Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2060 Game Expo Site

Remember in one second【】

Half a month has indeed passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the game exhibition will be tomorrow.

Sansheng Village.

Li Fan also planned to go to the exhibition, but he didn't tell Lingfeng Games that he was going tomorrow. He didn't want to be the protagonist tomorrow. He was very low-key.

Besides, the protagonist tomorrow should be that classic arcade game.

Because the location was in the Magic City, Mr. Qin Lie decided to go to the Magic City with Li Fan, and then visit Qingyuewan's old house.

Su Yilin, Zheng Jie, and Liang Sheng also planned to follow.

Qin Yulin naturally wants to go together, and tomorrow happens to be the weekend, so Su Qing also wants to go.

Therefore, when Li Fan and his party left the village, they felt quite majestic.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the group arrived at Modu Airport, then took two cars and went directly to Qingyuewan.

After getting out of the taxi in Qingyue, Li Fan looked around and saw that it was still the same as in his memory.

Su Qing and Qin Yulin ran away as soon as they got off the car. They were much more familiar with this place than Li Fan, especially Qin Yulin. This was the place where she grew up and she had too many memories.

Qin Lie laughed and said, "I haven't been here for several months, but it's still so beautiful here."

Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng came here for the first time. After listening to Qin Lie's words, they both smiled slightly. They did not object to what Qin Lie said.

Although it is not as good as Sansheng Village, the scenery is indeed good.

Zheng Jie smiled and said: "Old Qin, your place is indeed not bad. How about taking us for a good tour?"

Qin Lie said: "That's what I meant. It's your first time here. It's really worth a visit here."

Li Fan accompanied several old men for a walk among the crescent fields, while the discussion on the Internet about tomorrow's game exhibition slowly reached the climax.

Almost all game players are very concerned about tomorrow's exhibition.

According to relevant news, nearly a hundred game companies will participate in the exhibition tomorrow.

This means that,

Nearly a hundred new games will be unveiled tomorrow, which is definitely a feast not to be missed for players.

There are nearly a hundred games, almost all of which are online games. Only the games displayed by Lingfeng Games are arcade games.

Now is the era of online games. Arcade games that have become outdated should be ignored or ridiculed when they come to the exhibition.

But now no one dares to ignore this arcade game, and no one dares to laugh at it.

Just because after analysis and speculation, everyone came to the conclusion that this arcade game was probably created by Li Fan.

Who dares to ignore or laugh at a game created by Li Fan, even if it is an outdated arcade game?

Not only do they not dare to ignore or ridicule, the arcade games that Lingfeng Games will exhibit are always the focus of discussion.

Including those players who have never played arcade games before and have no feelings for arcade games.

For the current group of game players, most players have never played previous arcade games, and they have no feelings for arcade games.

I have never played it before, and it is even less likely that I will play it again.

They originally had no interest in arcade games, but the arcade games at tomorrow's exhibition are likely to be made by Li Fan, so they have a strong interest.

This does not mean that they will definitely play that arcade game in the future, but they at least have a strong interest in that arcade game.

They really want to know what the arcade game designed by Li Fan will look like?

Exhibition site.

Major game companies are working hard to build their own exhibition stands, and Lingfeng Games is naturally building one as well.

There are good and bad locations for exhibition stands, and the location where Lingfeng Games is located is the best.

This is not because Lingfeng Games has enough strength to compete with other game companies, but because the organizer personally made the decision to reserve the best position for Lingfeng Games.

Because the organizer knew that the games exhibited by Lingfeng Games were really created by Li Fan.

If the game designed by Li Fan himself is not in the best position, the organizers can be sure that their exhibition this time will definitely be criticized by gamers.

Of course, even if there is no such reason, they will reserve the best position for Lingfeng Game, just because it is a game designed by Li Fan himself.

The organizers not only gave the best location to Lingfeng Games, but also deliberately enlarged the venue area because they knew that a lot of people would gather here and a small venue would definitely not work.

The two people in charge of Lingfeng Games personally led people to arrange the scene.

In the past half month, the mood of the two responsible persons has always been excitement, excitement and anticipation.

But now, the excitement, excitement and anticipation in their hearts are stronger than ever.

Finally, I have finally waited for this day!

There is only the last day left before their Lingfeng game is reborn and the arcade game takes on a new lease of life.

They were filled with emotions and had an unreal feeling like a dream.

Around Lingfeng Games, more than a dozen game companies were also setting up the scene. The person in charge of each game company on site frequently looked at the location of Lingfeng Games.

There is curiosity and envy in the eyes, envy

^0^ Remember in one second【】

The location of Mu Lingfeng Game is so good and the area is so large.

The people in charge sighed in their hearts. It seemed that the games exhibited by Lingfeng Games were really produced by Li Fan.

Otherwise, the organizers would not be able to give the best location to Lingfeng Games and make the venue so large.

Obviously, the organizer has determined that the games exhibited by Lingfeng Games are really created by Li Fan.

The game companies around me were envious, but they were just envious, not jealous, let alone dissatisfied.

Because they know that the game designed by Li Fan should enjoy such treatment, and the organizer did nothing wrong.

In addition to being envious, everyone was also very curious. Curious about the contents of the giant posters that were propped up on display stands at the Lingfeng Game venue.

On the venue of Lingfeng Games, there are more than 20 giant posters of nearly 30 pieces, each of which is supported by a display stand. The front of the poster is deliberately covered so that no one can see what is on the poster.

The heads of the surrounding game companies were very curious, and they all muttered to themselves, "What on earth is it? And it's made so mysterious."

Is it a promotional poster? This is too much, right? Do you need so much? More does not mean better results.

Besides, the upcoming game is created by Li Fan, so it doesn’t need a damn promotional poster, so just announce the news.

No matter how awesome or garish the promotional posters are, their effect is not as good as this news.

It is impossible for Lingfeng Games not to know this.

Therefore, the people in charge of the surrounding game companies were all thinking that it was not a promotional poster.

What else could it be? It's really quite puzzling.

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Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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