Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1895 Ranked 2nd

Remember in one second【】

The mood of all the book fans can be described as extremely depressed now. bookmark our website

There are three and a half people who are not worthy of letting me go. After Guyong only said Zuo Lengchan, there was nothing more.

Who are the remaining two and a half people? There is no explanation at all in the book.

Guyong definitely did it on purpose.

The hearts of many book fans have been lifted up. If they don't know the answer, it will be difficult for them to let go and they will be extremely uncomfortable.

But they are destined not to know the answer, so won't their hearts have to be hung high all the time?

Guyong is really too kind.

On the Internet, a wave of voices "crusade" Gu Yong quickly arose.

"Oh no! Gu Yong is so unkind. He definitely didn't explain it on purpose."

"He must have deliberately not explained it. Mr. Gu Yong is preparing to leave the answer to our own guesses."

"We can indeed make our own guesses, but we are not sure what the correct answer is? I still can't let go of my worries!"

"But there is no other way now. According to Guyong's style, no matter how we protest, he will definitely not give an answer. Now we can only rely on our own guesses."

"This is indeed quite depressing, but if you think about it from another angle, it seems quite interesting for us to guess who the remaining two and a half people are."

"That's true. If we guess it ourselves, it will indeed be very interesting. Moreover, we are not the only ones who can guess. I believe that those martial arts authors, celebrities, and many people from all walks of life will definitely speculate."

"Oh no! When you said that, I suddenly felt that it was quite good for Gu Yong not to give an answer. In this way, people from all walks of life have speculated, who are the remaining two and a half people? Then it will be lively again.”

"Yes, it's become lively again. Now I'm very interested in the guesses of those celebrities. I don't know who they will guess?"

"Hey! I'm also very interested in this. So, let's wait and see. I think we won't wait too long."

"You're right,

Let us wait and see! "


Times Literary Award Jury Office.

After Yang Qiming sighed for a long time, he said: "Gu Yong is really unkind this time. Who are the remaining two and a half people? I didn't say it on purpose. This really makes people feel very itchy. I don't know. Who are the remaining two and a half people? It’s really quite uncomfortable.”

Li Bo also sighed and said: "It is indeed uncomfortable. However, we also understand Gu Yong's intention of deliberately arranging this. Lao Yang, who do you think the remaining two and a half people will be?"

Yang Qiming pondered: "I just analyzed and studied it carefully, and I do have my own answer. However, my answer may not be the standard answer. Other people may have different opinions."

Lipa said: "Everyone has their own different opinions, which is normal. This time, it will be lively again."

Yang Qiming smiled after hearing this and said: "Although it is uncomfortable not knowing who the remaining two and a half people are, it seems quite good that all walks of life can have a good time about it."

Li Bo also smiled and said, "That's true."

Great Martial Arts Magazine.

Wang Yang asked Jianyi Shen: "Xiao Tang, in your opinion, who should the remaining two and a half people be?"

Jian Yishen said: "Editor-in-Chief, I have been thinking about this question just now. I do have the answer and am about to publish it on Weibo to share it with the outside world."

Wang Yang smiled and said: "You should indeed do this. This time the topic of who the remaining two and a half people are will be very lively again, and everyone from all walks of life will pay attention. You should indeed take advantage of it. However, you Don't just name them, but also your own analysis. Why are those two and a half people the two and a half people that I don't admire? Only if your reasons are sufficient and persuasive enough, Only then will you be recognized by book fans and the outside world. Only when they recognize it will the popularity of your answer be high, and you can truly achieve the goal of taking advantage of the popularity.”

Jian Yishen nodded and said: "I understand, editor-in-chief."

Many celebrities and martial arts authors have made their own analyzes and guesses about who the three and a half people I admire are. Except for Zuo Lengchan, who are the remaining two and a half people?

And book fans have been waiting for a long time.

Yang Qiming wrote on Weibo: "Everyone already knows the three and a half people that Ren Woxing admires, namely Dongfang Bubai, Master Fang Zheng, Feng Qingyang, and Taoist Chongxu. As for not admiring After three and a half people, just after talking about Zuo Lengchan, who was ranked first, he was interrupted by Zuo Lengchan.

So, who are the remaining two and a half people? Ren Woxing did not say it out loud.

Ren Woxing didn't tell us the answer, so we naturally have no way of knowing. This is undoubtedly a very uncomfortable thing.

So, we might as well analyze it, who are the remaining two and a half people who Ren Woxing doesn't admire?

First of all, we can be sure that if you don't want to be admired by Ren Woxing, you must first have very high martial arts. As evidenced by Ren Woxing's original words, "If you practice martial arts hard for another thirty years, you may be able to make me not admire you." . ’

It can be seen from this that no matter who I admire, my martial arts must be very high.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Of course, you don’t have to be a top master like Master Fang Zheng.

His martial arts skills are not outstanding, but if he can meet Ren Woxing's taste in dealing with people, he still has a chance to be selected.

Therefore, we can list a few candidates.

They are: Linghu Chong, Xiang Wentian, Yue Buqun, Yu Canghai, Mrs. Yue Ning Zhongze, and Ren Yingying.

Don't be surprised, everyone, why I also included Linghu Chong on the candidate list?

In fact, in my opinion, the second most admired person by Ren Woxing is Linghu Chong.

First of all, Linghu Chong's martial arts are extremely high. The Dugu Nine Swords have mastered Feng Qingyang's true inheritance, and now he has mastered the star-absorbing sword. In addition, Linghu Chong has extremely deep internal strength and extremely high understanding. In the near future, he will definitely become The best master in the world.

Therefore, Ren Woxing should have great admiration for Linghu Chong's martial arts.

But Linghu Chong's behavior style was very unsuitable for Ren Woxing. Linghu Chong was always unclear about the so-called distinction between good and evil. He was hesitant in doing things and had too many things that he could not afford to let go of. He definitely did not look like a person who wanted to do big things. Moreover, he has no interest at all in the position of leader of the Sun and Moon God Sect. This is something that Ren Wuxing looks down on and extremely disdains.

Therefore, on the one hand, Ren Woxing admired Linghu Chong's martial arts very much, but on the other hand, he did not admire Linghu Chong's style of conduct.

So to sum up, Linghu Chong is definitely one of the people Ren Woxing doesn't admire, and he ranks second.


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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