Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1958 Moving forward

Remember in one second【】

Everyone was very excited, and they were talking endlessly while watching the live broadcast.

"Have you discovered everything so quickly? This is really amazing!"

"Can Mr. Li Fan sense animals 200 kilometers away? This is too exaggerated."

"Perception is inherently mysterious and mysterious. Mr. Li Fan is known as the 'Exiled Immortal' in China. He has a perception that far exceeds that of human beings. It is not impossible."

"So, do you really think it's that kind of animal?"

"Mr. Li Fan doesn't seem too sure, so it's hard to say yet. However, there must be a very special animal there. This should be certain."

"Then let's wait and see. This feeling of anticipation is really great!"


Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Zhang Guangling sighed repeatedly and said: "That boy really has some inexplicable fate with animals. Lao Luo, do you think that boy's perception this time is accurate?"

Luo Yunwen said: "This certainly cannot be said to be 100% accurate. However, the probability should not be small. The last time we discovered the moa, the guy also sensed it 100 kilometers in advance. From this point of view, in addition to the moa, there are really Others, animals that were thought to be extinct but are not yet extinct, are about to overturn another view in our biological community.”

Zhang Guangling smiled and said: "This is a good thing. I would like this view to be overturned several times. This is the most wonderful thing in the world."

Luo Yunwen also smiled and said: "Of course, this is of course the most wonderful thing in the world. I just don't know what kind of animal it will be this time? Birds? Beasts? Or something else?"

Zhang Guangling said: "We can't draw a conclusion now. Let's wait for that guy to reveal the answer. It doesn't seem like it will take that guy too long to cover a distance of 200 kilometers."

Luo Yunwen said: "This is really exciting!"

Biologists from other countries in the world are also looking forward to it just like Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen!

Some of them,

During the previous moa inspection, I had already met Li Fan and witnessed Li Fan's various abilities.

In addition, there are some people who only hear Li Fan's name but do not know him personally. They have no direct experience of Li Fan's ability on the spot.

At this time, they couldn't help but have some doubts in their hearts and said: "Li Fan can sense something from 200 kilometers away? This is impossible. I don't believe it anyway. This may be just a method used by Li Fan to mobilize the audience's emotions. This method is actually quite good.”

However, the biologists who knew Li Fan did not think so. They said: "No, it should be true that Li Fan had a feeling. The last time we inspected the moa, Li Fan succeeded in 100 Kilometers away, the specific location of the MOA was sensed. His perception ability is indeed super strong. Of course, his perception ability may not be 100% accurate, but the probability should be high. In short, what will happen next? Let us wait and see! "

After hearing this, other biologists were still dubious. This was indeed too exaggerated and hard to believe.

However, unknowingly, the sense of anticipation and excitement in their hearts was much stronger than before.

Li Fan's words made countless people around the world feel excited.

Some people who were watching the live broadcast continued to use various communication tools to invite people they knew who were not watching the live broadcast to watch the live broadcast immediately.

They said that a new animal that is considered extinct but is not yet extinct will soon appear in Li Fan's live broadcast.

They were very sure. Li Fan had used a possible statement before, but they had automatically changed it to a positive statement.

In addition, when those who did not watch the live broadcast heard, their immediate reaction was shock and disbelief. They did not expect that Li Fan would gain something so quickly.

The second reaction was to immediately put aside what he was busy with, sit down in front of the computer, and open Li Fan's live broadcast.

Witnessing an animal like that appear in a live broadcast may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you miss it, you will definitely regret it for the rest of your life.

Therefore, they would rather be delayed in what they are doing than miss an opportunity that may only come once in a lifetime.

The number of people watching Li Fan's live broadcast in various countries around the world is growing rapidly.

According to rough statistics, the number of viewers watching Li Fan's live broadcast at this moment is probably more than 3 billion people in the world.

This is a quite terrifying number, and it will definitely be a world record that no one can break.

Of course, this record may be broken by Li Fan himself in the future.

Li Fan, who was rushing forward at the bottom of the ravine, also knew that more and more people were watching his live broadcast.

Li Fan seemed very calm about this.

Of course, Li Fan was very much looking forward to having so many people witness the Dodo appearing in the camera, and was slightly excited.

However, as Li Fan was walking, he suddenly found that there was no road ahead, and he seemed to have reached the end of the ravine.

All viewers who were watching the live broadcast naturally discovered the problem immediately.

"What's going on? There's no road ahead. Have we reached the end of the ravine? It's just that this place is far away from the previous one.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

This place should not be 200 kilometers away. Could it be that Mr. Li Fan’s perception was wrong? "

"No, I believe that Mr. Li Fan's perception is absolutely correct. However, there is indeed no road in front of us. Do we have to climb this mountain in front of us?"

"It's very possible. Moreover, with the help of the sacred beasts that protect the village, it will be very easy for Mr. Li Fan to climb this mountain."

"So, are we going to climb this mountain next?"


Audiences from various countries are talking non-stop, and most opinions believe that Li Fan should be able to climb this mountain.

Li Fan's voice also came out at this time, "Friends, there is a big mountain blocking our way in front of us. Everyone should have seen it. So, what should we do now? Is it to fly over this mountain? No, We’re going to dive into the water next.”

It turned out that Xiao Ju had already told Li Fan in his mind that there was an undercurrent under the mountain in front of him, and it would be much faster to move forward through the undercurrent than to fly over the mountain.

So, Li Fan naturally chose to pass through the water. Anyway, in the space mall system, there is something called a "water-proof cover" that allows Li Fan to breathe freely without getting his clothes wet in the water.

When all the audience heard that Li Fan was going to dive into the water, they were excited. The world in the water must be a unique spectacle.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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