the standard of this work, the more the outside world feels regretful and regretful that Gu Yong has stopped writing martial arts novels.

They absolutely believe that Gu Yong can continue to create works of this peak level, but it is a pity that Gu Yong does not plan to create anymore.

This is indeed quite regrettable.

As everyone said before, maybe this is the world of genius.

The world of geniuses and the world of ordinary people are always different.

Fortunately, all the wonderful things now can make everyone forget regrets for the time being, and their hearts are throbbing just for the wonderful things.

During the serialization process, the outside world has always been hotly discussed.

And with Ren Woxing's appearance, Linghu Chong learned the star-absorbing ** and recovered from his injury, and the heated discussion outside became more and more intense.

I am also looking forward to the next story more and more!

And the story continues.

Ren Woxing, Xiang Wentian, and Linghu Chong were drinking in Meizhuang. After solving various mysteries, Ren Woxing wanted Linghu Chong to join the Sun Moon God Sect and let him serve as the Right Envoy of Light.

He also said that after mastering the star-absorbing magic, there would be some troubles. If Linghu Chong joins the Sun Moon God Sect, he will teach Linghu Chong how to resolve it.

However, Linghu Chong had no intention of joining the Sun Moon God Sect, so he said goodbye to the two of them and left.

After leaving, he met an officer named Wu Tiande, who showed off his power and beat and scolded ordinary people at will.

Linghu Chong was very angry after seeing this. He tied up the officer in a remote place, took off his clothes and put them on himself. Then he followed the officer's example and rode through the city "showing off his power".

This section makes book fans burst into laughter.

Linghu Chong disguised himself as an officer and went all the way to Xianxia Ridge. He accidentally discovered that someone from the Demon Cult was ambushing him here.

At this moment, Master Dingjing of the Hengshan Sect led a group of Hengshan Sect disciples to come here.

Yilin is also among them.

A disciple of the Hengshan Sect was ambushed and saw that he was defeated by the demon sect, so Linghu Chong came to the rescue.

The process of rescuing people also made book fans burst into laughter. Linghu Chong, who was pretending to be an officer, looked very pusy on the outside. He seemed to be fighting randomly, but he was always able to defeat the enemy.

All the disciples of the Hengshan Sect were surprised at Linghu Chong's good luck. Only Master Dingjing saw the clues and knew that the man's martial arts was actually very high, and he went out of his way to save him.

Master Dingjing thanked Linghu Chong, and Linghu Chong was also polite and thoughtful, and then walked away swaggeringly.

Later, when they arrived at Erbapu, the Hengshan sect was ambushed again and all the female disciples were kidnapped. Linghu Chong came to help again and rescued a group of female disciples with Master Dingjing. However, Master Dingjing was plotted and her fate was at stake. Day and night.

Before she died, Master Dingjing learned of Linghu Chong's true identity and entrusted Linghu Chong to escort his disciples to Shuiyue Temple in Fujian.

Linghu Chong followed his instructions and sent a group of disciples of the Hengshan Sect to Shuiyue Temple. After settling in, he went to the Fuwei Escort Bureau to look for teachers. He saw Yue Lingshan and Lin Pingzhi looking for evil sword manuals in the Escort Bureau. They were knocked down by two masked men. He found a red cassock and came out over the wall.

Linghu Chong chased after them, killed the two men, and took back the cassock. Because there were writings on it, it must be a sword manual to ward off evil spirits. He was eager to submit it to Yue Buqun, but he finally fainted outside the escort agency with his injuries.

After Linghu Chong regained consciousness, he was relieved to see his master, parents and brothers. However, the cassock was gone. Yue Buqun falsely accused him of stealing the anti-evil sword manual, stabbed Lin Pingzhi, and killed his junior brother Ying Baoluo.

Linghu Li confessed his injustice and was not forgiven. He almost died at the hands of Bu Qun. He escaped from the escort agency with the help of his master's mother.

Later, the disciples of Hengshan received a letter from the master Dingxian from the carrier pigeon and asked for help. Linghu Chong led his troops to the Sword Forging Valley and rescued the two masters Dingxian and Dingyi, but both of them were injured.

