Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2021 Game

What's the next type?

Not only book fans are very curious and looking forward to it, but many people from all walks of life are also very curious.

Since Gu Yong started online novels, he has launched two major categories: "Xianxia" and "History". He also said before the beginning that there will be more than ten categories in total, and he will launch them one by one. .

Just the two major categories of "Xianxia" and "History" have opened everyone's eyes. There are so many other types, so what kind of excitement should they be?

Countless people are looking forward to it!

And now, it’s time to look forward to the next genre.

Everyone is waiting for Guyong to announce the next genre?

Which genre will be launched next? Li Fan has already decided and the work is ready.

He knew that at this time, many people in the outside world were waiting for him to announce what the next type would be?

And now it is indeed time to announce it.

Therefore, Li Fan stopped playing tricks, logged into Guyong's Weibo, and updated a message.

The core content of the news is, what type of work will the next work be announced?

What is it?


That’s right, the next type Li Fan is planning to launch is “games”.

However, once the answer was announced, the outside world was immediately confused.

game? Are games also a type of online novel?

Everyone really can’t figure out how a game can be a type of novel? How to write a novel about games?

Games, everyone naturally understands what a game is?

The games that everyone usually refers to generally refer to two types. One is entertainment activities, including games played between children, entertainment activities for adults, etc.

The second is electronic games, including console games, computer games, mobile games, etc.

In short, the word "game" can bring out too many things. Even many animals have games among them.

But even so, everyone really doesn't understand what is the relationship between games and online novels?

After Guyong announced that the next type was "game", countless people were discussing it.

Although no one could understand it, this piqued everyone's interest even more.

"Games? The next type that Gu Yongda is going to launch is actually a game. It is really unimaginable. But, what is the relationship between games and online novels? I can't figure it out."

"Speaking of games, it reminds me of the games I played on game consoles when I was a kid. It really makes me nostalgic."

"In addition to controller games, there are also those arcade games that are also very nostalgic. I still occasionally go to the arcade to play arcade games. It's a pity that when I play them now, I only have some feelings about my childhood. . Those games are no longer popular. Game companies don’t know how to launch new games. I think there is still a market for arcade games.”

"Yes, after so many years, the games are still those games. I thought it was very fun when I was a kid, but now it seems a bit retarded. Especially my favorite fighting games, like 'Legend of Kings', 'Challenge Heroes' and the like Yes, how much did you like it when you were a kid? Now that I see it, all I have left is feelings."

"Don't tell me, I have always liked fighting games, but now those fighting games are really a bit retarded and I really can't get interested in playing them. It's really a shame!"

"There is nothing we can do about it. After all, the era of arcade games has passed. Now it is the world of computer online games and mobile games."

"Nowadays, the world of online games and mobile games is indeed the world. However, there are so many games, but there are very few games that are really fun and long-lasting. Many games are just for freshness, and after playing them for a few days, you no longer want to play. Maybe it's Nowadays, we have higher requirements for games. Think about a simple controller game when we were young.

No matter how much you play, you will never get tired of it. "

"When it comes to games, everyone seems to have a lot to say. But what I want to say is, has our topic gone astray?"

"Haha! It's true that it went astray. However, it's not our fault. We really can't figure out why 'games' are a type of online novels? After talking about it, it naturally went astray."

"Is Gu Yong going to write a book to teach us how to play games?"

"Pfft! It's impossible when you think about it."

"It is indeed very difficult to guess, but after Gu Yong announces the title of the book, it should be easier to guess."

"Well, in two days, Mr. Gu Yong will announce the title of the book."


From the time Guyong created online novels to now, the number of online novel authors has been growing.

According to unsafe statistics, the number of online novel authors now exceeds 10 million, and this does not include those authors who have given up.

The number of such authors has been lamented by countless people no matter how many times.

As for online novel authors, it can be said that they are the most concerned about what kind of group Gu Yong's next work will be classified into.

Because, if they can write in the next genre, they will have one more genre to choose from when creating in the future.

One more type of choice means one more possibility of success.

If one type is a hit, maybe after changing to another type, it won't be a hit anymore.

Now they get the answers they desperately want to know.

However, they, like people from other walks of life, looked confused.

What the hell is a game? Can you create online novels about games?

A group of online novel authors have found helplessly that they cannot keep up with the rhythm of Gu Yong.

Of course, this is also very normal. If they can keep up with Gu Yong's rhythm, it will be a little abnormal.

Therefore, the authors are not depressed, but are very excited and full of expectations.

Times Literary Award Jury Office.

Yang Qiming also had a bitter look on his face and said: "The last classification was 'history', and we could barely guess a thing. This time's 'game' is really confusing. If you want to guess, you can't. Don’t know where to start?”

Li Bo smiled helplessly and said: "I really don't know where to start. However, this makes people feel more curious and full of expectations!"

Yang Qiming said: "This is indeed true. Now the outside world doesn't understand how to complete a novel about 'games'? But no one questions it, there are just doubts, and even more curiosity and expectations!"

Li Bo smiled and said: "This is natural, that is ancient, how can anyone dare to question it?"

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