Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2101 Some people regret and others gloat about their misfortune

Remember in one second【】

The people on the "Late Night Ghost Stories" program team were waiting anxiously and nervously, and the people on other program teams on the station were also talking about the fact that "Late Night Ghost Stories" was about to be cancelled.

Most people still feel very sorry and sad about this.

After all, "Late Night Ghost Stories" was once the radio's flagship program, and it was brilliant for a long time. It is always regrettable that it has ended up with such a sad result.

While they regretted the program "Late Night Ghost Stories", they also regretted the programs of their own program group and regretted the dwindling listener base of radio.

In fact, except for "Late Night Ghost Stories", which has been declining in listening ratings, the listening ratings of all programs on the entire radio station are actually declining.

One year is worse than the other.

This is naturally related to the development of the times. The number of listeners of radio stations is gradually decreasing every year.

If this trend continues, the radio station will one day completely stop broadcasting. As a staff member of the radio station, no one wants to see this day come.

Even those who have retired or left the radio industry do not hope that one day the station will completely cease airing.

Of course, for now, radio stations are far from being completely suspended. Although the listener base is shrinking, there are still many listeners after all.

There is no risk of a total shutdown of radio stations for at least a decade.

There is no risk that all CCTV radio stations will stop broadcasting. However, the audience base continues to decrease and the overall listening rate is on a downward trend, which is still regrettable and lamentable.

Among them, the most regrettable and lamentable one is naturally "Late Night Ghost Stories".

Although the listening ratings of all programs are declining, the decline of "Late Night Ghost Stories" is the most thorough and serious. Its listening ratings have been at the bottom for a long time.

Now, it's finally time to cut it off, and most people in the entire radio station are talking about it.

"Alas! "Late Night Ghost Stories" is doomed this time. Although Director Feng bought a week, it is of no use at all. It just allows the show to be broadcast for one more week."

"It is indeed of no use at all. The problem has not been solved in the past two years.

How is it possible to solve it in a week? well! All I can say is that I'm sorry. "

"The program "Late Night Ghost Stories" is quite special. Does it have ratings? It almost all depends on whether the story it tells is attractive or not? Therefore, the ending that seems to be doomed actually still has a glimmer of hope. It all depends on what they can do Can’t you find a story that’s compelling enough?”

"Having said that, this glimmer of hope is very difficult, very difficult! As far as I know, their program team has found stories that surpass the quality of storytelling broadcast during their peak period, but they are still unable to save themselves. There is no way, the current listeners The requirements have become higher, and although those stories are excellent, they are not out of the box, so there is nothing they can do about it.”

"Actually, I think their program really has a chance to come back to life. As long as one of those two people can be invited to create a story for them, it will definitely come back to life."

"Are you talking about Li Fan and Gu Yong? Everyone can imagine this, and their program team naturally wants it too. However, it is not possible to ask one of them to create a story for "Late Night Ghost Stories". It’s almost impossible to save one.”

"That's right. Pray for them. I hope a miracle happens. Otherwise, you can only watch their program for the last week. In two years, Director Feng will retire. At this time Director Feng would feel very uncomfortable if the show was cut off in this way."

"Alas! There is nothing we can do about it. It's not that the higher-ups are unkind, but that a radio station must consider everything comprehensively. In fact, the higher-ups probably don't want "Late Night Ghost Stories" to be axed. They also think it's a pity that the reason why The reason for agreeing to give us one more week may be because the higher-ups also hope that a miracle can happen within this week.”


As many people have speculated, the radio station's top brass actually did not want to see "Late Night Ghost Stories" end up being axed.

One is because of the past glory of this show, and the other is because of Feng Ge. The senior staff are not willing to cause trouble to Feng Ge when Feng Ge is about to retire.

But after all, the problem must be considered comprehensively, and we cannot just talk about favors. They were unwilling to cut off "Late Night Ghost Stories", but they had to cut it off and replace it with a new show.

"There's still one last week left, hopefully they can create a miracle."

"How can miracles be so easy to create? This last week should be regarded as a farewell to this once ace show."

"I will inform the program team of "Night Talk Tonight" again that they must be fully prepared to take over "Late Night Ghost Stories". The listening rate of the program during this time period must be improved."

"They are already prepared and waiting to take over "Late Night Ghost Stories" next Monday."


Most of the people on the radio station felt sorry and lamented that "Late Night Ghost Stories" was about to be cancelled. Only a few people did not feel this way. They were waiting with excitement and anticipation for "Late Night Ghost Stories" to finish. In the last week, there was even some schadenfreude.

These people are naturally those who have had conflicts with the "Late Night Ghost Stories" column team. "Late Night Ghost Stories" is about to be canceled, and they are very excited.

In their opinion, this

^0^ Remember in one second【】

This program should have been canceled a long time ago. Each episode has only a small audience rating, which is really shameful.

For example, Jiang Rui, the director of the "Music Frontier" program, which is currently the radio's flagship program and has ranked first in listening ratings for a long time, thinks so.

The listening rate of each issue of their "Music Frontier" is around 1.5, which is quite brilliant. It not only ranks first among all programs on CCTV, but also on all types of programs on all radio stations across the country.

The listening rate of "Late Night Ghost Stories" is only 0.1 or 0.2, and sometimes it is even less than 0.1, which is indeed quite miserable.

Of course, when "Late Night Ghost Stories" was at its most glorious, the listening rating once exceeded 1.8, but unfortunately that was already in the past.

In a chat group, Jiang Rui said: "Director Lu, congratulations! There is still one week left before your program can be officially broadcast. "Late Night Ghost Stories" has only been canceled until now, which is considered Some luck.”

Director Lu's name is Lu Yue, and he is the director of the program group "Night Talk Tonight" that is waiting to take over "Late Night Ghost Stories".

There is no conflict between Lu Yue, Feng Ge and the "Late Night Ghost Stories" program team.

However, in order for his program to be broadcast online, Lu Yue naturally stood on the same front as Jiang Rui and others, hoping that "Late Night Ghost Stories" would be finished soon.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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