After interrogating the prisoners, it was learned that the repeated ambush of Hengshan disciples and the death of Master Dingjing were all caused by the Songshan sect pretending to be a demonic sect. He wanted to coerce the Hengshan sect into obeying its orders and then annex the three sects of Huashan, Hengshan and Taishan.

Linghu Chong escorted the disciples of Hengshan to return to Beiyue by boat. On the way home, the boat went to Xiakou. Linghu went ashore to drink and met Mr. Mo Da, the head of Hengshan.

Mo Da told Linghu Chong that Yingying's name was Ren Yingying, and she was the daughter of Wo Xing, the former director of the Demon Sect. In order to save Linghu's injury that day, Ren Yingying rushed into the Shaolin Temple alone with Linghu on her back. She was willing to sacrifice her life and beg Master Fangzheng to save Linghu's life. She is still in the Shaolin Temple to this day.

After hearing this, Linghu Chong felt as if he had just woken up from a dream, only to realize that the heroes who asked for medical treatment and medicine were ordered by Ren Yingying and vowed to rescue him from the Shaolin Temple.

Afterwards, Linghu Chong begged Mo Da to escort the Hengshan disciples, and he went to Shaolin alone. After learning about it, the Jianghu Zuo Dao gang also formed a team to go to Shaolin with Linghu Chong.

At this time, a group of book fans finally learned Yingying's true identity. It turned out that her name was Ren Yingying, and she was Ren Woxing's daughter.

In this case, all the previous explanations will be explained.

Also, since Ren Yingying is Ren Woxing's daughter, and Ren Yingying is now the holy aunt of the Sun Moon God Sect, it can be seen that although Dongfang Bubai usurped the position of Ren Woxing's leader, he still has some nostalgia for Ren Woxing Emotional.

Otherwise, Ren Woxing's daughter would not be allowed to serve as a holy aunt in the church.

Of course, it is also possible that Dongfang Bubai made it for other people in the sect to see, so that no one would suspect that his position as leader was usurped.

However, Dongfang Bubai could clearly kill Ren Woxing, but he did not kill him, but only imprisoned him.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Meizhuang Lake Bottom should be able to prove that he does still have some old feelings for Ren Woxing.

In any case, book fans are becoming more and more interested in Dongfang Bubai.

However, Dongfang Invincible has not officially appeared yet.

After going round and round, the story is still continuing to be serialized, and the next plot has once again made book fans extremely excited.

In addition to being excited, book fans discovered that Guyong had left another mystery for them.

Linghu Chong went to the Shaolin Temple, and after that, many things happened in the Shaolin Temple.

Master Dingxian and Master Dingyi were plotted against each other. Master Dingyi died, and Master Dingxian was also dying. Linghu Chong arrived, and Master Dingxian left his last words, asking Linghu Chong to take over as the head of the Hengshan Sect.

Later, Master Fang Zheng, the leader of Shaolin, Taoist Master Chongxu, the leader of Wudang, Yue Buqun, Zuo Lengchan, Mo Da, Yu Canghai, Jie Feng, Ren Woxing, Xiang Wentian, Ren Yingying and others gathered in Shaolin .

There were a series of conflicts between the two sides. Afterwards, Master Fang Zheng wanted Ren Woxing and the others to stay in Shaolin, saying, "As long as Mr. Ren comes back, the world will be troubled. I am afraid that countless lives will be injured at the hands of Mr. Ren. I have this intention." Qu left the three of them hanging around our temple, chanting sutras and worshiping the Buddha, so that peace can be achieved in the world. What do you think?"

After listening to this, Ren Woxing had another exchange with Fang Zhengzi. In the end, Ren Woxing said, "Among the masters in this world, I admire very few in my heart. I only count three and a half. The great monk can be counted." It’s one person. There are three and a half, which I don’t admire.”

Ren Woxing's words immediately made the eyes of book fans brighten.

In today's world, there are only three and a half people that Ren Woxing can admire, and there are only three and a half people that Ren Woxing can't admire.

Now, Master Fang Zheng is one of the three and a half people whom Ren Woxing admires.

So, who are the remaining two and a half?

Also, who are the three and a half people that Ren Woxing doesn’t admire?

The book fans are very interested and can’t wait to know the answer.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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