Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2016 This is an ancient masterpiece

Remember in one second【】

All the audience had a special feeling in their hearts, but Yang Hongji's singing continued.

"The white-haired fisherman and woodcutter on the Nagisa River is used to watching the autumn moon and the spring breeze.


Since everything is fleeting, there is no need to worry about it or worry about it. It's better to let go of everything and focus on the mountains and rivers from now on, enjoy fishing and woodcutter, and be at ease with the autumn moon and spring breeze.

Regardless of whether you are in turbulent waves, right or wrong, I am only focused on the spring breeze and autumn moon, holding a glass of wine, talking and laughing, and maintaining a sense of tranquility and indifference.

Following the lyrics, all the audience had such thoughts. They seemed to see a white-haired fisherman standing on a rock by the river. Despite the stormy waves and the rolling of the river in front of him, he seemed to be aloof from the world, like an ancient well. No waves.

"A jug of turbid wine brings happiness to each other.

Many things in ancient and modern times are all discussed in a joke.


It was a rare meeting with friends, and they drank a glass of wine happily. Many events and disturbances in the past and present were all put into laughter and conversation.

At this time, the audience's thoughts changed again. They seemed to have a kind of detachment and freedom that was indifferent to fame and fortune, and they had a kind of leisurely leisurely mood of watching the flowers blooming and falling in front of the court without being frightened.

The song "Rolling Waters of the Yangtze River East" made the audience's thoughts change several times along with the lyrics. After several ups and downs, even after singing it over and over, the audience's thoughts are still not calm.

On the stage, Yang Hongji started singing for the second time. The audience, whose thoughts were still not calm, once again followed the lyrics.

Finally, Yang Hongji finished singing the entire song and slowly exited the stage. The images on the big screen slowly disappeared, and the audience's thoughts finally calmed down.

Then, I slowly recalled the lyrics I just heard, and found that it was not just lyrics, it was also an eternal poem, or lyrics.

Yes, every audience can be sure that if it is regarded as a song, it will definitely be a song that will last forever.

In fact, it's really a song.

It's just that ordinary viewers haven't discovered this yet. They just think that the lyrics are so well written, like a song that will last forever.

But Wang Xuetao, Shen Cong, Cen Geng, Liang Shang and other big guys discovered it.

Although they are not poets or lyricists, nor are they good at writing poems and lyrics, they also have in-depth research on poetry. When they carefully tasted the lyrics of the song "Rolling Waters of the Yangtze River East", they discovered that it is really A poem is called "Linjiang Immortal".

"Linjiang Xian": It was originally the title of Tang Jiaofang's song, and was later used as the name of a ci brand. There are six types of characters, including fifty-two and fifty-four. Commonly, the whole word is divided into two parts, the upper part and the lower part have five sentences each, with three flat rhymes.

This song "Rolling Waters of the Yangtze River Passing East" is completely consistent with the title of the lyrics "Linjiang Fairy".

Obviously, the lyrics of this song were written by Li Fan according to the metrical requirements of "Linjiang Fairy".

So, why did Li Fan write this?

Wang Xuetao, Shen Cong, Cen Geng, Liang Shang and other big guys thought for a moment, and their eyes lit up, and they found the answer.

Because this song is the theme song of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a historical TV series.

Then, when Li Fan wrote the lyrics, he deliberately wrote the lyrics according to the rhythm of ancient lyrics, which was very consistent with the type of TV series "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

To do this perfectly, two requirements must be met at the same time.

That is to achieve very high attainments in music composition and lyrics, as well as the creation of ancient poems. Both are indispensable.

The only person who can achieve this level of achievement is Li Fan, who is the first person in music and also the first person in poetry.

Thinking of this, Wang Xuetao, Shen Cong, Cen Geng, Liang Shang and other big guys looked at each other with a lot of emotions in their hearts.

After Yang Hongji bowed out, host Zhu Ting came on again. Just as he was about to speak, he saw Shen Congzheng signaling to him, as if he had something to say.

Zhu Ting quickly swallowed what he was about to say and changed his words: "Mr. Shen!"

Shen Cong nodded and said, "I just listened to the theme song sung by Professor Yang Hongji. I have a few words to say."

Zhu Ting's eyes lit up. This is a good thing. What did Shen Cong want to say? Obviously it must be related to the theme song just now, which is definitely a good thing. The theme song just now makes people think a lot. If a famous artist comes out to comment at this time, it will be perfect.

All the audience's eyes were also bright. They also guessed that what Shen Cong was going to say must be related to the theme song just now.

The lyrics of the theme song make them feel like it is an eternal song. They now very much hope that a famous artist can appreciate and comment on the lyrics.

Now, Shen Cong stood up, they were happy and looking forward to it.

Host Zhu Ting quickly said: "Shen Cong, please!"

Shen Cong smiled slightly, nodded, and said, "I'm sorry for wasting everyone's time. Regarding today's process arrangement, I didn't have the opportunity to speak. But I just heard the theme song sung by Professor Yang Hongji, and I really I really want to share my own feelings with you. Let’s talk about the lyrics first. Do you have a feeling that the lyrics of this song are like a classic song? You are right if you have this feeling. , because the lyrics were indeed written by Mr. Li Fan according to the metrical requirements of an ancient poem, and the title of that poem is "Linjiang Fairy". Why did Mr. Li Fan write it like this?..."

Shen Cong briefly explained the reason he had just figured out, and then elaborated on the lyrics.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

After some appreciation and comments, he finally said that Yang Hongji performed the song most perfectly.

Yang Hongji's timbre, vocal range, and most importantly, his ups and downs experience, are all indispensable conditions for the perfect performance of this song.

After listening to Shen Cong's comments, all the audience realized that the lyrics of this song were really an ancient poem. No wonder they felt that way.

Then they were even more happy and excited. There is no doubt that this song will be a very special one among all Li Fan's music works. The only person in the world who can create such a song is Li Fan. I like this song even more.

Yang Hongji performed this song so perfectly, and they also liked it.

As a result, their expectations for the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" TV series have become even stronger.

After seeing the actors' character looks before, the anticipation became intense once, and now again.

Many viewers even have the idea of ​​​​watching "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" to the end. Even if you don’t have much interest in watching it, you still have to finish it.

Of course, this idea is relatively vague, or I just think so at this time.

When "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is officially aired, if it doesn't have enough appeal, they probably won't watch it to the end.

But no matter what, at least they had this idea at this moment, which is the credit of the theme song.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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