Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2097 Envy

Remember in one second【】

After watching the "Desert Camel" video clip many times, those talents were finally willing to turn off the video temporarily and return to the Internet.

This time, they found that during the time they were watching the video, the popularity of "Desert Camel" had increased several times compared to before.

There is no need to go to music forums anymore, there are already comments about "Desert Camel" everywhere on the Internet.

Some of the comments are very clever.

"I was driving on the highway and playing the video "Desert Camel" on the car stereo. I accidentally exceeded the speed limit and a fine car chased me. After catching up with me, I thought it was over and I was going to be killed. The penalty points were deducted. But who knew that after Comrade Jiaojing rolled down the window, he shouted to me with a loudspeaker: 'What's the name of the song you keep playing?'"

"I was listening to this song with headphones on on the subway, and a girl next to me asked me, 'You are listening to "Desert Camel," right?'. I was surprised and asked the girl how she knew about it. The girl said, 'You stepped on me. The rhythm of the feet is the song.'"

Comments like this naturally use rhetorical techniques such as exaggeration and fiction, but it can be seen that "Desert Camel" has become a phenomenal song in a short period of time.

Of course, to be more precise, the "Desert Camel" video became a phenomenon-level video in a short period of time.

Except for those comments that use rhetorical techniques such as exaggeration and fiction, the rest of the comments are also full of praise.

"I have been poisoned by this video. Every lyric has a deep impact on the heart and soul. This is a real musical work, just like Mr. Li Fan's musical works."

"This is music with soul that can impact people's hearts."

"During this period, new songs will be released almost every day, including those from first- and second-tier superstar singers. If it were not for this song, I would think that some of those new songs are still good. But now, it is very regrettable. Listen After listening to "Desert Camel", listening to those songs again is as uncomfortable as jazz."

"If you look at the singing skills alone, the singing skills of these two young people cannot be said to be very good, but they performed this song perfectly. This song is as if it was tailor-made for them. Who has such attainments? While tailoring for two young singers who are not very good at singing, they can also write songs that hit the soul so directly. I think there is only one answer. As many people have guessed, this The song is definitely the work of Mr. Li Fan.”

"Yes, I only listened to it once,

I was already convinced that this was the work of Mr. Li Fan. Only Mr. Li Fan can create such music. Mr. Li Fan finally released a new work. "

"Mr. Li Fan's works always appear suddenly and inadvertently. This feeling is so refreshing."


"Desert Camel" is Li Fan's work. Many people are already sure after listening to it for the first time.

Only Li Fan can write such a work, and everyone is convinced of this.

So, the question becomes, why did Li Fan release such a work? And why let those two young people who are completely strangers and whose singing skills can't be said to be very good sing?

What kind of story is there?

Although Li Fan is likely to compose a new song anytime, anywhere, whenever he is interested, everyone knows that Li Fan will never write a new song for no reason.

Every new song by Li Fan must have a story.

The story of this song called "Desert Camel" seems to be particularly obvious.

Because this song is obviously very directional, factors such as Mengen City, Tengger Desert, two young singers who are not very good at singing, etc., all undoubtedly indicate that this song must have its own unique story.

What kind of story is it? Everyone is very curious to know.

One of the biggest advantages of the Internet is that no matter what it is, it can spread very quickly.

The story about the song "Desert Camel" quickly spread on the Internet.

The two singers, one named Shi Kai and the other named Luo Zhan, are residents of a village called Tonghu Village near Mengengen.

The two young people have loved singing since they were children, and often go to Mengen City to sing.

In addition to singing, the two young people naturally also need to make a living. The young man named Shi Kai is outside the gate of Mengen City, renting camels from tourists who want to go into the desert.

One day, a young man and two women rented Shi Kai's camel, and Shi Kai accompanied the young man to the desert.

The story of "Desert Camel" begins at this time.

After learning the whole story about "Desert Camel", everyone was filled with emotion and envious of two young people, Shi Kai and Luo Zhan, for getting such an opportunity.

Especially those singers, from first- and second-tier superstar singers to amateur singers who are not even celebrities, everyone is extremely envious, even jealous.

That was a work that Li Fan created specifically for him. How many opportunities did it take to get it?

All the first- and second-tier superstars were sighing. They were first-tier and second-tier superstars, and they had always been eager to get a song by Li Fan, but they couldn't get it. However, two amateur singers in remote rural areas, even amateur singers, couldn't get it. Not really, but I had the chance to get a song specially composed by Li Fan.

This really made them sigh, he

^0^ Remember in one second【】

After all, we still have no chance.

Shi Kai and Luo Zhan, two ordinary young men from remote rural areas, have become the envy of all singers across the country, including first- and second-tier superstar singers.

Sometimes, some things really depend on chance.

Of course, countless other non-singers are also extremely envious. They are not envious of Shi Kai and Luo Zhan for getting Li Fan's songs, but they are envious of the two people becoming the protagonists of this new legend about Li Fan.

There is no doubt that the story about "Desert Camel" will become Li Fan's latest legend.

And Shi Kai and Luo Zhan are the two protagonists besides Li Fan in this latest legendary story. How can people not envy this?

Everyone even envied the group of onlookers. Although they were not the protagonists, they could be regarded as supporting roles.

Even if it is just a supporting role, it is enviable.

On the Internet, countless people expressed their envy in their words.

The people who were watching at the scene that day had been paying attention to the discussion on the "Desert Camel" video on the Internet. When they saw that countless people were full of envy for them, an unprecedented sense of superiority arose spontaneously.

The situation is exactly what they thought. They will also become the envy of others this time, just like they have envy before other people who participated in Li Fan's legendary story.

This feeling of being so envied by others is indeed very refreshing.

They were more excited than ever before, and very lucky that they stopped at the scene that day.

Otherwise, how could I feel as comfortable as I do now?

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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