Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2062 A new chapter officially opens

Remember in one second【】

The players who finally entered the scene immediately ran towards the Lingfeng Games exhibition area.

In the process of running to the Lingfeng Game Exhibition Area, it is inevitable to pass by the exhibition areas of many other game companies.

The staff of other game companies saw a large group of players running up the aisle, seemingly heading towards their own exhibition area. The staff were all very excited, thinking that there would be such a player progress area right after the opening, and there would definitely be one today. Not a bad catch.

They thought this in their hearts, full of expectations, and ready to welcome players to the progress area.

However, they then discovered that the players were just rushing through the passage outside their exhibition area, with no intention of stopping, let alone entering their exhibition area.


The staff were a little surprised. It turned out that the players were not coming for their exhibition area.

Players were passing by in a hurry, and staff from more than a dozen game companies on both sides of the passage stood in their exhibition areas, watching the backs of the players who were passing by in a hurry.

Then, the staff looked at each other, all walked out of their exhibition areas, came to the passage, and continued to look at the backs of the players passing by.

Discussing in low voices.

"What's going on? Where are they going?"

"They must be going to the exhibition area of ​​a certain game company. After passing here, in front is the exhibition area of ​​Lingfeng Games. Are they going there?"

"Almost everyone ran there. Does Mr. Li Fan's game really have such a big influence?"

"Alas! I have to say that Mr. Li Fan's games are really so influential."

"There is Mr. Li Fan's game at this exhibition, which is both a good thing and a bad thing for us. The bad thing is that Mr. Li Fan's game will definitely become the protagonist of the show, and we can only become a supporting role. The good thing is that having Mr. Li Fan’s games here will attract more game players to this exhibition, and we can also benefit from it.”

"In my opinion, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. Because Mr. Li Fan's game this time is an arcade game, it does not form a market impulse with our games. Even if there is a little conflict, it can be ignored. Then there’s just the benefit of having more players come to the scene.”

"That's right.

Moreover, although everyone is now going to the exhibition area of ​​Lingfeng Games, the capacity of the exhibition area of ​​Lingfeng Games is limited. When the exhibition area cannot accommodate more people, players can only come to our exhibition area first. . "

"Well, so many people have already passed by. I guess the Lingfeng Games exhibition area has reached capacity."


The staff at each game exhibition area were right. The Lingfeng Game exhibition area had indeed reached saturation.

The huge exhibition area was already full of people at this time. Because the staff arranged by the organizer promptly prevented more people from entering the exhibition area, there was no crowding in the exhibition area.

Those who were blocked from the exhibition area could not help but sigh like this.

"Alas! It's too late after all. Everyone has the same idea. They all want to see Mr. Li Fan's arcade game as soon as possible."

"There's nothing we can do. However, it's not too late for us. Although we can't enter the exhibition area now, we can still take a look outside. Although we are a little further apart, fortunately we can still see it. Than Those of us who come in later may be blocked further outside, and if we want to look at it from a distance, we may not be able to see clearly. "

"That's right. We are relatively lucky. There are indeed so many giant posters supported by display racks in the exhibition area. There are probably too many of them. What is on them should be revealed."

"It should be almost here, everyone is already standing here."


The giant poster in the Lingfeng game exhibition area was still deliberately blocked at this time, so the players said this.

Whether they were players in the exhibition area or outside the exhibition area, they all raised their heads slightly at this time, looking at the giant posters, and talking loudly or quietly.

At this time, all the staff in the exhibition area around the Lingfeng Game exhibition area were looking at the explosive popularity of Lingfeng Game, shaking their heads and smiling bitterly.

They had already expected that the Lingfeng Game Exhibition Area would steal their popularity, but they never expected that it would be so obvious and thorough.

This phenomenon makes people feel a little desperate. Fortunately, the capacity of the Lingfeng Game Exhibition Area is limited after all. New players who come in see that the area outside the Lingfeng Game Exhibition Area is already full of people, so they can only choose to go first. Check out other game exhibition areas.

Guests entered the surrounding game exhibition areas one after another.

Outside the crowd, Qin Yulin secretly sighed and said, "Brother-in-law, I didn't expect that an arcade game of yours could have such an influence."

Li Fan smiled proudly and said: "Of course, because this arcade game of mine will be an absolute classic. Once this arcade game is released, it will definitely bring new vitality to the declining arcade game market."

Su Qing and Qin Yulin did not doubt what Li Fan said, but they still curled their lips and rolled their eyes at Li Fan, because Li Fan was very shy.

In the morning, Li Fan took Su Qing and Qin Yulin from Qingyuewan and went directly to the exhibition site.

Seeing the crowd at the entrance, Li Fan did not go to join in the fun, but took the two girls to rest a little further away.

Wait until the venue

^0^ Remember in one second【】

It was open to guests and when the flow of people entering the venue was not so crowded, Li Fancai and his two daughters followed the flow of people into the venue.

Then he slowly walked towards the exhibition area of ​​Lingfeng Games. From a distance, he could see that there were already people standing inside and outside the exhibition area of ​​Lingfeng Games.

Only then could Qin Yulin feel the way he did just now.

In fact, Li Fan was a little surprised when such a situation occurred. He did not expect that an arcade game he launched would have such a big impact.

His heart was filled with gratitude, grateful to the gamers in this world for trusting and recognizing him.

At the same time, it also made him feel that it was a very correct decision for him to bring the classic game from his previous life to this world.

Lingfeng Game Exhibition Area.

The two people in charge of Lingfeng Games and all the staff looked at the crowded crowd inside and outside the exhibition area, and they were all very excited, excited, and full of emotions.

No matter how many times they dreamed about it, they would never believe that their Lingfeng game would have such a day.

They had been completely forgotten, and now they have become the focus of the entire gaming world. This is as unreal as a dream.

But it's true.

Their hearts were all filled with gratitude, and they were grateful to Li Fan for giving their Lingfeng game a new lease of life.

Now, the new chapter of Lingfeng Games will officially begin.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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