Remember in one second【】

Seeing the story of "Three Brothers in Taoyuan", Shi Xiaofeng, Ma Zhou and Jing Qingyun were excited and excited.

Li Fan was not surprised when he saw it. "The Three Brothers in Taoyuan" was not a real historical story. However, it was widely circulated in the previous life and had such a profound influence that many people regarded it as a real historical story. It can be seen that This story has its own infinite charm.

It is worth mentioning that the story of "Three Brothers in the Taoyuan" was not original to Luo Guanzhong, but before Luo Guanzhong wrote "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", the story of "The Three Brothers in the Taoyuan" had been circulated, which can be traced back to the Song and Yuan Dynasties.

And, there’s not just one version.

However, although those versions of the story are interesting, they are absurd, untrue, and have low intentions.

When the literary giant Luo Guanzhong wrote "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", he made a fundamental change to the story of "The Romance of the Taoyuan". He deleted some absurd elements in the previous version and changed it to three people facing a national crisis and wanting to join the army to defeat thieves. They became brothers under the premise of having the same goals, protecting the country and the people, and jointly doing great things.

Especially when the three of them burned incense and said their vows before saying goodbye, they said: "In memory of Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei. Although they have different surnames, they are brothers and work together to rescue the poor and help the people in danger. They report to the country and make everyone safe. Do not ask for the same year and the same month. Born on the same day, I only wish to die in the same year, same month, and same day. Emperors, emperors, and queens of earth, learn from this fact, betray righteousness and be ungrateful, and kill both heaven and man!"

In this way, the intentions are high, and the relationship between friends has taken a big step forward, turning a simple sworn relationship into a kind of mutual support in the national crisis, which makes people feel noble and cordial.

It was this change by Luo Guanzhong that made the "Three Brothers in Taoyuan" widely spread in ancient times and had a profound influence.

However, it is worth noting that "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a work of fiction, not a real historical document. Many stories in it are fictitious. You must not read "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" as true history.

In addition to the "Three Brothers in Taoyuan" at the beginning, the following stories such as "Three Heroes Fighting Lu Bu", "Warming Wine and Killing Hua Xiong" and other stories are also fictitious.

"Three Heroes Fight Lu Bu" is about a desperate battle between the three brothers Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei, and the fierce general Lu Bu. It was a hearty battlefield battle.

At that time, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei were almost unknown people, while Lu Bu was an invincible general.

In the end, Lu Bu was defeated.

In real history, nothing like this happened.

And "warm wine and kill Hua Xiong" means,

Dong Zhuo deposed the young emperor Liu Bian and established Chenliu King Liu Xie as emperor and empress. He was cruel and unkind and monopolized power in the court.

Composed of Yuan Shao, Cao Cao and others, the eighteen princes of Guandong jointly attacked Dong Zhuo. However, the forward Sun Jian was defeated by Hua Xiong when he marched to Sishui Pass. Hua Xiong was so arrogant that Pan Feng and other generals were killed by Hua Xiong one after another. , Guan Yu took the initiative to ask Ying to fight Hua Xiong, and killed Hua Xiong in a very short time before the warm wine had cooled down. Guan Yu became famous among the princes from then on.

Many generals were defeated by Hua Xiong and were killed by Hua Xiong one by one. However, Guan Yu killed Hua Xiong in a very short time before the wine was cold, which shows Guan Yu's bravery.

But this is not the case in real history. In real history, Hua Xiong was beheaded by Sun Jian. Sun Jian defeated Hua Xiong's army, instead of Sun Jian being defeated by Hua Xiong's army in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

With this change in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Sun Jian inevitably seemed aggrieved.

Of course, although "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" contains many fictional elements, the major historical events are all taken from historical records, and the personalities and experiences of the main characters are basically consistent with historical facts.

In general, seven points are true and three points are false.

Many fictional elements are used to reflect the bravery and wisdom of Liu Bei's people. This is mainly because the entire work runs through the ideological tendency of "supporting Liu and opposing Cao" from beginning to end, that is, supporting Liu Bei and opposing Cao Cao.

The entire work has been describing the Shu Han Dynasty as the center, with a lot of emphasis on Liu Bei's image as a benevolent king and Zhuge Liang's image as a virtuous prime minister.

Unfortunately, Cao Cao became the opposite of Shu Han. Cao Cao was a typical example of a traitor and a symbol of a tyrant.

Why is there such an obvious gap between Cao Cao and Liu Bei in the author's writing?

That's because the author Luo Guanzhong lived in a dynasty at the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty. Social conflicts were acute, peasant uprisings occurred one after another, the heroes were divided, the society was unstable, and the people were displaced and yearned for a happy and stable life.

As a writer of dramas and scripts, Luo Guanzhong lived at the bottom of society, understood and was familiar with the people's sufferings, hoped for social stability, for people to live and work in peace and contentment, and hoped for an early end to the tragic situation caused by the turmoil.

Therefore, he created the work "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and established the image of Liu Bei as a benevolent monarch in the work, which was loved by the people. This was used to express the people's strong desire to support a wise monarch, yearn for peace, hate tyrants, and oppose unrest!

Therefore, "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" has a quite obvious ideological tendency of "supporting Liu and opposing Cao".

But no matter what, "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a magnificent masterpiece that has had a profound impact on later generations.

The script that Li Fan printed out was not long and disappeared soon after "Three Brothers in Taoyuan". Shi Xiaofeng, Ma Zhou, Jing Qingyun and others were still enjoying reading it and were looking forward to the next script.

However, despite being itchy, they did not ask Li Fan to come up with the next script. They couldn't let Li Fan wait for them to read the script.

Shi Xiaofeng said with emotion: "The script written by Mr. Li Fan himself is indeed extraordinary. The TV series based on such a script will definitely be very popular. Even those viewers who don't like history will definitely watch it with gusto."

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Ma Zhou, Jing Qingyun and others also expressed the same emotion and expressed the same meaning.

It was getting late at this time, and Wang Xuetao, who was in a very good mood, suggested that they go to have dinner, and he would be the host.

Li Fan, Shi Xiaofeng, Ma Zhou, Jing Qingyun and others naturally had no objections.

The group of people walked out of the CCTV building and went to have dinner at one of the most popular restaurants in the capital.

Why is that restaurant the most popular? In addition to being top-notch in scale, it also provides dishes made with ingredients from Xianyuan Farm in a rationed amount every day.

Of course, some other large restaurants also provide dishes made with ingredients from Xianyuan Farm, but the quantity is not as large as that restaurant.

In the private room of the restaurant, Li Fan saw two old boss-level friends, Cen Geng and Shen Cong.

In addition, there are also historical experts such as Liang Shang, whom Li Fan has never met before.

Cen Geng and Shen Cong both laughed and said, "Brother Li Fan, long time no see."

Li Fan hurriedly said: "Mr. Cen, Mr. Shen, it's been a while since we last met."

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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