Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1925 The market is developing

Remember in one second【】

Jian Yishen frowned, is this really possible? Are there really other authors willing to serialize their works on

After a while, Jian Yishen said: "Editor-in-Chief, as we said before, serializing novels on the Internet is completely free. It was on Weibo before, and it should be the same on Only people like Li Fan, Only people like Gu Yong who don't care about royalties dare to serialize novels on the Internet, right? For most other authors, their only source of income is royalties. Without financial income, how could they be willing? "

Wang Yang said: "To solve this problem, it is actually very simple, that is, charging. In other words, the works on the Qidian Chinese website do not need to be provided to readers for free, but a charging system will be adopted. Readers need to pay to be able to read them. Read the works on the website. In this way, for those authors, they have a source of royalties.”

"Paid reading?" Jian Yishen was surprised again. Can this be done? This seems unrealistic. It is estimated that few readers will be willing to pay to read it.

He said: "Editor-in-Chief, this seems unrealistic. Are there any readers willing to pay to read it?"

Wang Yang said: "In fact, all the novels serialized in newspapers and magazines that readers read now are not free. They need to spend money to buy each issue of newspapers, magazines and newspapers. Paying to read on the Internet, The truth is the same. Of course, the price must be reasonable. If it is too expensive, no one will pay to read it. This is the key to the problem. "

Hearing what Wang Yang said, Jian Yishen had to admit that what Wang Yang said was indeed reasonable. The novels serialized in newspapers and magazines are not free for readers.

Although the novels serialized by Gu Yong and Li Fan on Weibo were completely free before, this does not mean that serializing novels on the Internet must be completely free.

Moreover, Gu Yong seems to have never said that serializing novels on the Internet is free.

Before, everyone just subconsciously believed that serializing novels on the Internet was free.

Is it really as Wang Yang speculated? is a platform created by Guyong specifically for serializing novels on the Internet? Will the charging mode be launched in the future? If readers want to read the works serialized on the website, do they need to pay to read them?

And this is the real purpose of Gu Yong launching the Qidian Chinese website.

Is this really possible?

Jian Yishen frowned slightly.

In your mind, how likely is this to be?

Soon, he thought of another question and said: "Editor-in-Chief, if this is the case, then the 'Writer Zone' on the homepage of the website should be able to register as a writer. However, I tried it, but I couldn't register as a writer at all. .”

Wang Yang said: "It is true that registration is not yet available, but this does not explain the problem. This should be because Gu Yong has not yet opened the writer registration function. In fact, the functions of may not be the only ones we see now. If my guess is correct, Guyong should gradually open up more functions.”

Jian Yishen had to nod his head, the possibility of what Wang Yang said was indeed very high.

Then, continue to think in your mind.

Suddenly, Jian Yishen's expression changed. He thought of a problem that seemed to have very serious consequences. He said: "Editor-in-chief, if it is true as you said, Gu Yong's Qidian Chinese website has become a platform dedicated to serializing novels on the Internet. Many authors will choose to serialize novels on it, and readers will also choose to pay to read it. This will probably have a big impact on the sales of our magazine.”

Wang Yang sighed softly and said: "This is exactly what I am worried about. However, we don't need to worry too much. If that is the case, it will definitely affect us, but the impact will not be that big. After all, our Authors, market channels, readers' reading habits, etc. are all very mature, so the impact will be relatively small, and the impact on magazine sales will not be huge. Moreover, martial arts novels may not include existing novels in these categories. It is suitable for serialization on the Internet, and authors will not try it easily. However, after enough time, it may be difficult to say that the times are moving forward. "

After hearing this, Jian Yishen thought carefully, nodded slowly, and said: "What the editor means is that novels suitable for serialization on the Internet should be fairy novels like "Zhu Xian"? Then, Does Gu Yong intend to attract some authors to also create fairy tale novels and then choose to serialize them on Qidian Chinese website? Moreover, as time goes by, this kind of fairy tale novels will become one of the mainstream novels. It has had an impact on the physical novel market.”

Wang Yang nodded and said: "Xiao Tang, that is indeed what you mean. However, what you said is not complete. The novels suitable for serialization on the Internet may not only be of the Xianxia type. In the 'Works Category' on the homepage of the website 'There will obviously be many other types of classifications. I think that Gu Yong will gradually complete those classifications and they are also suitable for serialization on the Internet. I am afraid that he will do something this time. Big deal!”

Jian Yishen was shocked. If it is true as Wang Yang said, then Gu Yong will launch new novels of different types in sequence.

This... this is too scary, right?

One Xianxia is already shocking. If there are several more categories, how shocking will it be?

Jian Yishen couldn't imagine it. Gu Yong was really terrible!

After a while,

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Jian Yishen said again: "Editor-in-Chief, when that time comes, what should our magazine do?"

Wang Yang smiled and said: "Don't worry about this. What we just said are just our guesses. Even if our guesses are indeed facts, it will take a long time for Gu Yong to realize them step by step. Even if that time comes, it doesn’t matter. Times are changing, and our magazine will naturally need to make changes with the times. As long as we can keep up with the development of the market, we will not be eliminated by the market.”

Jian Yishen also laughed after hearing this. Indeed, as long as he can follow the development of the market, he will not be eliminated by the market.

If you cannot keep up with the development of the market, you will naturally be brutally eliminated by the market.

This is true for magazines, and it is also true for martial arts writers like them.

He doesn't need to worry about the magazine's affairs. What he needs to worry about is his future development. He doesn't have the creativity of Gu Yong, but he can stand on the shoulders of giants.

Guyong had previously supported the martial arts world for them.

Now, maybe a new sky will be built for them.

Jian Yishen was thoughtful.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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