Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2133 2 children

Remember in one second【】

The candle was extinguished again, and the flame that was burning before was still green. The audience was really frightened and frightened.

Hu Bayi also knew that something bad was going to happen, and what he was most worried about finally happened. He picked up Fatty and Yingzi and ran out of the robbery cave. If they were too late, they might not be able to make it in time.

Hu Bayi's reaction was already very fast, but it was still too late.

"We were about to reach the entrance of the cave. A strong gust of wind came from behind us. If we didn't dodge, we would definitely be hit. The three of us hurriedly lowered our heads and lay on the ground. First, with a 'whoop' sound, the fat man placed his head in the coffin. The water-patterned porcelain bottle with the lid flew over our heads and hit the edge of the robbery hole, shattering into countless powders. Then there was another loud bang, and the coffin lid, which had been re-nailed, suddenly embedded in There is a hole in the tomb wall.


Obviously, the ancient corpse in the coffin was "resurrected" and began to attack Hu Bayi, Fatty, and Yingzi.

The "resurrected" ancient corpse's original dry purple skin unexpectedly grew a thick layer of red hair.

That's a zombie!

Legend has it that there is a kind of witchcraft among the Jurchen tribe. When the deceased is buried, a charm that is burned to ashes is placed in the mouth of the deceased. The deceased holds the most cherished thing in his hand. If a tomb robber comes to steal it, the corpse will be buried. Being possessed by evil spirits, hard hairs grow all over the body, making them invulnerable. They have to strangle the tomb robber to death.

The evil spirit is different, and the color of the hair grown on the corpse is also different.

Originally this was just a legend, but now that I look at it, this is not a legend at all. It is actually true. Didn’t the ancient corpse in the coffin turn into a red-haired corpse?

The first time I robbed a tomb, I encountered the legendary corpse evil. This guy was invulnerable and not easy to deal with.

Hu Bayi, Fatty, and Yingzi were all frightened, and all the audience members had their hearts in their throats. This was really scary.

Fortunately, the humorous cells in the fat man were still there at this time. The fat man asked Hu Bayi to discuss with the red-haired corpse evil, saying that they could leave a few more things for the red-haired corpse evil, and everyone believed that peace was the most important thing. Otherwise, it would not be good for anyone to fall out and take action.

At this critical moment, the fat man's words made the audience laugh, and they felt that the atmosphere was not so tense.

However, the negotiation failed. The red-haired corpse demon obviously had to kill the three people and blocked the door.

Then we can only fight with the red-haired corpse.

The red-haired corpse demon can be said to be an abnormal creature, and the three of them are naturally no match for it. The scene is extremely dangerous for the three of them. If they are not careful, they will die gloriously in the ancient tomb where they set off for the first time.

The audience all felt very nervous, but fortunately, there was no danger in the end.

The three of them fought and retreated, and fled into a secret room. The red-haired corpse could not enter the secret room.

The three of them were safe for the time being. However, because the red-haired corpse demon was still standing outside and did not leave, the danger to the three of them was not finally eliminated.

However, at least it was safe for the time being, and the audience quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, just after this breath of relief, something dangerous and strange happened again.

First, Yingzi and Fatty saw two children running behind Hu Bayi, and disappeared in a flash. Yingzi saw a girl, and Fatty saw a boy, both of whom were six or seven years old. .

Then, the three of them were attacked by a group of huge pig-faced bats. After a battle, they finally escaped death.

The reason why the three of them were attacked by the big pig-faced bat was because they rolled into the bat cave.

And why did he roll into the Batcave? It was because a child pushed Hu Bayi on the back, causing Hu Bayi to roll out of the Bat Cave with Fatty and Yingzi.

Things are getting weirder and weirder, and the audience's hearts are hanging again.

Later, the three of them discovered a secret room in the Bat Cave, entered the secret room, and found a huge sarcophagus in the middle of the secret room.

Sarcophagus? The audience was stunned, why the hell is there a coffin? Is there something good in this?

Hu Bayi also thought that there were good things inside, because this kind of sarcophagus was of very high standard, with a stone coffin on the outside, a coffin on the outside, a coffin on the outside, and a wooden coffin inside the stone coffin. The person who could enjoy this kind of treatment was probably a prince.

This made the audience full of expectations, temporarily forgetting that the three of them were still in danger.

Lifting the cover of the stone coffin, there was a very gorgeous coffin inside. The fat man was very happy and said that just this coffin would be able to sell for a good price.

But, did the tomb robbers also steal the coffin?

There doesn't seem to be such a theory. Who the heck would rob a tomb and steal the coffin?

However, the audience believed that it was possible for the fat man to do this, if he could resist.

The coffin is so gorgeous and magnificent, which naturally makes people look forward to it more and more. Hu Bayi, Fatty, and Yingzi are looking forward to it, and so are all the listeners.

Opening the coffin lid, there was a decayed skeleton inside. This was normal. The tomb had been there for who knows how long, and the body had already decayed.

As for the ancient corpses encountered at the beginning, they should have formed corpse evil, so the corpses were not corrupted, which is another matter.

Ignoring the corrupted skeleton, the three of them planned to see if there was anything good.

However, when the light of the flashlight swept to the edge of the coffin, it was discovered that at both ends of the coffin, there were two naked children, a boy and a girl, who looked about five or six years old, and their faces were lifelike.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

The three of them were horrified. This shock was truly extraordinary. All the audience members were also horrified. This was really a bit scary.

What's even more frightening and weird is that the faces of these two children are actually Yingzi and Fatty, the two children they saw earlier.

Moreover, the owner in the coffin was almost dead, so how could the boy and girl be so well preserved?

What's happening here? This was too cautious, and the audience felt frightened again.

Hu Bayi was well-informed and figured out the truth of the matter.

However, the audience would rather not know the truth, and would rather let it all be weird and become a mystery.

Because the truth of the matter is too cruel, making people shudder, uncomfortable and sad.

These two children were buried for the owner of the tomb, and the reason why they are still alive today is that their bodies are not corrupted and their faces are lifelike.

This is because when they were alive, they began to take mercury orally, then dug holes in their heads, backs, soles of feet, etc., filled them with mercury, and after they died, they smeared mercury powder all over their bodies.

In this way, it is like making a specimen. After thousands of years, the skin and flesh will not rot.

This method of using mercury to maintain the appearance of a corpse requires the use of living people, because the dead person's blood does not circulate and cannot be poured in.

This is the truth of the matter, it is too cruel.

The two children that Fatty and Yingzi saw were exactly the same as the two children who were buried. Then, the children they saw must be the ghosts of these two children.

The child who pushed the three people into the Batcave must also be the ghost of these two children.

And the reason why they wanted Fatty and Yingzi to see them and pushed the three of them into the Batcave was obviously because they wanted the three of them to find their bodies in the coffin.

Then their bodies were buried, and they wanted to be buried in peace.


All the listeners sighed, with mixed and uncomfortable emotions.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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