Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2135 A legend created

Remember in one second【】

A savior?


Writers of ghost stories and supernatural stories, after listening to the last issue of "Ghost Blows Out the Lamp", felt vaguely that they had caught something, as if they had been able to touch the cage that tightly bound them. If you use force, you can break free.

Of course, this does not include writers who feel good about themselves.

Now, after listening to this episode of "Ghost Blows Out the Lamp" again, they feel that what they are holding on to in their hearts is more stable, and the invisible cage seems to be easier to break.

Of course, every writer’s understanding is different, and not every writer can successfully break out of the cage.

Those writers who were able to break out of the cage finally realized the size of the new world in different ways.

The difference in size also determines their different achievements in the future. Some are cruel and some are unfair, but the world is never fair.

Those writers who used to feel good about themselves, but then gradually developed a sense of shame, gradually gained some understanding, slowly touched the cage, and eventually discovered a new world, big or small.

And other writers who are not ashamed but resentful are destined to be slowly eliminated by the market and gradually become uninterested.

They resented Gu Yong and wanted to take revenge on Gu Yong and make Gu Yong look bad. Unfortunately, the gap between them and Gu Yong was too big. Even if they had the desire for revenge, they were destined to never realize it.

At most, you can only wait for an opportunity to appear and say some slanderous words on the Internet, which is disgusting and disgusting, just like the people who always dislike mediocrity in other fields.

Leaving aside these people, the rest of the writers of ghost stories and supernatural stories are all grateful to Gu Yong at this moment.

In their hearts, Guyong is really their savior!

By the next morning, the topic of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" was still the focus of heated discussion among countless people from all walks of life.

The first tomb robbing trip of Hu Bayi, Fatty, and Yingzi made everyone marvel. From then on, many people became completely obsessed with tomb robbing novels.

While the discussion was heated, everyone was also looking forward to one thing.

So what were the ratings for "Late Night Ghost Stories" last night?

Will it continue to rise? How high can it go?

Many people are speculating with great interest, and many people have even set up gambling games with all kinds of money.

Everyone participates in gambling not to win money, but as a kind of fun and enjoy it.

Yesterday's listening rating was 3.4, what will it be today?

Some people say that the arc of growth today should not be as large as yesterday, and it is estimated that it will be 3.7.

Some people say that the arc of growth today should not be small. There should be many people like him who got into the trap last night, so it should be able to reach 4.0.

Some people are very conservative, saying that growth will definitely increase, but the arc of growth will be very small, between 3:4 and 3.5.

Some people are very bold, saying that the increase must be very large, maybe it can reach 4.5.

Many people think this statement is too exaggerated and should not be that high.

You know, even for a TV show, a rating of 4.5 is definitely a popular show.

There are all kinds of guesses, and the gap is relatively large, which is of course normal. Everyone makes wild guesses based on their own feelings, so the gap is of course large.

However, most people's guesses are between 3.6 and 4.0.

So, what will the answer be? Is my guess correct? This is obviously very exciting.

When the time arrived at 9 a.m., everyone was refreshed and the answer was about to be announced.

The program team of "Late Night Ghost Stories" did not sell out the answer, and immediately announced the answer to the outside world.


That's right, the listening rate of the third episode of "Late Night Ghost Stories", that is, the listening rate of last night's episode, is already as high as 4.8!

As soon as the answer came out, people from all walks of life were shocked. This listening rate was terrifying!

Countless people are amazed, this is data that they would not dare to guess anyway.

So, almost no one guessed correctly this time.

The person who guessed 4.5 sighed repeatedly, "I also said that those other people were too timid. I thought I was already very bold and dared to guess the listening rate of 4.5. Now I know that I was also too timid."

Everyone is deeply touched by this statement. They are indeed too timid.

Well, that’s not right. They are actually very courageous. The answer is so surprising. The listening rate is 4.8. Who could have guessed it?

For countless listeners, after being incredible, it was uncontrollable excitement and excitement.

Although everyone lost the bet, it didn't matter.

The important thing is that the listening rate of 4.8 means that there are far more newcomers who joined the trap last night than they thought. Thinking that there are so many newcomers who have heard the wonderful story of Zuo Wan's "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" , which makes people feel excited.

For a certain program or thing that you like, the more people who also like and agree with it, the more exciting it will undoubtedly be.

Ordinary listeners are so excited, and the people on the "Late Night Ghost Stories" program team are naturally even more excited.

Feng Ge, Ai Baoliang and others laughed excitedly

^0^ Remember in one second【】

, their program this time is more than just bringing it back to life, it is simply creating a legend.

Think about the previous "Music Frontier", but the listening rate of 1.5 is enough to absolutely stand out from the crowd, and it is called a phenomenal program.

Now, their program has a listening rating of 4.8.

Moreover, this is probably not the peak listening rate. Now no one knows how high the peak listening rate can be? No one dared to guess.

What is their show if not a legend?

Moreover, it is very likely to be an unreplicable legend.

It is foreseeable that from now on, the legend created by their "Late Night Ghost Stories" program will always be circulated throughout the radio industry.

Of course, this is the legend that belongs to their "Late Night Ghost Story", and it is also the legend of Gu Yong, who is the first creator of this legend.

And they are also creators.

Thinking of this, Feng Ge, Ai Baoliang and others became more excited than ever before.

The senior executives of CCTV Radio were also very excited at this time.

When the first episode had a listening rate of 2.4, they were relatively calm. The listening rate of the second episode was 3.4, and they couldn’t calm down. Now with a listening rate of 4.8, they are completely unable to calm down.

This is a legend that belongs to "Late Night Ghost Stories", and naturally it is also a legend that belongs to the entire CCTV radio station.

This legend is destined to be circulated in the radio industry for a long time, or even forever.

This makes them, as senior leaders, unable to calm down.

Deputy Director Hu Yanghong laughed and said: "Mr. Gu Yong is really not an ordinary person. Thank you Mr. Gu Yong for helping us create such a listening rate. At the same time, we are really lucky!"

Other senior executives of the radio station deeply agreed with Hu Yanghong's words. At the same time, they also understood what Hu Yanghong meant by being thankful.

That's why I'm glad I agreed to Feng Ge and gave the "Late Night Ghost Stories" program team one last week.

Otherwise, how could there be such a legend?

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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