Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1922 Expand a new world

Remember in one second【】

The page jumped to the serialization page of "Zhu Xian", but book fans were not in a hurry to click on the first chapter of the text.

First, because at this time, book fans are reluctant to click on the text immediately.

Secondly, they are very interested in the serial page itself and are looking here and there with great interest.

In the upper left corner, you can see a cover of "Zhu Xian". There are three characters on the cover, a young man and two beautiful women.

The young man had serious eyes and a resolute expression, and he was holding a strange weapon.

Two beautiful women, one dressed in white and the other in green.

The woman in white has an unparalleled appearance, pure and refined. She is dressed in white like snow and holds a long sword. She is like a fairy from the Nine Heavens falling into the mortal world. Her eyes are a little cold, making people seem to feel a hint of chill.

The woman in green clothes is equally stunning, but not as cold as the woman in white clothes. Instead, she has a sweet and gentle smile that makes people feel like they are bathing in the spring breeze.

Countless people looked at the two women, one white and one green, and couldn't help but feel a little crazy.

Then, everyone was thinking, who could these three people on the cover be?

The answer is not difficult to guess. The young man should be the protagonist of the work, and the two beautiful women should be the heroines.

It's possible that one of them is the heroine, or both are heroines.

After staring at the cover for a while, he looked away.

On the right side of the cover is the name of the work, as well as the author's name and other information.

Then there are also functions such as word count statistics, click statistics, and recommendation vote statistics.

Everyone can see it, and the word count shows: 10,300 words.

This should mean that Gu Yong has uploaded 10,300 words for the work "Zhu Xian".

Although there are not many words, it can be read for a while, and everyone seems excited.

There are three buttons below: "Start Reading", "Add to Bookshelf", and "Vote and Interact".

Many people tried clicking "Add to Bookshelf", but the system prompted that they needed to register and log in first.

Only then can the work be added to the bookshelf.

Then, I clicked the "Vote Interaction" button again, and the same message showed that I needed to log in first before I could interact with the vote.

So that's it. Everyone nodded secretly. They need to register and log in before they can use these functions. They naturally understand.

On the upper right side of the home page, there are buttons related to registration and login.

In the previous hour, some people have registered and some have not yet registered.

Now, those who have not registered yet are returning to the home page and starting to register accounts.

Registration does not take too long. After the registration is completed, return to the serialization page of "Zhu Xian".

Click the "Add to Bookshelf" button again, and this time the system prompts that the work has been successfully added to the bookshelf.

The book fans were delighted and clicked the "Vote Interaction" button again, only to find that there was already a recommendation vote on the account they had just registered.

Recommendation vote?

At this time, book fans somewhat understood that they could vote for the works.

I also somewhat understand what the "Weekly Recommended Votes" column on the home page means?

However, this is a website where Gu Yong specializes in serializing his new genre works, and there is only one "Zhu Xian" at the moment. Is this recommendation vote meaningful?

The fans of the book are muttering in their hearts.

However, after muttering, the book fans still voted for a recommendation vote in their accounts. This thing is free anyway, why not vote?

Moreover, after voting today, there will be a new recommendation vote tomorrow.

Next to the page for voting for recommendations, there is an explanation about voting for recommendations, and all the book fans clicked on it.

After reading it, everyone understood that it turns out that the system provides free recommendation tickets every day, and newly registered accounts will receive one recommendation ticket every day.

In the future, as the account continues to be upgraded, the number of recommendation tickets given out by the system every day will also increase accordingly.

In addition, recommendation votes cannot be stacked. In other words, if the recommendation votes given by the system today are not voted out, they will be wasted.

Although everyone still doesn't understand, what is the significance of Gu Yong's introduction of such a recommendation vote system? But everyone still voted with great joy.

Moreover, everyone also found that the system also displays the number of recommendation votes cast.

Every time it is refreshed, the number of recommended votes changes, 10,000...100,000...500,000...

After refreshing it several times, everyone was too lazy to refresh it again because there were too many.

After casting my recommendation vote, I continued reading below.

There are also functions such as "work information", "catalogue", and "work discussion" below.

Book fans' eyes lit up when they saw the "work discussion" function. With this function, they can discuss the work "Zhu Xian" here in the future.

They love this feature!

Further down, there are a series of functions such as "Honor Updates", "Latest Updates", "Fan Interaction" and so on.

Everyone was amazed as they watched, although they didn't fully understand yet, what are the uses of these functions? But this does not hinder the joy in their hearts.

I read and reread the serial pages of "Zhu Xian". The more everyone read, the more they liked it, and the more they read, the happier they became.

Let’s not talk about anything else. First of all, this sensory body

^0^ Remember in one second【】

The experience is far from being comparable to serializing novels on Weibo.

It can be said that after reading the current serial page, no one is willing to go back to Weibo to read serial novels.

There is absolutely no variability between the two.

Everyone previously thought that Guyong's new website to serialize novels was no different from serializing novels on Weibo. It was even faster and more convenient to serialize novels on Weibo.

But now, no one thinks so anymore.

I read the serial page back and forth several times, clicking on each function regardless of whether I understood it or not. After struggling for a long time, everyone finally clicked on the table of contents.

They were about to officially appreciate the main text, and the previous ones were just a warm-up for their excitement.

The first chapter is the prologue, and then there are five chapters.

The first thing to click on is naturally the prologue.

"Time: Unknown, it should be very, very long ago.

Location: The vast land of China.

Heaven and earth are unkind and regard all things as stupid dogs!


It turns out that the prologue is the text that Gu Yong previously posted on Weibo.

However, although everyone has read the prologue on Guyong’s Weibo in advance, no one chose to skip the prologue.

They still read down slowly word by word.

Watching it now, I have many different feelings from when I watched it on Guyong’s Weibo.

After reading the prologue, everyone took a deep breath before clicking on the first chapter.

“The Qingyun Mountains are towering and towering, with tigers dominating the Central Plains. There are great rivers and floods in the shadows of the mountains. Shanyang is the important town of Heyang City, which controls the throat of the world. The geographical location is very important.

Qingyun Mountain stretches for hundreds of miles, with undulating peaks, the highest of which is seven peaks, towering into the clouds. On weekdays, only white clouds surround the mountainside, and the true appearance of the top of the mountain is unknown. Qingyun Mountain is famous all over the world for its dense forests, waterfalls, strange rocks, and many rare birds and animals. The scenery is dangerous and steep.

But the more famous one is the cultivation sect on this mountain - Qingyun Sect.


The story begins with the history and overview of Qingyun Sect. This section of the story opens up a prelude to the ethereal and boundless world of cultivation for everyone.

Everyone just felt that a strange and vast new world was slowly unfolding before their eyes.


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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