Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2080 Meeting an interesting guy again

Remember in one second【】

The four of them moved forward and finally reached the edge of the desert.

Li Fan and the others had no clear destination. They just planned to take a walk around the edge of the desert and have a look.

After wandering around the edge for a while, the four of them went to Tonghu Village, Shi Kai's village, as planned. They planned to visit Tonghu Village.

Tonghu Village is not far from the edge of the desert, and the four of them arrived there within a short walk.

Tonghu Village is located in the northwest and on the edge of the desert. Its village appearance is naturally completely different from the villages in the south. The environment is different and the architectural styles of the houses are also different.

At first glance, there are many houses in the village and it is quite lively, but it always gives people a relatively depressed feeling.

Of course, the economic conditions in the village are indeed relatively poor. There is no way around this. The village has almost no source of income.

However, despite poor economic conditions, the villagers' mental outlook is very good and very enthusiastic.

At the entrance of the village, Li Fan and the others had already got off the camels. After Shi Kai tied the four camels on the spot, he led the four people into the village.

Along the way, when the villagers saw Li Fan and the others, they would always look at them curiously, and then ask Shi Kai about their identities.

Shi Kai said that Li Fan and the other three were guests visiting the desert and were invited by him to visit the village.

After hearing this, the villagers would greet Li Fan and the others very enthusiastically and welcome their arrival.

Li Fan and the three of them would smile and respond one by one, thanking the villagers for their enthusiasm.

There are more than 200 households in the village, which is a lot of people.

Therefore, Li Fan and his party met a lot of villagers on the road, which was quite lively.

Along the way, Su Qing and Qin Yulin looked around curiously, while Li Fan kept chatting with Shi Kai.

When it comes to the economic conditions in the village, Shi Kai is quite optimistic. He told Li Fan that the government has been vigorously developing the tourism resources of the Tengger Desert in the past two years. After the Tengger Desert gains a certain popularity, their village will At the edge of the desert, the village's economy will definitely be boosted.

Li Fan naturally agreed with this. When the Tengger Desert gained a certain popularity, it was not only Mengen City that benefited.

There will also be several villages on the edge of the desert.

But still the same problem as before, it is not easy to make the Tengger Desert popular.

Otherwise, government departments will not work hard for two years and still have no effect.

Shi Kai obviously knew this. He then sighed softly and said, "I hope we can get results soon. This is my hometown. I was born here and grew up here. I like it here. I really like it." I hope this place can get better little by little.”

Li Fan nodded after hearing this and said, "Maybe it will be effective soon. We always have to see hope, right?"

After hearing this, Shi Kai smiled and said, "Sir, you are right. We do want to see hope."

Then, he pointed to a courtyard not far ahead and continued: "Not far ahead is my home. Sir, are you interested in going and sitting there?"

"This" Li Fan hesitated a little after hearing this, but at this moment, Xiao Ju's voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "Master, let's go, there is an interesting guy in his yard."

"Interesting guy?" Li Fan's heart moved. He understood what Xiaoshu meant by the interesting guy. He was the kind of guy who can only be met but not sought.

Could it be that luck has come again this time?

Then, Li Fan smiled and said, "Will this disturb your family?"

Shi Kai said: "Not only will they not, they will also feel very happy."

Li Fan said: "If that's the case, then we won't bother you."

Shi Kai was very happy and said repeatedly: "It's an honor for us that your husband is willing to go, but our family is a little shabby and we're afraid that he won't be used to it."

Li Fan waved his hand and said with a smile: "Of course not."

Then, the four of them walked towards Shi Kai's house. During this time, Li Fan learned that Shi Kai's family also had his parents, grandparents, and four other people.

The courtyard of Shi Kai's family is surrounded by a low courtyard wall made of stone. There is a wooden gate in the center of the courtyard wall, which is ajar but not closed properly.

Shi Kai invited Li Fan and the others into the courtyard, and then shouted into the room: "Dad, mom, grandpa, grandma, guests are coming."

Soon, my father, mother and two elderly people came out of the house to greet me.

However, although several people came out of the house to greet them, they seemed not to know how to greet Li Fan and the others. They just looked at Li Fan and the others smiling and kept saying "good".

Seeing this, Li Fan quickly stepped forward and said, "Uncle, aunt, grandpa, and grandma are very sorry, we are here to disturb you."

Su Qing and Qin Yulin also greeted Li Fan.

At this time, Shi Kai also briefly introduced the situation of Li Fan and the others, saying that the three of them came to the desert to play and rented the family's camels.

Dad, mom, grandpa, and grandma were even more happy after hearing this. They said they welcomed Li Fan and the others to the desert. They wanted to have fun but pay attention to safety.

None of them were good at words, and the meanings they wanted to express were somewhat inaccurate, but to the ears of Li Fan and the others, they sounded very simple.

Li Fan and the three of them expressed their gratitude one after another, and the scene was very harmonious.

Then, Shi Kai moved a few stools out of the house and invited Li Fan, three people, his father, mother, grandparents, and others to sit on them.

After sitting down, Li Fan asked Xiao Ju in his mind: "Xiao Ju, where is the interesting guy?"

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Woolen cloth? "

Xiaoshu replied: "It's in the bamboo cage in the corner on the left hand side of the master."

"Is that that guy?" Li Fan looked at the corner on the left. When he just entered the yard, he noticed a bamboo cage with some kind of animal inside.

He was thinking at that time that the interesting guy Xiao Ju was talking about was probably that guy.

Now, when Xiao Ju said this, it turned out to be that guy.

But, what kind of guy is that? Even though Li Fan had excellent eyesight, he didn't see clearly.

But Xiao Ju knew, and Xiao Ju said: "Master, that guy is a baby snake vulture. His foot was injured for some unknown reason. Its talent potential has reached 99%, and it can grow into a divine beast. "

"Snake vulture chick?" Li Fan was overjoyed, finally waiting for such a guy.

So far, the farm has several sacred beasts that protect the farm, but what makes Li Fan feel a little regretful is that the only guy who can fly is Xiaotian, and the rest can't fly.

Li Fan has always wanted to have another guy who can fly.

However, those who have the potential to grow into mythical beasts are already rare, and those who can fly are even more rare.

Therefore, Li Fan's wish has never been realized.

But I never thought that when I accompanied the two girls to the northwest desert, I would meet such a guy.

The snake vulture can naturally fly, although this animal does not like flying.

Apparently, this was destined by God.

Of course, that guy doesn't belong to Li Fan yet, so Li Fan has to get it first.

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Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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