Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2058 The news turned out to be true

Remember in one second【】

Regarding the news announced by Lingfeng Games, the old arcade game players did not react for a while.

Although the number of arcade game players in the past was far less than the number of online game players today, the number was actually quite large. Tens of millions should be no problem.

So many people couldn't react.

Of course, some players have not seen the relevant news yet, but what is certain is that when they see the news, they will still not be able to react.

Because this is really shocking!

Lingfeng Games is going to launch a brand new fighting arcade game, and it will take this arcade game to the game exhibition in half a month.

This can't be true, right?

After all, Lingfeng Games was the king of the arcade game era. Although it has declined now, its dignity is still there. It is impossible to bring an arcade game and become a joke to everyone, right?

Players can be very sure that taking an arcade game to a trade show will definitely become a joke in the audience.

Is it possible that Lingfeng Games doesn’t realize this? How could they possibly take an arcade game to a trade show?

Well, no, the news that Lingfeng Games is going to launch a new fighting arcade game should be fake and cannot be true.

It should be that the official account of Lingfeng Games was stolen, and then the person who stole the account pranked it.

However, who would be so bored as to steal the official account of a game company that is already on the verge of bankruptcy and prank it like this?

This is unreasonable.

Unless the hacker is a veteran arcade game player and is very eager to have a game company launch new arcade games. He is doing this just to create an illusion for himself and temporarily comfort himself.

Only in this way can it be explained a little bit.

Of course, this is just the speculation of the players themselves and is not necessarily the truth of the matter.

But this proves that players absolutely do not believe that the news is true, even though they are all very eager for a game company to launch a new arcade game.

Players don’t believe the news about everyone in the real world,

I also don’t believe in the authenticity of the news.

Although most online game players today have never heard of a game company like Lingfeng Games, almost everyone in the gaming industry knows Lingfeng Games.

After all, Lingfeng Games can be regarded as the king of the arcade game era. Although it has completely declined now, its former glory is still there. People in the gaming industry, as insiders, must know Lingfeng Games.

It is precisely because they know that they do not believe the authenticity of the news.

This news is really weird!

"Is this news false? Arcade games have been in decline for so many years, and Lingfeng Games is only on its last breath. How could it suddenly announce the launch of a new fighting arcade game?"

"It must be fake. If arcade games are launched now, it will definitely surprise those old arcade game players, and then they will be happy to play. But this phenomenon will only be temporary, and it will only be a kind of Looking back, it is impossible for players to play for a long time. Unless a phenomenal fighting arcade game can be launched so that players can completely regain their former passion. But this is obviously impossible. It is impossible for Lingfeng Games to launch a It’s a phenomenal fighting arcade game, and they don’t have the capabilities at all. Therefore, this news must be false, and it must have been pranked by someone.”

"It must have been pranked by someone. In fact, no matter what the purpose of the prankster is? This is a somewhat sad thing for Lingfeng Games. They were once the kings of the arcade game era, and now But it can only be pranked."

"Perhaps, this time's prank will make Lingfeng Games fall completely. After all, they are only half-breathing now."

"Oh! It's really sad to think about it."


Whether they are veteran arcade game players or people in the gaming industry, no one believes that the news released by Lingfeng Games is true.

After thinking of this, they gradually stopped being surprised and all of them had already reacted.

However, not long after, they were once again extremely shocked and once again unable to react at all.

Because they were sure that the news released by Lingfeng Games was actually true.

Half a month later, the officials of the game exhibition held in Shanghai Magic City announced to the outside world that Lingfeng Games would participate in the exhibition.

Moreover, I participated in it using a fighting arcade game.

The official announcement of the game expo undoubtedly told everyone outside that they had received Lingfeng Games’ application to participate in the exhibition and had approved Lingfeng Games’ application. Lingfeng Games would really participate in that game expo. And I participated in it with a fighting arcade game.

Since the game expo has officially announced this, the news cannot be false.

It's true!

Veteran players of arcade games and everyone in the gaming industry were once again extremely shocked and once again unable to react.

This time, I really couldn't react.

It turned out to be true, how could it be true?

If Lingfeng Games is going to launch a new fighting arcade game, everyone can barely understand it.

After all, Ling Feng

^0^ Remember in one second【】

The game is the former king, and they are definitely not willing to withdraw from the stage of history. They also want to make a last struggle to launch a new fighting arcade game.

Although everyone is surprised by this, in fact, if you think about it more, you can understand it.

But Lingfeng Games decided to participate in the game exhibition half a month later, and everyone couldn't understand it.

Because using an arcade game to participate in a trade fair will definitely become a joke to everyone. It is impossible for Lingfeng Games not to know this.

Now that you know it, why go there?

Isn’t it good to just launch a new game like this? Why should it be a joke?

Everyone can't understand it.

Unless, Lingfeng Games is confident that this time, he will not become a joke to the audience.

Just is this possible?

If you don't want to become a joke, the fighting arcade games you bring must be very good, not to mention phenomenal, at least the best among the best, right?

Lingfeng Games is about to go bankrupt. Does it still have the strength to develop a best-in-class product?

Obviously it's impossible. If Lingfeng Games can develop the best of the best, why do we need to wait until now to launch it?

Therefore, everyone found it incomprehensible.

This was something strange and abnormal, and everyone frowned slightly.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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