Remember in a second【】

Although there are some voices of doubt, in the eyes of others, those voices are like jumping clowns, and no one pays attention to those voices.

However, why did Guyong propose the concept of "alternative historical novels"? Many people do have some doubts.

In their opinion, compared with non-fictional historical novels, alternate historical novels seem to have folded their wings, voluntarily giving up one of the biggest highlights and one of the biggest cool points.

Of course, despite having doubts in their hearts, they, like book fans, believe that alternate historical novels will definitely have advantages that non-alternative historical novels do not have, but what kind of advantages they can't imagine?

They know that they are not Gu Yong after all, the authors of online novels are very excited and looking forward to it!


The news that Guyong will launch a new work tomorrow, which is a fictional history, has once again attracted the attention of countless people from all walks of life.

Everyone really wants to know, what kind of alternate historical novel will Guyong release?

And the time soon arrived at 10 am the next day.

All eyes once again focused on

A pop-up window that almost occupied the entire page of the website appeared, and after a flash of light, the title of Gu Yong's new work was revealed.

"Extreme Home Ding"!

servant? Is this a story about a servant?

For the first time, everyone was slightly taken aback.

A servant, everyone naturally understands what a servant is?

In history, the servants who guarded the house and did odd jobs in the homes of rich people were called servants.

Then it is obvious that servants belong to servants, they do odd jobs in other people's homes, and their status is very low.

Now, Gu Yong's new work is called "Extreme Household", does this mean that the protagonist's identity is the servant of a rich man who looks after the house?

Moreover, looking at the meaning of the title, it seems that the protagonist will always be a servant.

Isn't the main character a time traveler? Not having a modern high-tech mind? Don't you want to get along well in ancient times? How could he be just a servant all the time?

Although the word "Extreme" was added in front of it,

But in the end he is still a servant, even if he reaches the peak of the best, the number one servant in the world, he is still a servant.

Is it really good for the protagonist to be a servant all the time?

Everyone thought so, so they were stunned for the first time.

What they want to see is that the protagonist takes advantage of the advantages of modern people to rise strongly in ancient times, go to heaven and earth, and be omnipotent. His identity is either free and unrestrained. Either he is an extremely human minister, high on the top, so it's cool to look at, but it's nothing to be a little servant all the time.

However, if you think about it more, some people's eyes will become brighter and their interest will become more and more intense, until they become very excited and looking forward to it!

servant? Hello, servant!

Jia Ding is a small person. If something happens, no one else can solve it, but this small person can easily solve it.

So, wouldn't this strong contrast make other people even more shocked? Where did they expect a little servant to have such abilities.

In this way, wouldn't everyone feel more refreshed?

Besides, being a servant is just a status, and a servant can also do earth-shattering events, or he can be in a hurry, or he can hate the world.

Moreover, it seems even more exciting for a servant to do these things.

So, how can a servant do these things, isn't it even more exciting?

Thinking of this, some people's eyes lit up, and they suddenly had unprecedented expectations for this work.

He stopped hesitating and clicked on the first chapter impatiently.

And the other people who haven't thought of this yet, also clicked on the first chapter without hesitation.

If the protagonist's identity is that of a servant, let's say they are servants. They want to see what kind of servant the protagonist will be.

You know, this is Gu Yong's work, no one will choose to give up.


Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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