Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2001 So terrifying

Remember in one second【】

The launch ceremony of the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" TV series was held at a hotel in Beijing.

Chief director Shi Xiaofeng, starring Tang Guoqiang, Sun Yanjun, Bao Guoan, Li Jingfei, Lu Shuming and others were present.

Li Fan did not appear at the scene, and he obviously would not participate in such a startup ceremony.

Keeping a low profile has always been his principle. If he appeared at the scene, all the cameras and microphones would only focus on him, and no one else would have anything to do with him. How bad is that?

Shi Xiaofeng was very sorry that Li Fan did not attend the power-on ceremony.

However, this was also within his expectation. He had known for a long time that Li Fan would not attend the power-on ceremony.

Hundreds of media came to the scene, and there were countless long guns and short guns of all kinds.

This is after the crew has conducted a selection process for the media who want to be present. If there is no screening, the number of media present will definitely exceed a thousand.

Although the market for historical TV series is very sluggish, the influence of the launch of the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" TV series is very large.

There are two main reasons for this.

First, this is a script written by Li Fan himself.

All of Li Fan's works are absolute classics, but this new work "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a little bit special. It is a script, not a historical TV series that challenges the very sluggish market.

So, can this TV series still become an absolute classic?

This is the biggest attraction, bar none.

In addition, Li Fan has publicly announced that when the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" TV series is launched in the future, he will release "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" at the same time.

Will the TV series "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" become a classic? It's hard to say yet.

But most people believe that "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" will definitely become an absolute classic, just like "Journey to the West" and "Water Margin" before it.

Can watching the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" TV series now completely change the sluggish market for historical TV series?

Secondly, this TV series was shot by CCTV, and it was not just shot by CCTV. It was issued by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture.

Historical and Cultural Research Division.

So, this is an obvious sign that filming this drama is what it means.

Where? We all know.

With the above two reasons, how can the media remain unmoved?

At the opening ceremony, the answer was revealed to a question that attracted great attention from the media and the outside world: which actors will play the roles in the crew?

What surprised the media the most was that it was Tang Guoqiang who played the role of Zhuge Liang.

All the media are very familiar with Tang Guoqiang. He was once a first-tier superstar actor. Even though he has not filmed a TV series in recent years, he is still a third-tier star actor.

This kind of stability can be said to be quite high.

The reason why Tang Guoqiang stopped filming TV series in recent years is not a secret. The media all know it, and even ordinary netizens who usually pay a little attention to Tang Guoqiang know it.

But now, Tang Guoqiang has attended the opening ceremony of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and will also play the very important role of Zhuge Liang in the crew.

There seems to be only one reason for this, and that is that Tang Guoqiang regained his enthusiasm for filming through the script of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and he is full of energy again.

This is definitely big news!

Can Tang Guoqiang, who has not been filming for several years, regain her passion for filming? What kind of charm does "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" have?

This question will probably be discussed by the outside world for a long time in the future, until the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" TV series is officially launched and the answer is revealed.

The media are very excited. Although "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a historical TV series with a sluggish market, it has a lot to watch.

For the media, what will be the final ratings of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms"? They don't care, they just want news, news with selling points.

The final ratings of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" are too high, too low, or just average, which are all selling points for them.

No matter what the ratings are, they can report a lot of news with selling points based on the specific ratings.

The ratings are too high. Li Fan is really awesome and can change his life against the odds.

The ratings are too low, not even Li Fan can save it, and the market for historical TV series is sluggish.

The ratings are quite satisfactory. Although Li Fan is awesome, he can't change his destiny after all.

Blah blah blah, no matter how you write the reports, they are all news with selling points.

Therefore, the media reporters at the scene were very excited. The sounds of "click, click, click" undulated with each other, and the flash never stopped. People had to wonder if staying in there for a long time would damage their eyes.

The power-on ceremony was underway, and the relevant content was reported by hundreds of media outlets at the scene.

Hundreds of media reported it at the same time, which is quite spectacular.

Countless people from the outside world are paying attention and waiting for media reports.

It is indeed a strange phenomenon that a historical TV series with a sluggish market has attracted so much attention from so many people.

However, things related to Li Fan, no matter how strange they are, are not strange to anyone.

Therefore, no one lamented this strange phenomenon. Everyone just wanted to know more about the content of the power-on ceremony.


^0^ Remember in one second【】

This is true for the members of "Mortal Tomb" and the actors in the entire entertainment industry.

Among them, the situation of two people is quite special.

It is none other than second-tier superstar actors Lu Qi and Yuan Changfeng.

The two of them have previously stated that they will always pay attention to the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" crew, and they have indeed done so.

Now, seeing the opening ceremony of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", there were hundreds of media outlets, and they suddenly regretted it.

They never imagined that this work would have such a great influence.

After all, they underestimated Li Fan's influence.

For such an influential work, even if the final ratings are very dismal, for the actors in the show, their popularity will only rise, not fall.

Besides, since the influence is so great, no matter how bad the final ratings are, it can't be that bad, right?

Lu Qi and Yuan Changfeng were shaken for the first time by their previous estimate of a ratings between 1.2 and 1.5.

They feel that the ratings should exceed 1.5.

Even leaving aside the subsequent ratings, the fact that the number of media outlets at the opening ceremony reached hundreds has already made the two regret it.

As the leading actor in the play, being present at the scene, and being reported by hundreds of media at the same time, the popularity will definitely increase!

The filming of this special drama hasn't officially started yet. It's just a launch ceremony and it's popularity has skyrocketed. How can the two of them not regret it?

Especially after seeing Tang Guoqiang's popularity soar.

Tang Guoqiang had already fallen to the third-tier star, but now her popularity has soared, and she is heading towards the second-tier star.

Doesn't this mean that the filming of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" has not started yet, and Tang Guoqiang's Zhuge Liang has not started yet. Just a opening ceremony, it is very likely that he will return from a third-tier star to a second-tier superstar?

Isn’t this too outrageous?

Is Li Fan's influence really so terrifying?

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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