Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2018 1 dragon and 2 tigers

Remember in one second【】

After learning that the TV picture was of the "Yellow Turban Uprising", those viewers who were not interested in history were very happy.

And those book fans who solved other people's puzzles were equally happy at this time. It felt really good to solve other people's puzzles. They liked it very much and looked forward to coming back a few more times.

And they know that there will definitely be many opportunities for them to answer questions for others in the future, and they are very much looking forward to it.

This was not expected before, and it was an unexpected surprise after the launch of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Fortunately, they were familiar with "Those Things About the Three Kingdoms". Otherwise, how could they be able to answer others' questions now? How could it feel so good?

For this matter, we must also thank Gu Yong. If it weren't for his release of "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty", everything after this would be gone.

Even Li Fan will not launch the work "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Now that everyone can watch "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and hear the soul-stirring theme song, in addition to thanking Li Fan, you must also thank Gu Yong.

Book fans thought so in their hearts, while the plot of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" continued.

The Yellow Turban Uprising was in full swing. Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty ordered the powerful landlords to lead troops to suppress it, and all states recruited troops to defend it.

A recruitment notice was posted at the gate of Zhuoxian City.

Among the crowd watching the notice, the audience saw a person, a person they were already very familiar with, Liu Bei.

At the launch ceremony a few days ago, all the leading actors appeared, and they appeared in the costumes of the characters in the play.

Therefore, the audience saw Liu Bei's figure in the crowd at a glance.

The audience was very happy, as if seeing a familiar old friend.

Everyone has been discussing before that after the launch of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", who will be the first to appear among those familiar figures at the launch ceremony?

Now the answer is revealed, it is Liu Bei.

What made the audience even more delighted was that a familiar figure soon appeared.

Liu Bei is the great-great-great-grandson of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty. He is a descendant of Liu Sheng, Prince Jing of Zhongshan, and a clan member of the Han Dynasty. However, he lost his father when he was young and lived in Zhuoxian County with his mother.

I make a living by weaving mats and selling women. I want to make achievements but cannot do it. Now I am already twenty-eight.

Therefore, Liu Bei sighed when he looked at the recruitment notice.

At this time, another figure familiar to the audience appeared in the crowd. He was tall, with long and thick beard. Both ends of the upper lip and beard flew upward. He had a leopard head and eyes. It was Zhang Fei.

The audience was overjoyed once again, Zhang Fei also appeared.

The visual impact of Zhang Fei's image is so strong that even in a huge crowd, it is difficult for the audience not to notice it.

Zhang Fei must have heard Liu Bei sighing, so he walked to Liu Bei and said, "What is a real man if he doesn't contribute to the country, but just sighs here?"

After hearing this, Liu Bei saw that his appearance was abnormal, so he asked his name. Zhang Fei replied that his surname was Zhang Mingfei and his given name was Yide. He has lived in Zhuo County for a long time. His family has quite a lot of farmland. He sells wine and butchers pigs. He specializes in making friends with the world's heroes. I just saw Liu Bei sighing after looking at the list, so I came here to ask.

After listening to this, the audience couldn't help sighing, Zhang Fei is such a rich man!

In fact, Zhang Fei is really a rich man, at least in the work "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

The Taoyuan in "Three Brothers in Taoyuan" is Zhang Fei's back garden.

In addition, the reason why Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei were able to rebel was entirely due to Zhang Fei's financial support.

Liu Bei and Guan Yu, one of them was preparing mats and selling chicks, and the other was selling mung beans. They could make a living, but how could they have any extra money to use for trouble?

After listening to Zhang Fei's self-introduction, Liu Bei said that he was originally a clan member of the Han Dynasty. His surname was Liu and his given name was Bei. Now that he heard that the Yellow Turbans were promoting chaos, he was determined to destroy thieves and calm the people, but he was unable to do so, so he sighed.

After hearing this, Zhang Fei said that his family was quite wealthy, and he was willing to invest in recruiting local warriors to work with Liu Bei on major events. He asked Liu Bei what he thought?

Liu Bei was naturally delighted after hearing this, and went to a hotel with Zhang Fei for a drink.

The audience once again lamented that Zhang Fei is really a rich man.

