Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2004 The Rolling Yangtze River Passes East

Remember in one second【】

Yang Hongji suddenly understood Li Fan's purpose.

If another crew member comes to him and mentions the theme song, it is most likely to ask him to help compose a theme song.

But Li Fan himself is the number one musician in the country, and his music creation talent is far above him. Naturally, it is impossible for him to come to him to compose the theme song.

Then, there can only be another possibility.

In addition to music creation, he is also a singer. Li Fan's reason for coming is naturally to invite him to sing the theme song of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

However, he was not 100% sure. Yang Hongji asked tentatively: "Does Mr. Li Fan mean that he hopes that I can sing the theme song?"

Li Fan smiled and nodded: "Exactly, I wonder if Mr. Yang is interested in this?"

Hearing Li Fan's personal confirmation, Yang Hongji was very happy. Of course he was willing. It was Li Fan's musical work, a work that every singer dreams of.

Yang Hongji once thought about whether he would have the opportunity to sing a piece of Li Fan's music?

He is not seeking fame, he just wants to sing a work by the first person in music. The feeling should be very wonderful.

Now, the opportunity really presents itself.

However, Yang Hongji is fifty-three years old. Although he is happy and even a little excited in his heart, his face is still quite calm. He said: "It is an absolute honor for me to be able to sing Mr. Li Fan's works. I wonder if Mr. Li Fan can show me the song first?"

He was not worried that Li Fan's work was not good, he was just very impatient to see Li Fan's new work this time.

Li Fan smiled and said, "Of course."

Li Fan came to visit Yang Hongji and invited Yang Hongji to sing the theme song. Naturally, everything was prepared, including lyrics, music score, and accompaniment.

Handing the lyrics and music score to Yang Hongji, Yang Hongji took them with both hands, and then eagerly focused his eyes on them.

The first thing he looks at is the lyrics. Whether a song is good or not, both the lyrics and the music are very important.

"the river is long and tempestuous, it was like a hero.


The first line of the lyrics shocked Yang Hongji's heart.

Deep in his heart he felt an unprecedented surge of magnificence, yet also a bit desolate and tragic.

The Yangtze River is rolling, the waves are surging, and the water flows eastward and never looks back. Throughout the ages, how many heroes have disappeared like the flying waves.

This sentence is soul-stirring to read, has endless meaning, and seems desolate and tragic. People can't help but think of those heroes who have left a rich mark on history.

It is just a lyric, but it is a supreme state that countless musicians cannot write in their lifetime.

Yang Hongji was shocked in his heart. Li Fan is indeed the number one person in music. He always makes people feel so unattainable when he makes a move.

Yang Hongji raised his head and glanced at Li Fan before continuing to read the lyrics.

"Success or failure turns into nothing, right or wrong.

Aoyama is still there, How Many Suns.

The white-haired fisherman and woodcutter on the Nagisa River is used to watching the autumn moon and spring breeze.

Happy reunion with a pot of turbid wine,

Many things in ancient and modern times are all discussed in a joke. "

The lyrics are not long and there are not many words. However, Yang Hongji felt that it took him a long time to finish reading these lyrics.

Why do you feel this way?

Because this short lyrics contains too many things.

The whole poem not only makes people feel desolate and tragic, but also creates an atmosphere of indifference and tranquility, and reflects the lofty artistic conception and profound philosophy of life.

Reading this poem, Yang Hongji seems to feel that he can explore the eternal value in the rush and precipitation of history, and find the profound philosophy of life between success and failure, gain and loss.

It has a sense of the rise and fall of history, as well as the ups and downs of life, and then reflects a noble sentiment and broad mind.

Yang Hongji felt that this lyric was not just a lyric, it was a cup of strong and fragrant tea that required continuous tasting, and the more you tasted it, the sweeter it became.

It seems that what is rushing away is not the rolling water of the Yangtze River, but the ruthless wheels of history.

In the wheel of history, it seems that a helpless sigh can be heard.

So, I looked for the eternal value of life in sighing.

Yang Hongji's hands began to tremble slightly, and he felt that the lyrics in his hands were getting heavier and heavier.

In the previous life, this classic theme song of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" was a poem written by Yang Shen, a writer in the Ming Dynasty, called "Linjiang Immortal".

Of course, "Linjiangxian" is the name of the word brand, and there are many words called "Linjiangxian" in history.

Therefore, this poem is also called "Linjiang Immortal·Rolling Waters of the Yangtze River Passing East".

The upper part of the poem refers to historical phenomena, praising the eternity of the universe, the everlasting rivers, and the ever-present green mountains, while all the heroes from generation to generation are fleeting.

Xia Qing writes about the noble sentiments and broad-mindedness of the poet. Using the rise and fall of the past dynasties as a talking point and a joke to promote drinking shows the poet's disdain for the secular, indifferent and free and easy feelings.

The tone of the whole poem is generous and tragic, which makes me feel soul-stirring and memorable when I read it, adding thousands of emotions to my heart.

When Luo Guanzhong was writing "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", he quoted this poem and placed it in the opening chapter.

After this poem, comes the classic paragraph, "Talk about the general trend of the world, if we divide for a long time, we will unite, and if we unite for a long time, we will divide..."

Yang Hongji felt that the lyrics in his hand became more and more

^0^ Remember in one second【】

It became heavier and heavier, and he became more and more excited. He felt that he was lucky to be able to sing this song himself.

He kept lamenting in his heart that the strength of the number one musician was such that other musicians, including him, would always only be able to lag behind.

He wanted to read the lyrics carefully again, but he did not do so because Li Fan was still a guest here and he could not keep his guests waiting.

Moreover, he is not yet 100% sure that he can sing this song.

It's not that he can't perform this song, but Li Fan hasn't given him 100% of the singing rights yet.

Li Fan came to visit him, hoping that he could sing this song, but this did not mean that Li Fan would 100% let him sing.

Unless, his singing can satisfy Li Fan.

Yang Hongji knows this very clearly, so he has to work hard to adjust his condition now, and he will sing this song live later.

If his singing can satisfy Li Fan, he can truly sing this song.

Yang Hongji is now very eager to sing this song, so he is surprisingly a little nervous.

Of course, this nervousness will not affect his singing.

He is currently watching music, humming along with it, looking for state and feeling.

After a while, Yang Hongji said: "Mr. Li Fan should have prepared the accompaniment. I have a music room here. Let's go to the music room now. I will sing this song again. What do you think of Mr. Li Fan?" "

Li Fan nodded and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Yang."

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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