Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1932 Beautiful

Remember in one second【】

The book fans sighed softly, their previous guesses were indeed correct.

This woman with a sweet smile indeed has a painful memory hidden deep in her heart.

At this time, Baguio is weak and helpless, which makes people feel endless pity.

At this time, book fans only hope that from now on, Zhang Xiaofan can protect Baguio well and not let Baguio be so helpless again.

There is also Lu Xueqi. Book fans think of Lu Xueqi again. Lu Xueqi also needs someone to protect her when she is weak.

Fans also hope that Zhang Xiaofan can protect these two people at the same time in the future.

They believe that Zhang Xiaofan definitely has this ability. He is the supreme magic weapon of both Taoism and Buddhism, and he also has a magic weapon made from the fusion of two of the most dangerous things in the world. Now he has obtained a mysterious volume of the heavenly book.

In the future, Zhang Xiaofan's strength will reach the highest level, and book fans have no doubt about this.

Now, book fans will turn their attention to the Blood Cave again.

Baguio finally woke up after being in a coma for a long time, and Zhang Xiaofan untied Baguio's heart knot.

Perhaps it was because during this period, the scene of the two relying on each other for life and death in the Blood Cave moved God. When Baguio woke up, they finally found a way out.

The two finally left the Blood Cave, and the feeling of surviving the disaster made them both very happy.

Zhang Xiaofan roasted a rabbit and shared it with Baguio.

After eating the rabbit meat, Baguio snuggled next to Zhang Xiaofan, with a faint smile, and fell asleep peacefully.

This is a very beautiful picture.

Fans of the book are very happy, and they hope to see such scenes more often from now on.

But, it seems a bit difficult.

Because the next morning, after the two woke up, Zhang Xiaofan told Baguio that he was the righteous way, and Baguio was the devil's sect, and there was no coexistence between good and evil.

From now on, they must be separated, and they will be enemies the next time they meet.

Baguio felt a little sad. At this time, she actually had feelings for Zhang Xiaofan, but Zhang Xiaofan's concept of the opposition between good and evil was very firm.

They can only separate.

Zhang Xiaofan left, but he still left resolutely.

Baguio sat alone in a daze, next to the pile of ashes where Zhang Xiaofan barbecued rabbits last night, with tears in his eyes.

This makes book fans feel a pain in their hearts. They know that Baguio needs care at this time.

However, the man Baguio most wanted to appear next to him at this moment had just left, and left without looking back.

The man still didn't understand the charm.

The book fans sighed, in fact, Zhang Xiaofan can't be blamed for this.

After all, there is nothing wrong with the concept that good and evil are not mutually exclusive.

Justice and evil are originally opposed to each other and will always be opposed to each other. Evil must be eliminated by justice.

However, the opposition between justice and evil does not necessarily mean that the relationship between decent people and people in the devil's religion must be antagonistic.

There may be evil in the righteous, and there may be justice in the devil's religion.

Although Baguio is a member of the Demonic Cult, he does not represent evil in itself. There is no need for Zhang Xiaofan to regard Baguio as an antagonist.

Book fans know this very clearly, but it is a pity that Zhang Xiaofan cannot hear the voices of book fans. He classifies Baguio into the "evil" side.

That's why he took such a decisive step.

This is not Zhang Xiaofan's fault, and certainly not Baguio's fault. This is a fool of fate.

It's pity that Baguio can only sit next to the ashes at this time and cry helplessly in a low voice.

It's a heartbreaking picture.

After Zhang Xiaofan left Baguio, he walked out of the barren mountains alone. One day he drank tea in front of a small tea stall. Baguio's father, Ghost King, changed his name to "Ten Thousand People" and deliberately made friends with Zhang Xiaofan.

During this period, the Ghost King recognized Zhang Xiaofan's fire stick, which was the fusion of two most dangerous things, the blood-thirsty bead and the soul-stirring bead, and informed Zhang Xiaofan.