After sighing like this, the audience's eyes suddenly brightened again, because they spotted another figure in the crowd.

That figure was taller than Zhang Fei, with a long black beard hanging down on his chest, red phoenix eyes, silkworm eyebrows, majestic appearance, and it was Guan Yu.

After Liu Bei and Zhang Fei, Guan Yu also appeared.

Characters who impressed the audience appeared one after another, which made them very happy, but when they saw what Guan Yu was doing, they were quite shocked.

I saw Guan Yu sitting on a stone bench, with a large linen bag filled with mung beans in front of him. Guan Yu was actually selling mung beans.

Guan Yu has such a heroic image, but he is sitting on the street selling mung beans. It seems a bit incongruous no matter how you look at it. No wonder the audience was shocked.

There was a butcher's shop on the street. A customer came to buy meat, but the butcher shop clerk refused to sell it. He said that the meat was placed in a well covered with a very heavy grinding stone, and it was impossible to move it away and to take out the meat.

It turned out that the meat was placed in the well by the owner of the shop, and the millstone was also covered by the owner. He also said that whoever can remove the millstone can take any meat from the well.

The millstone is very heavy, and it is naturally impossible for ordinary people to move it.

Guan Yu came to the butcher shop.

The audience's eyes were wide open. They already had a premonition that Guan Yu was going to move the millstone.

In fact, it turned out to be the case. Guan Yu moved the millstone and asked the waiter to take out the meat and divide it for free.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

To everyone.

Seeing Guan Yu's bravery, the waiter had no choice but to take out the meat from the well and distribute it to everyone.

Everyone cheered, and Guan Yu returned to his mung bean stall and continued selling mung beans.

Then Zhang Fei came to Guan Yu's mung bean stall, grabbed a handful of mung beans, kneaded them into bean powder, and then said that Guan Yu was selling bean powder and selling the bean powder as mung beans was pure pretense and deception.

This is obviously a deliberate attempt to cause trouble.

Why did Zhang Fei come to deliberately cause trouble for Guan Yu?

It turns out that the previous butcher shop was opened by Zhang Fei, it was Zhang Fei who put the meat in the well, and it was Zhang Fei who covered the millstone. He heard that someone had removed the millstone and taken away the meat from the well, so he came to find it.

He didn't feel sorry for the meat in the well. Zhang Fei was a wealthy man, so what did a little meat mean? He wanted to have a good contest with the person who removed the millstone and see who he was.

Just like that, the two started fighting, and it could be said that they were inseparable.

The audience watched with great interest, and they were all wondering, who is more powerful among these two people?

Some people think it is Guan Yu because Guan Yu is taller. Some people think it is Zhang Fei, because Zhang Fei looks more sinister.

Everyone was looking forward to the outcome of the fight between the two, but unfortunately there was no result in the end.

Because, just when the two were fighting inextricably, and it was difficult to determine the outcome, Liu Bei appeared, pulled the two apart, and let the two stop fighting.

The process of Liu Bei pulling the two away made the audience stunned. Liu Bei seemed to be so thin, but he had such great strength.

It is simply a natural power!

At that time, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were fighting together. Liu Bei walked over, grabbed Guan Yu's arm with one hand, and grabbed Zhang Fei's arm with the other hand. They moved their arms apart, and then pressed them down. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were killed by Liu Bei. Separated and still unable to move.

Both of them were shocked and admired Liu Bei's magical power.

Later, Liu Bei ascended the throne and became emperor, and Guan Yu and Zhang Fei became tiger generals. People called the story of Liu Bei's supernatural power separating Guan Yu and Zhang Fei "one dragon divided into two tigers".

This is the origin of the popular saying, "One dragon divides into two tigers".

It is worth noting that in the previous CCTV classic version of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", there was a plot of "one dragon divided into two tigers", but this plot was not included in the original work of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

However, "One dragon divides two tigers" is not original to the CCTV version, but has been circulated among the people for a long time.

When Li Fan brought "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" to this world, he added the plot of "one dragon divided into two tigers".

Finally, Liu Bei's natural supernatural power exists in some folklore. As for Liu Bei in real history, was he also very powerful?

It may be difficult to reach a conclusion on this issue.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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