Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1995 This crew is different

Remember in one second【】

After Li Fan confirmed that it was the entire script, Liang Shang finally felt relieved and was very happy.

Then, Liang Shang lowered his head again and looked at the script in his hand. His copy was given to him by Shi Xiaofeng just now. Shi Xiaofeng just told him to return it to him after reading it.

Liang Shang thought it was a bit funny before, but now he is really reluctant to return it.

Of course, Liang Shang would not really refuse to return it. He returned the script to Shi Xiaofeng with some reluctance and said: "Director Shi, give it back to you."

Shi Xiaofeng took it with a smile. Liang Shang's joy and excitement after watching "Three Brothers in the Taoyuan" just now did not disappoint him.

Of course, Liang Shang was not the only one who was so happy and excited. Shen Cong, Cen Geng and several other historians were also happy and excited.

Li Fan's works never disappoint.

Shen Cong smiled and said to Wang Xuetao: "Minister Wang, how are you? I think it will be no problem to find brother Li Fan."

Wang Xuetao smiled and said: "Not only is there no problem, it is simply perfect. I am full of expectations for this TV series now. I believe it will definitely set off a ratings boom across the country."

Shen Congdao: "That's natural, and it's indeed worth looking forward to!"

Subsequently, several other famous historical figures, including Cen Geng, also expressed their joy and expectations for the TV series.

At this time, the dishes on the table had already been served, but no one seemed to have any intention of eating.

Seeing this, Wang Xuetao smiled and said: "The dishes have been served, should we eat first? These dishes are all made with ingredients from Xianyuan Farm. They are expensive, so they must not be wasted. Except for Li Fan, brother Besides, it’s not easy for us to eat the ingredients from Xianyuan Farm. So, shouldn’t we wait any longer?”

The rest of the group laughed, started pouring wine and grabbing chopsticks, and the meal finally started.

It took a long time to finish the meal. After eating, everyone walked out of the hotel and said goodbye to each other at the door of the hotel.

Li Fan also returned to the hotel he had booked before.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next morning came.

Shi Xiaofeng arranged a group of actors to audition this morning.

Therefore, Li Fan had to go to the CCTV building.

It takes about an hour to walk from Li Fan's hotel to the CCTV building.

Therefore, Li Fan decided to walk there.

At seven o'clock in the morning, after breakfast, Li Fan checked out of the room, determined the route to the CCTV building, and then set off.

About an hour later, Li Fan arrived at the CCTV building.

Actor auditions start at 8:30 in the morning, with half an hour left.

Go up to the fifteenth floor, this is the territory of the TV drama channel.

Chief director Shi Xiaofeng, three deputy directors, director Jing Qingyun and others have all arrived.

Li Fan saw that Wang Xuetao was also there.

Originally, Wang Xuetao didn't need to come to the actor audition today, and he didn't understand, so there was no point in coming.

But Wang Xuetao is now extremely looking forward to this work, so he wants to see the audition process of actors with his own eyes.

Seeing Li Fan's arrival, Wang Xuetao laughed and said, "Brother Li Fan, please don't worry. I will only watch the whole process and will not express any opinions."

Li Fan smiled and said: "Minister Wang is too polite. If Minister Wang has any suggestions, that would be the best."

Then, Shi Xiaofeng also smiled and said: "Mr. Li Fan, I am lucky for you today."

Li Fan waved his hand and said: "No, no, Director Shi is too polite."

Shi Xiaofeng said: "The audition officially starts at half past eight. Mr. Li Fan, shall we go to the audition studio now?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "Okay, let's go there now."

In the green room.

More than a dozen actors are taking a break and chatting. They are all actors who are going to audition this morning, and they are all male actors.

There is no way, most of the main characters in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" are men.

Among them, some actors were specially invited by the crew to audition, and some actors signed up for the audition themselves.

Theoretically, those specially invited actors have a higher chance of passing the audition.

After all, the crew must think that a certain actor is suitable for a certain role, so they invite him to audition. They will subconsciously think that he is more suitable than other actors who signed up for the role.

So, when an actor is auditioning, if the performance of a specially invited actor and an actor who has signed up are about the same, then the specially invited actor will definitely pass the audition.

Even if the performance of the special guest actor is less effective, he will still pass the audition.

This is the subconscious view of the crew at work.

Sun Yanjun, a second-tier superstar actor, an absolutely powerful actor, 39 years old.

Sun Yanjun came to audition, which surprised the other actors.

Because Sun Yanjun, as an absolutely powerful second-tier superstar actor, should not need to audition if invited by the crew, and he would directly play a major role.

A young actor couldn't help but asked: "Does Mr. Sun also need to audition?"

Sun Yanjun nodded and said with a smile: "Of course, otherwise, I wouldn't be waiting here."

The young actor added: "Then Mr. Sun must have been specially invited by the crew to audition, right? I wonder which role Mr. Sun was invited to play in the plot?"

Sun Yanjun said: "Actually, I am not a special member of the crew.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Don't invite me, I signed up myself. So, I don’t know which role the crew will invite me to play? However, I signed up for the role of Liu Bei. During the Three Kingdoms period, I liked Liu Bei better. "

When Sun Yanjun said this, not only the young actor was stunned, but also the other actors.

They did not expect that Sun Yanjun actually signed up by himself.

After the young actor was stunned, he couldn't help but said: "Since the crew did not specially invite Mr. Sun, why would Mr. Sun take the initiative to sign up for a historical TV series? You must know that the ratings of historical TV series are very poor, even if they are produced by CCTV Same. Aren’t Mr. Sun worried that this drama will affect his popularity?”

Sun Yanjun laughed and said: "The ratings of historical TV series are indeed very poor. If other crews wanted to film such a TV series, let alone signing up myself, even if it was a special invitation from the crew, I would probably decline. But now this crew wants to film , I not only signed up for it myself, but I was also very eager to pass the final audition.”

"Oh?" the young actor said, "Is it because of Mr. Li Fan? I heard that the script of this TV series will be written by Mr. Li Fan himself. I don't know if it is true or not?"

Sun Yanjun said: "It is precisely because of Mr. Li Fan. Since the crew has released such rumors, it is naturally true. The scripts written by Mr. Li Fan himself, even if they are historical ones, must be extraordinary. In addition, now Driven by Mr. Gu Yong's "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty", a historical craze has been set off. This TV series will be extraordinary. Therefore, everyone can come here to audition today, whether you are specially invited by the crew or you sign up yourself Everyone is very lucky, and everyone must try their best to seize this luck."

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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