Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1946 The highest realm

Remember in one second【】

Sansheng Village.

Li Fan is also a little curious, what kind of works can those new writers who are just about to start creating?

He will also pay attention to this.

The same goes for the four old men Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng, Qin Lie, and Su Yilin, and they will also pay attention.

At this time, Gu Wei, the editor-in-chief of Xiaojianghu Magazine, was holding a meeting with the editors of the Qidian Chinese website and the online editorial department.

Internet writers are about to start uploading their works, and the work of the editors in the Internet Literature Department is about to officially begin.

In this regard, the editors of the Internet Literature Department are excited, looking forward to it, but also a little worried.

Needless to say, they were excited and looking forward to it. The reason why they were uneasy was because they were a little unsure and had never been exposed to online literature. They were worried that they would make a mistake and let go of books with market potential, instead of books with no market. The book of potential was signed.

In this way, their performance is a trivial matter, and the key issue is betraying Gu Yong's trust in them. The consequences of this are very serious, and they will never allow themselves to do it.

Moreover, if their vision is accurate and the final results of the books they sign are good, they can show their faces in front of editor-in-chief Gu Wei and Gu Yong, laying a solid foundation for future promotions and salary increases.

The online editorial department has just been established, and except for the position of editor-in-chief, all other positions are vacant.

For them, this is the best opportunity. Whether they can stand out among a group of editors depends on their early performance.

Therefore, all the editors were a little uneasy and nervous.

Of course, I am more excited and looking forward to it, not only for my own future development, but also for the works of those authors who are ready to take action!

With Gu Yong's "Zhu Xian" as the blueprint, what kind of works will these new authors create?

Even the editor-in-chief Gu Wei is also slightly excited and looking forward to it.

The new online article editorial department is a test for the editors, and it is also a test for him as the editor-in-chief. When Li Fan handed over the online article editorial department to him, the pressure he felt was far greater than that of the editors below.

Gu Wei was also a little nervous. Of course, there is also more excitement and anticipation!

This is a brand new challenge,

Gu Wei likes challenges. He is more energetic and passionate than before. He said: "Dear editors, we have just said what needs to be said. I believe everyone is very clear about how to carry out their work next. Here I would like to emphasize again that this is a new challenge for us, but it is also the best opportunity. Who has good performance? Or who can achieve the best performance in the shortest time? Me and Mr. Guyong can see it, and the opportunity is created by Mr. Guyong for you, but who can seize this opportunity better depends on you. You know, there are countless editors who are envious of you now I’m jealous, I hope you won’t waste such a good opportunity.”

After hearing what Gu Wei said, the editors became even more motivated, and their anxiety seemed to lessen.

Then, Gu Wei added: "Of course, everyone must be cautious when submitting works for signature. You cannot think of submitting more works for signature and win by quantity. Think that the more works submitted for signature, the lower the chance of a successful work. The bigger. Our recommendation resources are limited, and the recommendation resources in each of your hands are even more limited, and you need to apply to me. Therefore, you must ensure to the greatest extent that the works you propose are likely to be published. Otherwise, it will be a waste of the resources of the website, and also a waste of your own resources and opportunities. Moreover, in the current early stage, I will randomly review the works you have signed, and even Mr. Guyong will randomly Take a look at some. So, everyone must be careful when picking up the lottery.”

When Gu Wei said this, the editors felt uneasy again. Especially after I heard that Gu Yong would also randomly pick and watch, I felt even more nervous.

Of course, this is also an opportunity.

If Gu Yongcai is very satisfied with a work when he sees it and is very optimistic about its market prospects, and that work happens to be the one they proposed.

In this way, even if they showed their vision directly in front of Gu Yong, they felt excited and excited just thinking about it.

Therefore, although the editors are nervous, they are already eager to give it a try and can’t wait to review the manuscript in the background.

They only have one idea now, and that is to make the work more intense.

Works will indeed come in force. Although the number of writers who are about to create their first work in their lives accounts for a small proportion of the total number of registered writers, because the base is too large, the number of people who are creating works is quite large.

A rough calculation shows that there are at least tens of thousands of people.

In other words, in the next few days, tens of thousands of works will be uploaded to

Within a few days, tens of thousands of works will appear, which is simply a fantasy for any traditional novel channel.

For the vast majority of traditional channels, the total number of works from the beginning of the channel to the present has probably not exceeded 10,000.

This also has to include those short story works. If we only count long-form works, let alone ten thousand, I am afraid there are not even one thousand.

Countless people are filled with emotion about this!

For Guyong to launch such an online novel platform, I don't know how to express my feelings.

Wan Qiu Feng is one of the countless new writers who are ready to take action. He is very satisfied with his pen name of "Wan Qiu Feng".

^0^ Remember in one second【】

This is a rather poetic pen name.

It's just that it's easy to come up with a good pen name, but it's extremely difficult to create a work.

When Qiu Feng actually started creating on the computer that night, he discovered that creating was much more difficult than he had previously imagined.

There is clearly a story in my heart, but it is not easy to express it accurately in words.

"Late Autumn Wind" is very painful to write, and every sentence is very painful to write. Is it appropriate to use a word here? He would think about it for a long time.

When he actually started coding, he realized that it was very awkward to express the scene he imagined in words. He always felt that no matter how he described it, it was not accurate enough.

Who said that writing online novels is just a matter of random writing?

Late Autumn Feng was unable to complain in his heart.

Of course, the reason why Wan Qiufeng felt painful was because he had just come into contact with writing novels, and it was normal to feel awkward at the beginning.

Once you write a little more, you will gradually get used to it and master it, and you won't feel awkward anymore.

After writing more, you will become more accustomed to it and become more comfortable with it, until you reach the highest level where you can write at random.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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