Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2056 The regrets of arcade players

Remember in one second【】

After hearing this, the two responsible persons nodded slowly. What Li Fan said was not wrong.

But does this mean there will still be a market for arcade games?

The two people in charge were not sure. One of them said, "Mr. Li Fan means that as long as an excellent arcade game is launched, there will still be a market for arcade games?"

Li Fan smiled and then nodded again.

When the two managers saw Li Fan nodding, they could not restrain their excitement and surprise. Although they did not think there would be a market for arcade games, they believed in Li Fan's judgment.

Since Li Fan said there will still be a market, there will definitely be a market.

If there is really still a market for arcade games, it would definitely be great news that would excite them enough for the two people in charge.

Because, if this is the case, their Lingfeng Games will not need to transform and can still continue to make arcade games.

Only Lingfeng Games, which makes arcade games, is the real Lingfeng Games.

The reason why I decided to transform into online games before was because there was really no other way and I had to transform.

Even if the Lingfeng game after the transformation will no longer be the real Lingfeng game, that is no longer a concern.

In fact, the two people in charge do not want to change. They have very deep and special feelings for arcade games.

Now, knowing that they can still bring life to Lingfeng Games without transforming into online games, the two of them can't help but feel excited and surprised.

Of course, the premise is that the newly launched arcade games must be very good, much better than the previous arcade games.

Only in this way can old players no longer only have feelings, but can rediscover their passion for arcade games, and only in this way can they continue to attract new players.

Such a new arcade game could obviously be designed only by Li Fan.

The two managers held back their excitement, and one of them asked, "What type of arcade game does Mr. Li Fan plan to design?"

Li Fan did not answer, but asked instead, "When your Lingfeng game was at its most glorious, what type of game was the most popular?"

"Fighting games.

"The person in charge did not hesitate at all, but answered directly, "What we at Lingfeng Games are best at are fighting games. Among arcade fighting games, at least 70% of them can be considered classics, all of which are made by us at Lingfeng. Edge game. "

The two leaders are quite proud of their past glory. And after the pride, there is endless sadness and regret. They were once brilliant, but now they are on the verge of bankruptcy.

Li Fan nodded and said, "In that case, I will also design a fighting game."

The two managers were even more surprised. Fighting games are so good. Their most brilliant game at Lingfeng Games is the fighting game. Now launching a new fighting game will obviously have better results than launching other types of games. .

A person in charge said, "I'm really grateful to Mr. Li Fan. Please rest assured, Mr. Li Fan. We at Lingfeng Games are very experienced in developing fighting games. The games we develop will definitely meet Mr. Li Fan's requirements." "

Li Fan nodded and said with a smile, "I believe your game company has the strength in this area, so I wish us a happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation! Happy cooperation! Thank you so much, Mr. Li Fan." The two persons in charge said excitedly at the same time. At this time, they became very excited again.

They couldn't help but be excited. This time they came to visit Li Fan, and the final reward turned out to be countless times greater than their best expectations.

Li Fan would actually design an arcade fighting game for them, making it very possible for their Lingfeng game to regain its former glory.

The two people in charge could only think about regaining their former glory in their dreams.

But who would have thought that such an opportunity would actually come about now? You can tell how surprised and excited the two people in charge were.

The two leaders decided to take the new fighting arcade game designed by Li Fan for them to the large-scale game exhibition held in the Magic City half a month later.

Originally, bringing an arcade game to an exhibition would definitely become a joke.

But if this arcade game was designed by Li Fan himself, it would definitely not be a joke, but would become the focus of the scene.

The two leaders absolutely believe this, and they are suddenly looking forward to the upcoming game expo!

In a certain video game town.

There are many various game machines in the arcade city, including more than a dozen arcade game machines.

There are also many people playing games, both men and women. The atmosphere at the whole scene is very lively and the players are also very interested.

Only the arcade game area seemed quite deserted. More than a dozen arcade game machines were open, but most of them were empty. Only two or three game machines were played by people.

All they play is a fighting game, which was the most popular fighting game in the past.

However, even the most popular fighting game in the past is now very disinterested when players play it, and only feelings are left.

After defeating the opponent again, one player sighed and said to a player next to him, "This game is really meaningless to play now. It's purely just to recall the feeling I had when I played it before. Now After playing a few games, I no longer want to play.”

The player next to him also sighed and said, "It's really not interesting to play.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Come to think of it, the days of arcade games are over. "

The person before said, "Maybe it has passed, but I still have a lot of feelings about arcade games. This kind of feeling is not available in computer games and online games. Therefore, I often come to play arcade games, even though I play them for a while. After that, I felt that it was no longer interesting. But after a few days, I couldn’t help but want to play it again. There must be many people like me, so I think arcade games are not over yet. It’s just that the current game companies don’t develop new arcade games. Without fresh blood, arcade games will naturally accelerate their decline, which is really regrettable.

The player next to me said, "I'm the same as you. We play every few days. The feeling of playing arcade games cannot be replaced by computer games or online games. But this cannot prevent the decline of arcade games. It is indeed very It's a pity. As for those game companies not developing arcade games, it's normal. How could they spend time and money to develop arcade games that have declined? Most of the previous arcade game companies have gone bankrupt. Including the once most glorious Lingfeng Games, they should all have closed down."

The man before sighed, "Yes, even Lingfeng Games has closed down, let alone other game companies. In the future, it is estimated that there will be no new arcade games online, which is really regrettable!"

The player next to me said, "There is nothing we can do about that."


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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