Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2007 2 Girls

Remember in one second【】

Being looked down upon by the students around him, Li Fan didn't care. He just smiled lightly and continued to say to the female classmate: "If I were you, I think I would give it a try."

The female classmate looked at Li Fan and suddenly felt something in her heart. She thought of a possibility and said, "You just said that you are not a student of our school. Are you from Huaxia Records? Do you have a lot of weight in Huaxia Records?"

The students around him couldn't help but be stunned when they heard what the female classmate said. After thinking about it carefully, it was really possible.

If this is really the case, then the boy is not bragging.

However, that boy must be trying to pick up girls, otherwise, why would he do this for no reason?

Isn't it nonsense to say thank you to that girl for showing him the way? How big a deal is it to show him the way? Do you need to help so much in return?

Besides, that boy probably asked for directions on purpose, just to find a reason to help the girl now.

The kid's tricks are quite good, the students around him all thought so.

However, this guy is young and doesn't seem to be much older than them. Even if he is really from China Records, his words shouldn't have much weight, right?

Unless this kid's identity is the son of a certain boss of China Record Company.

Those young men, don’t they just like the innocent schoolgirls in school? That girl is indeed pretty, has a good figure, and looks innocent. She is indeed very likely to become the boy's target.

Things like this are not uncommon in this art school.

Thinking of this, the expressions on the faces of the surrounding students could not help but change from shock and disdain to worry, or envy and jealousy.

The words of the female classmate made the surrounding students think of so many things in a short period of time.

I have to say that the students’ thinking is still very active.

It's just a pity that they obviously thought too much.

After hearing this, Li Fan smiled again and said, "I'm not from Huaxia Records, but my recommendation will indeed be very useful."

Not from China Records?

Listen to Li Fan say this,

The female classmates and the surrounding students were all a little surprised. They were not from Huaxia Records, so they didn't understand why Li Fan was so confident?

Well, no, that guy should be from China Records, but he doesn't want to admit it.

The reason is also very simple. If he wants to pick up girls, he needs to appear mysterious and capable. If he admits that he is the son of a certain boss of China Records, then it would be too shameful for him to help that female classmate sign a contract with China Records. Even with the technical content, it doesn't show his ability.

Therefore, he will not admit it, at least not before signing the contract.

The students around me all think so, and they are becoming more and more certain.

The female classmate also thought of this, but she was not sure because she always had a feeling that the other party was not flirting with her.

If the other party is not flirting with her, then all the previous assumptions will be invalid.

However, the female classmate really couldn't understand why the other party wanted to help her and why he was so capable?

The female classmate was really confused, but one thing seemed certain. If the other party was really from China Records and deliberately concealed her identity to do her such a big favor, then he must have that kind of thought towards her. The female classmate didn't think so about this. Not willing.

If the other person is not from Huaxia Records, then he is bragging or teasing her. This is not an opportunity, and she does not need to seize it.

So, just don’t go on stage to sing, no matter who the other party is? What's the purpose? As long as she doesn't go on stage to sing, nothing will happen.

Therefore, the female classmate politely said to Li Fan: "I'm sorry, I still decided not to go up."

After hearing what the female classmate said, some of the students around gave her a thumbs up, "Well done, you won't do anything just for your dreams."

Some people also think that the female classmates are a bit stupid. What a great opportunity, it was wasted like this. If you accept it, it can only be a few times at most. How big a deal is it?

Li Fan nodded. He had already said this, and the female classmate was still unwilling to sing, so he would not force her anymore.

He said: "Well, since my classmates don't want to, then forget it. Thank you again, classmates, for showing me the way. Then, goodbye."

"Huh? Oh, okay, you're welcome." said the female classmate. Do not know why? She always felt like her reaction was a little slower.

Li Fan smiled, turned and left. He was about to leave the auditorium. He just came to take a look, and now he naturally has to leave.

And the moment Li Fan turned around, the two girls who had just walked into the auditorium from the back door couldn't help but exclaimed.

Both girls are beautiful, but one of them is particularly beautiful.

After exclaiming, the two girls quickly covered their mouths with their hands, but their eyes were still wide open.

Because the auditorium was noisy and the distance was relatively far, the female classmates and the surrounding students did not hear the exclamations of the two girls at the back door.

But Li Fan heard it.

Li Fan glanced in the direction where the exclamation came from and was quite surprised to see two girls. He knew those two girls.

To be precise, he met the two girls once in Sansheng Village and had some interactions with them.

The two girls didn't know his identity at the time, but they must have guessed it later.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

His identity.

This is why the two girls exclaimed, they recognized Li Fan.

Li Fan felt quite surprised when he met two girls here. He smiled faintly at the two girls and then continued to leave.

The two girls were very excited and wanted to shout something, but they held back in the end.

They quickly ran to the female classmates and patted their shoulders. One of the girls said eagerly: "Qiu Jing, He...did you notice the gentleman walking past you just now?"

It turned out that the two girls knew a female classmate, and the female classmate's name was Qiu Jing.

As soon as the two girls approached the auditorium, they happened to see Li Fan turn around and leave. Therefore, they did not know what happened before. They thought that Li Fan just walked past Qiu Jing.

Qiu Jing has always been a little confused. The slap of the two girls really startled her. After seeing who was coming, Qiu Jing immediately became happy and said: "Luoxue, Rao Dan, you are here. I I've been waiting for you for a long time."

It turned out that the two girls were Lin Luoxue and Rao Dan, students from Beijing University.

Both of them are Qiu Jing's good friends, and they came here specially to accompany Qiu Jing to experience the selection scene of Huaxia Records.

It's just that the two of them were delayed for some time due to severe traffic jams on the way here, and they didn't make it in time to start.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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