Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1953 Village

Remember in one second【】


Media from various countries on the African continent also carried out a large number of reports.

Whether it is print media, television media, or online media, they all reported a lot.

Moreover, they are almost always front-page headlines.

When various media reports, they always reveal a little pride, intentionally or unintentionally.

In the eyes of the media, Li Fan chose the African continent as his first stop, which is naturally something that makes them proud.

Of course, in addition to the media in various countries on the African continent, the media in other countries on the other continents also carried out large-scale reports.

Although they were a little dissatisfied with the slander from the media in various countries on the African continent, there was nothing they could do. Who made Li Fan's first stop be the African continent and gave those media the capital to slander?

In addition, there is a group of people around the world who are paying close attention to Li Fan's exploration journey here, and that is explorers and adventure enthusiasts from various countries.

The main purpose of Li Fan's trip was to discover animals that were considered extinct but were not actually extinct. This process was actually an adventure trip.

Naturally, it can attract great attention from explorers and adventure enthusiasts.

Explorers and adventure enthusiasts have always had one of their biggest dreams, which is to go to places in the world that humans have never set foot on.

But it is good to have dreams, but they dare not try easily.

They do not lack the spirit of adventure and sacrifice, but if they go to places where there is not even a 10% chance of survival, it is not a question of whether they have a spirit of adventure and sacrifice, but a pure fool's spirit.

That's not going on an adventure, that's going to die.

Therefore, explorers and adventure enthusiasts will never set foot in those places easily, even though they are very yearning and longing for those places.

So, if someone can go to those places that they are very eager to go but dare not easily set foot in, to a certain extent, it can also give them a sense of satisfaction and pride in their hearts!

Because they are both adventure enthusiasts and the same type of people.


Explorers and adventure enthusiasts from all over the world are paying special attention to Li Fan's journey of exploration!

"Oh! Is Li Fan going to visit those places? This is really exciting and thrilling! This is a great trip!"

"Legend has it that Li Fan has unfathomable skills and is assisted by the mysterious beasts that protect the village. He must be able to conquer those places. Let us wish him good luck!"

"Finally, someone has taken this step. This step is great and has special historical significance!"

"He is the bravest man in the world. He is doing what we want to do but dare not do. Let us bless him!"


Ordinary netizens, biologists, major media, explorers, adventure enthusiasts, etc. from all countries around the world are all paying close attention to Li Fan's exploration journey!

Li Fan's trip has attracted global attention!

These naturally make domestic netizens, biologists, major media, etc. feel extremely proud and proud!

The media has reported one after another, and various front-page headlines are about Li Fan's exploration trip.

At seven o'clock that evening, CCTV's news broadcast also conducted a five-minute special report on this.

The report reviewed the entire process of Li Fan's discovery of the moa, as well as the impact of the discovery of the moa on the world, etc. Finally, it also gave blessings and prospects for Li Fan's first stop on the African continent. , looking forward to Li Fan shocking the world again.

Netizens are excited and excited like never before, and they are talking non-stop on the Internet.

"It's really exciting. Mr. Li Fan's journey of exploration has attracted global attention. As a Chinese, I am really proud of him!"

"I hope Mr. Li Fan will discover more of those animals this time, so that biologists, ordinary netizens, major media, etc. from all over the world will be completely shocked!"

"It feels so good! This feeling is so good!"


Sansheng Village.

Li Fan was not disturbed by the disturbances from the outside world. On this morning, he left Sansheng Village and officially embarked on this journey of exploration.

In the Xianyuan space, Xiaotian and Zhuiyun were closing their eyes to rest.

In addition to Xiao Tian, ​​Li Fan also brought Zhui Yun with him this time. This time we will face many unknown situations, and it may be useful to bring Chaiyun.

After more than 10 hours of connecting flights from Sansheng Village to the provincial capital, and then getting on a plane in the provincial capital, Li Fan set foot on the African continent.

Africa is the second largest continent in the world. It was the first time for Li Fan to set foot on this continent. Everything about Africa was new to him.

He is now in a country in North Africa. Walking on the street, he can hear people on the street talking about his exploration trip to the African continent from time to time.

Li Fan randomly arrived in a country and walked casually on the street, and he could hear the locals talking about it.

It can be seen that the influence this time is indeed very large.

Li Fan smiled lightly and continued walking forward. He was walking towards the outside of the city. He did not plan to stay in the city for too long.

But he wanted to experience the customs of African cities, so he walked slowly and did not take a ride.

^0^ Remember in one second【】


He could understand the language of the locals and found it very interesting to listen to the various conversations of the people on the street.

He walked for a long time before reaching the outside of the city, but he did not stop, but continued to move forward.

When it was getting dark, he walked to a village.

A dozen dark-skinned children were playing by a stream in front of the village, and several women were washing something by the stream.

Not far from the stream, there are courtyards one after another. Each courtyard occupies a large area, but the construction is very simple, almost all made of wood and withered grass.

As Li Fan approached, the dozen or so children all looked up at Li Fan, with curiosity, doubt, caution, timidity, and warning in their eyes.

But after all, it was still a group of children, and they all stepped back unconsciously.

Li Fan smiled. They were a group of cute little guys. He greeted them in local dialect.

After hearing what Li Fan would say to them, the little guys' eyes became much less wary and warning, but they did not respond to Li Fan.

Not far away, several women were washing something by the stream. They stood up and walked over slowly. One of the women said, "Hello, what do you want to do here?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "Hello everyone, I was just passing by here and saw a village here, so I came over to take a look. I have nothing to do."

Several women had puzzled looks on their faces. Obviously, they didn't understand why Li Fan, a foreigner, passed by here when it was almost dark.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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