Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2039 Shocking Data

Remember in one second【】

The rest of the players had their suspicions, but they were just suspicions after all.

Therefore, while some players are doubtful, they can't help but be a little curious. I wonder if what the trial players said is true?

Well, if you want to know the answer, it's very simple. Just go and experience it yourself. It won't waste much time anyway.

As a result, another group of players finally logged into the "Plants vs. Zombies" game page.

The account registration data in the background, after being silent for more than an hour, finally exploded again. In a short period of time, the number of account registrations increased sharply.

A new group of players started "Plants vs. Zombies", and their various inner feelings were roughly the same as those of the previous group of players who tried it.

The end result was the same, and they couldn't stop playing.

After playing more than ten games in a row, they finally stopped temporarily. At this time, they realized that what the trial players said was indeed true. This game really couldn't be stopped once played.

If you think about it more carefully, besides being full of creativity, this game does not seem to be very amazing or magical, but why is it so attractive that people keep playing it?

Players don't understand it, and they don't intend to understand it. Anyway, the game can attract them, so they just play it.

Of course, they did not forget to express their feelings online.

"Oh no! What they said before about "Plants vs. Zombies" is true. I just tried it and I couldn't stop playing it."

"I also went to play. I just wanted to give it a try, but unexpectedly I played more than ten games in a row. I don't know why I kept wanting to continue playing the next level? This game looks so obvious. It’s not that amazing, which is weird.”

"No, what you said is true? Is it really that fun? You can't stop playing it?"

"It's true, but it's not necessarily how fun it is. But I just can't stop, which is really weird."

"It does feel like this. It's really a bit evil."


The remaining players are confused, what is going on? It’s not necessarily an amazing and fun game.

But it can make people unable to stop once they play.

Isn’t this self-contradictory?

If it had been before, they would have suspected that they were trolls hired by Blue River Games, but now they know that they are not trolls.

Now, the remaining players are all interested. They want to experience that evil game for themselves.

As a result, the background data of "Plants vs. Zombies" suddenly increased rapidly, and the number of registered users exceeded 500,000 in a short period of time.

Moreover, its number of registrations continues to surge.

Yuan Yi and the employees of Blue River Game Company were completely dumbfounded. This sudden change in data almost made them petrified on the spot.

This is just a web game, not a large-scale online game, and the number of registered users can exceed 500,000.

Moreover, the breakthrough speed is so fast. After the breakthrough, the number of registrations continues to surge. How high can it finally reach? I'm afraid it will be a scary number.

Although they knew that the data of "Plants vs. Zombies" would be very good, Yuan Yi and his employees never dared to imagine that it would be such an astonishing number.

The number of registered people almost made Yuan Yi and his employees petrified on the spot, but the number of people online at the same time immediately made them petrified on the spot.

450,000 people are online at the same time!

Moreover, it also shows an upward trend.

This... must not be true, Yuan Yi and his employees couldn't believe it.

Previously, the record for the number of people online at the same time for web games was 56,745, but now it has increased nearly ten times.

Although Yuan Yi and his employees knew that the number of people online at the same time for "Plants vs. Zombies" would suddenly record, and eventually reach a very anticipated number.

But their boldest idea is to break through 100,000.

However, now, it has directly reached 450,000 people online at the same time, and it is very obvious that this cannot be the highest figure.

This is real?

Yuan Yi and his employees couldn't believe it, Petrochemical was on the spot.

Yuan Yi and his employees were petrified on the spot, and everyone in the gaming industry was also petrified on the spot. The shock in their hearts was far more intense than that of Yuan Yi and his employees.

The data of a web game can be so shocking.

Is this still a web game?

More importantly, they can't figure out why "Plants vs. Zombies" can achieve such data?

It seems that the "evil" they discovered before does indeed exist.

And, it exists for most people.

Only in this way can we explain why there are such shocking data.

So, the question comes back again, why is "Plants vs. Zombies" so evil?

Everyone in the gaming industry still couldn't figure it out, but such a weird thing made them really want to figure out why?

Therefore, all major game companies have made a common decision, which is to hold a seminar to conduct a detailed study on why "Plants vs. Zombies" has obtained such shocking data?

Before that, they found out very helplessly that they were slapped in the face by Blue River Games

^0^ Remember in one second【】


They had been laughing at the Blue River game for more than a month, thinking it was whimsical and overestimated. After the news of Blue River Games collaborating with Li Fan came out, they all still believed that Blue River Games was still a joke.

But now, shocking data tells them that they are the real joke, not Blue River Games.

Although this game was designed by Li Fan, Blue River Games at least thought of a way to cooperate with Li Fan.

When Li Fan proposed that he would only design one web game, they were not optimistic about the web game designed by Li Fan, but Blue River Games believed that the web game designed by Li Fan was anything but ordinary.

All of this shows that their vision and judgment this time are far inferior to Blue River Games. If they are slapped in the face by Blue River Games, they can only accept it painfully and helplessly.

Then there is strong envy. If a web game can achieve such results, its influence will undoubtedly be very large.

Moreover, the current results are probably far from the final results, because such results have been achieved in a short period of time, and the future development potential is undoubtedly great.

And this undoubtedly makes people more envious and jealous.

Yuan Yi and all the employees of Blue River Game Company had recovered from the petrification, and then they were in unprecedented ecstasy.

Blue River Games has been laughed at by the entire gaming industry for more than a month. Now they are finally proud and proud, and they have finally slapped the entire gaming industry in the face.

This feeling is really great!

What's even more exciting is that their Blue River Games are destined to become famous this time, and they will definitely be able to steal a lot of attention from Jibei Games.

Yuan Yi was excited and excited. He dialed Li Fan's phone number. He knew that Li Fan brought all this to them Blue River Games.

Therefore, at this time, he most wanted to tell Li Fan the real-time data.

Soon, the call was connected.

A few minutes later, Yuan Yi put down the phone. At this time, he seemed more excited and excited than before.

Technical Director Zhan Yinghui was a little confused and said: "Mr. Yuan, did Mr. Li Fan say something? Why do you feel more excited?"

Yuan Yi tried to calm down his mind and said: "Mr. Li Fan said that the current data is just the beginning. In the future, the data that "Plants vs. Zombies" can obtain will be dozens of times what it is now. hundred times."

"Dozens of times? Hundreds of times?" Zhan Yinghui and other employees of the company were completely stunned.

Then, they all murmured to themselves in a daze: "This... this... this should be impossible, right?"

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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