Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2099 A program in dire straits

Remember in one second【】

Zheng Jie suddenly mentioned CCTV radio station. What was his intention?

Li Fan was a little confused and asked: "Mr. Zheng, what happened to CCTV Radio Station?"

Zheng Jie said: "It's like this. CCTV Radio has a program called "Late Night Ghost Stories". This program was once one of CCTV Radio's flagship programs, and its listening rate once ranked among the top three among all radio programs. But in the past two years, The listening rate of this program has been declining over the years, and now it has become the lowest. Although this has a certain relationship with the radio's listener base, the listener base is the same for all programs. . Therefore, the main reason why "Late Night Ghost Stories" is currently at the bottom is the program itself. "

Li Fan nodded. He also knew that CCTV Radio had such a program. He had listened to one or two episodes out of curiosity. However, the stories it told were not very attractive to Li Fan, so Li Fan just Didn’t continue listening.

As for the fact that "Late Night Ghost Stories" is now at the bottom of the ratings, Li Fan doesn't know and he doesn't pay attention.

However, now that we know it, it is not difficult to guess the reason. The main reason is simply that the quality of the ghost stories told on the program is getting worse and worse, and they no longer have much appeal.

Or maybe the quality of the ghost stories told on the program has not deteriorated, but the audience's demands have become higher and higher. Stories that were okay before are now no longer interesting.

The reason cannot be guessed, but at this time, Li Fan still doesn't quite understand Zheng Jie's intention. He knows that Zheng Jie has something more to say.

Sure enough, Zheng Jie continued: "The listening rate of the "Late Night Ghost Stories" column has been at the bottom for a long time, and it has been at the bottom with a very low listening rate. Originally, such a situation has happened to a program long ago. It should be canceled and replaced with a new program. Because "Late Night Ghost Stories" was once one of the radio's top programs, it has not been canceled until now. However, it can no longer be postponed. The radio station has made the decision to cancel the "Late Night Ghost Stories" column immediately."

Li Fan nodded, indicating that he was listening carefully.

However, he felt a little strange. This should be internal information from CCTV, right? Why does Zheng Jie know so well?

Also, it can be seen that Zheng Jie is still very concerned about this.

Zheng Jie smiled and continued: "Are you wondering why I know this news? And why do I care so much?"

Li Fan nodded unequivocally.

Zheng Jie continued: "Feng Ge, the column director of "Late Night Ghost Stories", is an old comrade of mine. We have always had a very good relationship. When I used to live in the capital, we had a lot of contacts. Now that we have come here, we The connection between us has never been broken. Because of his relationship, I have always paid close attention to "Late Night Ghost Stories" and often listen to it. Feng Ge will retire in two years, and he does not want it. Before he retired, he saw that the "Late Night Ghost Stories" column was axed, so he tried his best to save this program. After many efforts and struggles, the radio station finally agreed to give "Late Night Ghost Stories" another chance. "Late Night: Ghost Stories" is allowed to air for another week. If there is still no improvement in the ratings within this week, "Late Night: Ghost Stories" will be canceled anyway."

Li Fan nodded again. At this time, he somewhat guessed Zheng Jie's intention.

Zheng Jie continued: "Although Feng Ge bought a week, it was actually of no use. If he could make the listening rate of "Late Night Ghost Stories" improve to a certain extent within a week, it would not be a problem. The fate of being cut off has been delayed until now, but it’s not completely impossible.”

When she said this, Zheng Jie gave Li Fan a meaningful look and continued: "The reason why the listening rate of "Ghost Stories" is getting more and more bleak is not because the quality of the stories it tells is getting worse and worse. . On the contrary, the quality of the stories broadcast recently is actually slightly higher than that of the previous ones, even when it was at the peak of its long-term ranking in the top three. After all, as the listening rate increases. It is not surprising that the entire "Late Night Ghost Stories" column team has exhausted all its efforts and resources to find excellent ghost stories or supernatural stories and find some higher quality stories. However, this does not stop it. The listening rate has been declining. Because the audience of "Late Night Ghost Stories" has become more and more demanding. The stories that used to sound very attractive now sound almost unattractive. Audiences are tired of hearing those ghost story routines, and now even high-quality stories will find it difficult to attract them if they don’t break out of the previous routines.”

Li Fan nodded again. The reason Zheng Jie said was the same as what he had thought before. It couldn't be guessed.

In fact, the entire CCTV radio station and all members of the "Late Night Ghost Stories" column team are aware of the problem.

But knowing it, knowing it, it is extremely difficult to follow the problem and solve it.

Because, it is too difficult for today's ghost story writers and supernatural story writers to go out of their way to create stories while ensuring that the stories are of sufficient quality.

Writers can create high-quality stories, but they can't break out of their previous ruts.

And such stories are no longer attractive to those listeners.

If writers forcefully go out of their way to create stories, it will be difficult to guarantee their quality, and they will also be unable to attract those audiences.

Zheng Jie continued: "So, for the "Late Night Ghost Stories" column

^0^ Remember in one second【】

For the team, even if they could find a higher-quality story to air within the next week, it would be almost impossible to revive the ratings. "

Li Fan nodded and agreed.

Zheng Jie once again glanced at Li Fan meaningfully and continued: "However, as I just said, there is no way to bring the dead back to life. This way is your kid. Feng Ge knows the relationship between you and me. , so he asked me to ask you, are you interested in creating a ghost story or a supernatural story? He knows that this is very abrupt, but he is really at his wits end. Now, in his opinion, the only two people are you and Gu. The stories created by Gu Yong can bring his show back to life. He hasn't gone to Gu Yong yet because he knows the relationship between you and me, so he asked me to come to you first."

Zheng Jie did not tell Feng Ge that Li Fan was Gu Yong and Gu Yong was Li Fan.

That's why Feng Ge said this.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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