Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2035 Whoever plays, who will be fooled?

Remember in one second【】

Yuan Yi, Zhan Yinghui and the technical staff are very excited. They have been deeply attracted by this game called "Plants vs. Zombies".

This game is very interesting and playable.

Of course, this does not guarantee that the market for this game will be very good. Everything can only be tested by the market after the game is officially launched.

After reading the information, everyone asked some questions that they did not understand, and Li Fan answered them one by one.

Afterwards, Li Fan communicated and communicated with several technical staff on some issues in game development.

Finally, Yuan Yi assured Li Fan that he would immediately invest in the research and development of "Plants vs. Zombies" after returning home, and strive to have "Plants vs. Zombies" officially launched in half a month.

Li Fan had no objection to this and expressed the hope that both parties would have a happy cooperation this time.

Blue River Game Company has fully invested in the research and development of "Plants vs. Zombies".

Relevant news has also spread to the gaming industry. Everyone in the gaming industry already knows that Li Fan has completed the design of the game and Blue River Game Company is fully developing it.

Naturally, the gaming community is buzzing about this.

"Mr. Li Fan designs games very quickly. I'm really curious, what kind of game did Mr. Li Fan design?"

"To be honest, I am also very curious. But I still think that there will be no market for this game."

"Isn't Blue River Company working hard on research and development? It won't take long to create a web game, and we will all see it by then."

"Just wait and see, Blue River Games has been laughed at by us for so long, and it's time for a result."


Everyone in the gaming industry is paying attention and waiting for the official launch of the game.

First, because this is a game designed by Li Fan himself, they are still a little curious.

Secondly, the joke Blue River Games made this time should have an outcome.

Half a month later.

Blue River Games officially announced that the latest web game "Plants vs. Zombies", designed by Li Fan himself and developed by Blue River Games, will be officially launched in two days.

As soon as the news was announced, it quickly spread throughout the gaming community.

The gaming community is once again abuzz.

"It's finally officially launched. Okay, let's take a look at the game designed by Mr. Li Fan. What kind of game is it?"

"It will be officially launched soon. You might as well guess how long it can last? What will be the market effect?"

"If Blue River Games insists on not letting it go offline for the sake of face, then it is estimated that it can last for two or three months. As for the effect on the market, it would be good if it can make some waves."

"If Mr. Li Fan personally announces to the outside world that he has designed a web game, it will naturally cause a sensation. But Mr. Li Fan obviously has no intention of announcing it himself. After all, this is his game, and the designer It’s really difficult to announce it to the outside world. Then its market effect will be the same as other web games, which will not make any waves.”

"In short, this matter will have a result soon, and it is time to have a result. Let us wait and see."


The news officially announced by Blue River Games was not only known to people in the gaming industry, but also to the outside world and game players.

However, because the influence of Blue River Game Company is too small, the group of game players it affects is really very limited.

Li Fan indeed has no intention of announcing the news to the outside world personally, and he does not intend to use his influence to build momentum for "Plants vs. Zombies".

He wanted to see if this game, which was very popular in the previous life, could become equally popular in this world with its own fun and playability.

He believed it would be possible.

Without Li Fan's momentum, Blue River Game Company's influence is really limited, so only a very small number of game players have noticed the new web game "Plants vs. Zombies" that will be officially launched in two days.

After noticing it, they didn't pay much attention to it, but they just thought the name of the game was very strange.

Plants vs. Zombies? What the hell? It’s hard to understand.

"Has anyone noticed the new browser game "Plants vs. Zombies" that Blue River Games is about to launch? What the hell kind of game is this?"

"Blue River Games Company? I've never heard of it. However, this "Plants vs. Zombies" seems a bit interesting."

"Tch! This is just such a strange name deliberately chosen by the game company. The purpose is to arouse everyone's curiosity and let everyone play his game. In fact, it doesn't mean anything at all. There are so many web games now, how can there be any? What’s fun?”

"It's true, web games are not fun at all. I really hope Jibei Games can successfully develop "Glory" quickly. I really can't wait."

"Browser games are not fun in the first place. They are launched by a small game company that I have never heard of, so there is nothing interesting about them. What about "Plants vs. Zombies"? It just relies on a strange name to attract people. Who Let’s play who gets fooled.”

"I think so. Whoever plays will be fooled. I won't be fooled anyway."

"I wouldn't be fooled either."


^0^ Remember in one second【】


The news that "Plants vs. Zombies" is about to be officially launched has not caused fluctuations among game players. There are only a few players who have heard about it, and most of these few players who have heard about it have little interest and have no plans to do so. Go play.

Only a few players are interested and plan to try it out.

Provincial capital, Blue River Game Company.

Technical Director Zhan Yinghui said helplessly: "Mr. Yuan, the influence is too small. I'm afraid it will be difficult for more than a thousand players to come to try it tomorrow. Should we make this game personally designed by Li Fan?" Throw out this bombshell?"

Yuan Yi pondered: "Mr. Li Fan did not announce this game to the outside world, because he designed it himself. He must have some intention if he does not want to announce it. Then, it is best for us not to disclose it to the outside world. At least it cannot be disclosed now. Otherwise, it may affect Mr. Li Fan’s intention of not announcing it.”

Zhan Yinghui nodded and said: "Mr. Yuan, I can understand this. However, if this happens, it will be difficult for this game to achieve results."

Yuan Yidao: "Since Mr. Li Fan is unwilling to announce to the outside world that this game was designed by him personally, this shows that in his opinion, this game can still achieve good results even without his influence and momentum. , we must believe in Mr. Li Fan.”

Zhan Yinghui nodded slowly and said, "Okay, we really have to believe Mr. Li Fan."

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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