Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2024 Online Game Glory

Remember in a second【】

a week later.

Gu Yong's new book "Professional Master" will be officially launched on Qidian Chinese website at 10:00 this morning.

Now, there are still 10 minutes until 10 am.

Countless people have already logged into the Qidian Chinese website, waiting for the update of "Professional Master".

Among them, there are countless book fans, people from major game companies, celebrities such as Yang Qiming and Li Bo, celebrities in the world of martial arts novels such as Wang Yang and Jian Yishen, as well as people from other walks of life, as well as many media reporters and so on.

The launch of "Professional Master" is also highly anticipated!

People from major game companies are getting more and more nervous now, which game will Gu Yong choose? Finally, the answer will be revealed soon.

This will be a very exciting moment. People from major game companies are praying in their hearts that their company's games will win the prize.

And the rest of the people are also very curious about this question. They also want to know which game Guyong will choose?

It's just that they are not nervous. No matter which game Gu Yong chooses, it is the same for them.

What they were looking forward to more was, how would Guyong write a story about a group of players playing a game?

And the answer to this question will also be revealed soon. Although I can only see the content of the opening chapter today, it should be enough to get a glimpse of it from the content of the opening chapter.

Countless people were waiting, and the time finally arrived at 10 o'clock in the morning.

"Professional Master" is officially launched, the first chapter "The Deported Master".

"'Kakaka, tata...'

A pair of dexterous hands are flying and manipulating the keyboard and mouse, and the rhythmic percussion sounds like a brisk movement.

The brilliance of the sky flashed across the screen, and the opponent fell down with flying blood.

'hehe. ’ Ye Qiu smiled, and raised his hand to remove the cigarette butt stuck in the corner of his mouth. The silvery white soot had already formed a long string, but when Ye Qiu waved the mouse and tapped the keyboard to start the operation, he was not shocked at all.

The cigarette butts that were taken off were quickly snuffed out in an oddly shaped ashtray on the table,

Ye Qiu quickly returned his hand to the keyboard, and was about to say something to his opponent, when the door was pushed open with a bang.

Ye Qiu didn't look back, as if he had been waiting for this moment, he just asked: 'Here you come? '

'coming. ’ Su Mucheng’s answer was equally simple.


Judging from the opening chapter, it really is just like what Guyong said before, this is a story about gamers playing games.

This guy called Ye Qiu, suspected to be the main character, is obviously playing a game, and his game-playing movements are described very handsomely.

But, which game is Ye Qiu playing? No answer has been given yet.

In addition, when you hear the name "Su Mucheng", you know that it should be a beauty. Could it be the heroine? What was she doing opening Ye Qiu's door?

The fans of the book were very quick, and they made up the next plot in their minds, and their thinking was quite sensitive and quick.

After making up the plot, the book fans are looking forward to it, and they are so restless after reading a novel, there is really no way.

It's a pity that what Ye Qiu said next made the plot that fans were looking forward to come to naught.

"'Then let's go!' Ye Qiu rejected the opponent's invitation to fight again, gently took off a card from the login device dedicated to the online game Glory, got up and walked to the door, and slipped it from the clothes rack beside it. Take off your coat."

This fucking beauty left as soon as she entered the door?

Book fans are very sorry, why is the plot different from what they thought?

Of course, not all book fans feel sorry.

After all, not all book fans have a restless heart.

And those book fans who are not restless found a very important message in this passage.

"Gently took off a card from the login device dedicated to the online game Glory."

Online game glory?

Ye Qiu just played an online game called "Glory"?

It is an online game, everyone has already guessed it before, so it is not surprising.

The key is the "Glory" game, I don't seem to have heard of it!

Of course, this is actually not surprising. The online game market is very active now, and there are so many online games. Except for the most popular games, it is normal that you have never heard of other games.

It seems that Guyong didn't choose the most popular games this time.

Everyone is not surprised by this. Everyone thought before that Gu Yong might not choose those hottest games.

Now it is true.

"Glory? Do you know this game? Come out and tell me, what kind of game is it? Why is it so favored by Gu Yong? I, 'Dragon Blood Jianghu', express my dissatisfaction!"

"Glory? I haven't heard of this game. It should be a game that is not very popular. I don't know which game company's game it is. Could it be that it secretly made a few sticks of incense for Gu Yong? No, why did Guyong choose this game?"

"I haven't heard of this game."

"I do not have either."


While talking, everyone suddenly felt that something was wrong.

A game, it is normal for one person not to have heard of it, it is normal for a few people not to have heard of it, even most people have not heard of it

^0^ Remember in a second【】

, can be considered normal.

But if almost everyone hasn't heard of it, something is obviously out of the ordinary.

Now, everyone on the Internet says they have never heard of the game "Glory", which is obviously not normal.

Could it be that there is no such game as "Glory" in reality?

"Damn! It seems that there is really no such game. I just searched with a search engine, but I didn't find a game called 'Glory'."

"I also searched just now, and found a bunch of content related to the keyword 'glory', but there are no games in it. There are no games, no online games, mobile games, stand-alone games, etc."

"Could it be that 'Glory' is a fictional game made up by Guyong? This is something I hadn't thought of before."

"It seems that it is very likely to be fictitious. However, it is not necessarily true. If the search engine cannot find something, it does not mean that it must not exist. Let's see what the major game companies say? If the major game companies say, If this game has not been released, then it is really Gu Yong's fiction."


Games that cannot be searched by search engines do not necessarily mean that there are no games. Book fans have turned their attention to major game companies.

Whether "Glory" is Gu Yong's fictional game or not, the major game companies obviously have the most say.

The major game companies are more concerned about this issue than they are, and will definitely respond soon.


Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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