After Zhang Xiaofan knew the origin of his weapon, he fell into anxiety, struggle and pain about what was the right path and what was the evil path, but in the end he was firm in his determination to be on the right path.

And he realized that even if the fire stick is a demonic thing, using it to kill demons is the right way.

At the same time, Zhang Xiaofan also knew that "Ten Thousand People Go" was a pseudonym. He asked the other party's identity, but the Ghost King left without telling him.

Zhang Xiaofan was stunned for a moment and then left.

After leaving, I met an old man and a little girl. The old man had white beard and hair, and a mediocre face. He looked a bit like an immortal and a master.

However, the old man was holding a bamboo pole in his hand, with a piece of white cloth hanging on it, and the four words "immortal guides the way" written on it, which made people feel that something was wrong.

The old man said that Zhang Xiaofan was covered with dark clouds, his hall was dark, his face was lifeless, something serious was going on, and he should take a look at him.

It turned out that the old man was a fortune teller, and the book fans secretly curled their lips, thinking that Zhang Xiaofan had really met some kind of master.

It turned out to be just a fortune teller.

Just by looking at it, book fans discovered that this fortune teller did not seem to be an ordinary fortune teller.

He calls himself "Monday Immortal" and does not know Taoism, but he can often miraculously avoid danger at the critical moment. He said that those physiognomy books, "Nine Numerology" and "Yuzhu Physiology", were handed down from his ancestor Qingyunzi.

Who is Qingyunzi?

He is the founding patriarch of the Qingyun Sect. In his early years, he also walked around the world as a fortune teller.

^0^ Remember in one second【】


Is there any relationship between Zhouxian Xian and Qingyunzi?

There are still many things that make people confused about Yi Xian. The more book fans read, the more they feel that the character of Yi Xian is somewhat mysterious.

The storyline is still getting more and more exciting, with various exciting plots.

Book fans all have a feeling of being overwhelmed. They are often still feeling emotional about the previous plot, and the next plot is just around the corner.

The next plot seemed to be more exciting than the previous plot, and they had to immediately give up their emotions about the previous plot and switch to the next plot.

Before they could finish their emotion, the next plot came again. Such constant repetition was really dizzying for book fans.

Zhang Xiaofan came to a small town and got acquainted with Shitou, the only descendant of the Lord Dali, the leader of the Vajra Sect. In order to help the town get rid of the demon, the two went to the Black Rock Cave to get rid of the fox demon.

Before entering the cave, Zhang Xiaofan and Baguio met again.

After Baguio learned the purpose of Zhang Xiaofan's trip, he went with Zhang Xiaofan and Shitou to eliminate the demon.

The Demon Sect occupied Liubo Mountain in large numbers, and people from the righteous path came here one after another to stop the Demon Sect.

On Liubo Mountain, Zhang Xiaofan saw Tian Linger holding Qi Hao's hand. His heart, which had been eroded by the anger of the fire stick day and night, suddenly became violent and wanted to kill his senior brother Song Daren.

After waking up, Tian Buyi punished him by kneeling in the rainy night.

Lu Xueqi and Baguio came to visit Zhang Xiaofan.

Lu Xueqi accompanied Zhang Xiaofan to share the wind and rain, and her whole body was soaked. Zhang Xiaofan was in a daze and couldn't believe it, thinking it was an illusion.

Baguio held an umbrella for Zhang Xiaofan to protect him from the wind and rain.

Both Lu Xueqi and Baguio were obviously attracted to Zhang Xiaofan. And Zhang Xiaofan has slowly freed himself from his love for Tian Linger, and slowly started to fall in love with Lu Xueqi and Baguio.

All of this was originally beautiful, and book fans were looking forward to Zhang Xiaofan being able to take the two girls together.

However, they never imagined that all this beauty would come to an abrupt end in an instant.

All that is left is an image that will make people heartache forever.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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