Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1912 Concept Indoctrination

Remember in one second【】

Li Fan and the other three arrived at the president's office. After greeting each other, they spent some time in a leisurely manner, and then got down to business.

Liang Yuan said: "Boss, you are going to launch a new website. What is this website mainly used for?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "Specially used for serialized novels."

Liang Yuan and Gu Wei looked at each other and thought, "It is indeed so."

After that, Liang Yuan said again: "Is the boss's next brand-new work planned to be serialized on the Internet? But didn't the boss always serialize it on Weibo before? Why should he launch a dedicated website for serialization this time? Already?"

Li Fandao: "The previous serialization on Weibo was just my attempt to test the possibility of serializing novels on the Internet and the acceptance of book fans. Now the attempt has produced results, and book fans are very willing to accept it. , and also felt the benefits of reading novels on the Internet. Then, it is time to implement the next plan. After all, using Weibo as a serial carrier is not a long-term solution."

"Implement the next plan?" Liang Yuan and Gu Wei were both thinking.

Gu Wei said: "The next plan that the boss mentioned is to launch a website specifically for serialized novels, and then serialize the boss's works on this website?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "That's right."

Liang Yuan pondered for a moment and said: "Boss, there is certainly no problem in launching a website specifically to serialize novels. But will this be a waste of resources? Moreover, launching a website specifically to serialize novels does not seem to make much sense. .”

Li Fan smiled slightly. He was not surprised that Liang Yuan would say this. In fact, anyone who heard that he was going to launch a website specifically to serialize novels would think so.

It might indeed be a waste of resources to just serialize his novels, but Li Fan's purpose of launching the website is not just to serialize his own works.

He said: "President and editor-in-chief, the reason why I want to launch such a website is not just to serialize my personal works, but to provide such a platform. In the future, there will be other authors on our platform. on, serializing his own works.”

"I see." Liang Yuan and Gu Wei are both quick-thinking people. When Li Fan said this, they understood.

However, there are still many things they do not understand.

Liang Yuan said again: "Boss,

As a platform, the idea is excellent. If the novel is serialized on the Internet, the author does not receive royalties. Without royalties, would any author really choose to serialize novels on our platform? After all, the vast majority of authors only receive royalties from their creative works. "

Li Fan smiled and said: "I used to serialize novels on Weibo, and it was true that they were all free, but this does not mean that serializing novels on the Internet is free. In the future, after our website is officially launched, the novels serialized on it will be There is a fee. If book fans want to read novels, they need to pay. Of course, each novel will have a certain number of words in front of it for fans to read for free. After reaching a certain number of words, they need to pay to read.

Book fans can choose whether to continue paying for reading based on the number of free words. The fees paid by book fans to read the book will be shared between our website and the author according to a certain ratio. In this way, not only will the website gain income, but the authors will also receive royalties. Of course, this does not mean that as long as a work is serialized on our website, there will definitely be royalties. It also depends on the quality of the work. If the quality of the work is not good and no fans are willing to pay to read it, then the author will naturally have no royalties. "

"Book fans need to pay to read?" Li Fan's words contained a lot of information, and Liang Yuan and Gu Wei needed to digest it.

Li Fan did not disturb the two of them, but let them think slowly.

After a while, Liang Yuan said: "Readers should pay to read, just like readers now need to pay to buy newspapers and magazines that serialize novels. The key issue is the cost that readers need to pay when reading books. How much is it? If it is more, readers will definitely not be willing to pay to read. If it is less, the income of the website and the author cannot be guaranteed."

Li Fan glanced at Liang Yuan approvingly. This was indeed the crux of the problem and said, "The president is right. This is indeed the crux of the problem. For us, this is very important. It's just that we There is no need to discuss it now, it can be discussed later.”

Liang Yuan nodded. It was indeed a little early to discuss this issue. After thinking about it, he said, "Boss, how many authors do you think will serialize their works on our platform?"

Li Fandao: "There may not be many in the early stage, but as the website continues to develop, the number of authors will definitely not be small. Hundreds of thousands, millions, or tens of millions are all possible."

Li Fan's words are not an exaggeration. There are far more people in this world than in previous lives. With the emergence of the prosperous era of online literature, the number of online novel authors will naturally be greater than in previous lives.

Of course, although there are many online authors, only a few can make money. For most online authors, there is no reward for their efforts.

This is something that people can't do anything about.

"Hundreds of thousands? Millions? Tens of millions? So many?" Liang Yuan and Gu Wei were shocked. Would there really be so many authors serializing their works on their platform?

To be honest, they didn't believe it, but it was Li Fan who said it, and they had to believe it.

They knew that Li Fan's insight and vision were far beyond what they could compare with. Since Li Fan said this, it must be the fact.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

After sighing a few words, Gu Wei said: "By the way, boss, what is the name of our website platform?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "Qidian Chinese website."

"The starting point?" Liang Yuan and Gu Wei nodded. The serialized novels in the Internet Mountain are indeed just the starting point. This name is indeed the most suitable.

Afterwards, Liang Yuan and Gu Wei asked some more questions, and Li Fan answered them all one by one.

Finally, several people left the president's office. In the former network management department, the magazine had several professional website writers with strong technical skills. Li Fan did not need to find someone outside to make the website.

When he arrived at the network management department, Gu Wei explained the situation to several website writers. After they learned that they were going to write a website for their boss, they all seemed very excited and nervous at the same time.

If the website they write doesn't meet the boss's requirements, how can they have the courage to stay at the magazine?

Li Fan smiled and told them not to be nervous, and then explained and discussed with them how the website should be designed, what functions it needed, etc.

Several people listened attentively, not daring to be distracted in the slightest.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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