Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2070 Mai Shiranui

Remember in one second【】

Everyone present took the initiative to lower their expectations.

And soon, the second female character invited by Yuri Sakazaki appeared.

Yuri Sakazaki was on the side of a street. After she and Qiong had agreed to go to the KOF King of Fighters tournament together, there was a sudden sound of fighting.

Lily Sakazaki and Qiong rushed over to take a look, and saw several strong gangsters surrounding a woman, saying frivolous words, obviously intending to do something inappropriate to the woman.

However, after seeing the woman surrounded clearly, Lily Sakazaki and Qiong were not worried about the woman. Lily Sakazaki was very excited and shouted "Sister Xiaowu".

It turned out that the woman surrounded was the second female fighter that Yuri Sakazaki wanted to invite.

After everyone at the scene saw the appearance of the woman surrounded, they were all slightly stunned.

That woman was not quite what they imagined.

Originally, they had lowered their expectations, but now, they found that there was no need to lower their expectations.

Because, that woman is so beautiful, so beautiful that it’s heart-breaking!

The woman held a paper fan in her hand, and her breathtakingly beautiful face made everyone present feel an inexplicable throbbing in their hearts.

That woman seemed innocent and charming, and her movements and eyes made people's hearts move.

The woman was wearing a long, loose coat, hiding her figure inside the coat, making it difficult to see clearly.

But from what can be seen from his exposed calves, his figure must be very good.

Everyone at the scene was thinking that it would be great if the woman wore a tight top instead of a loose coat.

Everyone at the scene still felt a little regretful, not for the woman's appearance, but for the fact that she was wearing a loose coat.

However, although there is a bit of regret, it is much more exciting. Such a beautiful, innocent and charming woman is actually the second female fighter Yuri Sakazaki is looking for. This is really inexplicable. Restless.

With such a pure and charming face, she will surely be quite stunning when she uses her fighting skills to fight with others.

Everyone at the scene was looking forward to it, even more so than the male fighters.

So, what is this woman's name? Everyone at the scene couldn't wait to know.

Perhaps sensing the expectations of everyone present, the image was frozen at this moment, and the woman's name was displayed in the subtitles.

Mai Shiranui!

This woman is Mai Shiranui, one of the most popular characters in the "King of Fighters" series.

The reason why Mai Shiranui is so popular has a lot to do with the fact that she wears very hot and sexy clothes during battles.

However, many people tend to pronounce Mai Shiranui's name as Mai Shiranui.

But actually the correct pronunciation should be, Shiranui Mai.

"Mai Shiranui!" Everyone at the scene couldn't help but read the name softly. Although they didn't quite understand what the name meant, they felt that the name was very different and had an indescribable and wonderful feeling.

As if this name was as beautiful as that woman, everyone remembered this name immediately.

After that, everyone was looking forward to what was going to happen next.

Because, they are likely to see Mai Shiranui take action immediately.

Several local hooligans surrounded Mai Shiranui, saying frivolous words and trying to do evil things. How could Mai Shiranui not teach these local hooligans a lesson?

Everyone is not worried that Mai Shiranui is no match for a few local gangsters. Just kidding, Mai Shiranui is a fighter who is going to participate in the KOF King of Fighters competition. How could she not be able to defeat a few local gangsters?

In addition, there are Yuri Sakazaki and Qiong nearby, so these gangsters will definitely be beaten badly.

Everyone present was convinced of this.

This is certainly true.

Several local ruffians obviously did not understand the current situation, and believed that the three girls were theirs, so they took the lead in attacking Mai Shiranui, Yuri Sakazaki, and Qiong.

The show is about to begin, and everyone at the scene is in high spirits, very excited and looking forward to it.

This was the first time a female fighter had fought. Unexpectedly, three female fighters would fight at the same time.

Mai Shiranui, who is as beautiful as she is pure and charming, Yuri Sakazaki, who is innocent yet delicate in appearance, and Joan, who has androgynous beauty, three female fighters with completely different beauties attack at the same time. This scene is just imaginary, and it is already very beautiful. , very amazing.

The fight started, with Yuri Sakazaki and Qiong taking the lead.

It finally started, and everyone's eyes were wide open. The female fighters had a unique feminine beauty in their attacks, which made everyone intoxicated.

What they saw was more beautiful and stunning than they had ever imagined.

Mai Shiranui, whom they most expected to see, has not yet taken action at this time. Everyone has stronger expectations in their hearts, expecting Mai Shiranui to take action.

And the moment Mai Shiranui took action, everyone at the scene felt their blood surge. After a moment of shock, they became more excited than ever before.

Because, when Mai Shiranui started fighting, the loose coat she was wearing before disappeared, and the rest of her clothes were extremely hot and sexy. It's hard to describe it in words. It's a bit scary, but everyone should know it.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Everyone at the scene was very excited. They never expected that Mai Shiranui would be so sexy and hot when she started fighting. Her figure was better than everyone thought before.

This picture is so beautiful and amazing!

For them, this was a huge surprise, an extremely exciting surprise.

The paper fan held by Mai Shiranui can be used as a weapon. After the paper fan flies out to attack the enemy, it will immediately return to Mai Shiranui's hand. It is really cool and handsome.

When Mai Shiranui kicked her legs and raised her elbows, her figure was clearly revealed, which made everyone at the scene excited.

Some of Mai Shiranui's moves and special moves are full of fire. When Mai Shiranui uses fire moves, everyone on the scene can't help but let out a "wow".

The picture was too beautiful, the three girls were too fierce, but a few local gangsters were unlucky and were beaten badly as everyone had guessed.

Everyone at the scene shook their heads and tutted, these guys were really pitiful.

However, they deserved their punishment. The three girls gave these guys a severe lesson, which was regarded as eliminating harm for the people.

It's a great feeling.

Of course, what is even more exciting is the scene where the three girls showed off their skills, especially Mai Shiranui. Watching her fight is simply the ultimate visual enjoyment.

It's a pity that a few local gangsters were beaten until they were lying on the ground unable to get up.

How great would it be if these ruffians could be beaten more?

Everyone present felt very sorry.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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