Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2153: Optimistic and bearish

Remember in one second【】

Li Fan not only agreed to Morgan Freeman's request, but also simply gave him the role of the second protagonist.

This naturally gave the audience a spontaneous interpretation.

Why did Li Fan do this?

The first lead actor invited before was an actor with no reputation, but now he was so hasty that he gave the role of the second lead to a similarly unknown actor who was already over 40 years old. Dark-skinned actor.

Why would Li Fan do this? After thinking for a moment, the audience found the answer.

That is, Li Fan was actually very worried about his movie and couldn't find an actor to star in it. Finally, an actor came to the scene who actively asked to star, so naturally he couldn't wait to give him the second role.

Even if this actor is not well-known, he is already past his forties and can no longer care so much.

In this way, now that the actors for the two main roles have been found, it can be somewhat reassuring.

Originally, no one believed that Li Fan would be so worried and anxious, but it seemed that this was the only reason that could explain why Li Fan gave the role of the second protagonist to Morgan Freeman so directly and hastily.

But in this way, the movie's idea of ​​relying on actors to attract audiences is completely gone.

This is no nonsense. The first and second protagonists are actors with little fame, and the second protagonist is a dark-skinned actor in his 40s. It is strange that he can attract the audience.

By those other supporting characters? Come on, the two protagonists are like this, can they still find famous actors for the supporting roles?

Most of the audience at the scene shook their heads secretly, thinking that Li Fan once again made a wrong decision, and this wrong decision was made under forced circumstances.

Many filmmakers, including Grover, were also surprised that the role of the second protagonist was given out in this way, which was indeed too hasty.

Why do this? They couldn't understand either.

However, they did not think as most of the audience thought, they just felt that they could not understand what Li Fan was thinking at all.

Only Hu Fei, Yin Changming, Hector and others at the scene, as well as a group of spectators from China, knew that

The reason why Li Fan made this decision is simply because Morgan Freeman is indeed very suitable to play the second leading role.

The reporters at the scene also couldn't understand what Li Fan was thinking, but they didn't need to understand, they just needed to report the matter truthfully.

This series of news about Li Fan is quite newsworthy, making every reporter present very excited.

After Li Fan gave the role of the second protagonist to Morgan Freeman, the entire movie competition proposed by Grover came to an end for the time being.

Six countries, including the United States, China, Lanzhou, and Baiguo, have successfully obtained investment from live film investors and will enter the next stage of competition.

That is, in three months, the movies shot in six countries will be officially released, and then the box office results will be compared.

The duration of the contest is two weeks.

Within two weeks, the one with the highest box office performance will undoubtedly be the ultimate winner of this contest. At that time, this contest will truly end.

Of course, for the sake of fairness, the box office of each country is not included in the calculation.

In other words, the total box office performance of Grover and others' movies in the United States must be subtracted from the domestic box office performance in the United States. The total box office performance of Hua Guo Li Fan's movies must also exclude the domestic box office performance of Hua Guo.

Naturally the same is true for other countries.

Nowadays, the most favored works by the audience are naturally American works. Movies with animals as the protagonists are interesting and exciting to think about.

Representatives of American filmmakers, including Grover, are naturally full of confidence. They had made preparations long ago, and there was no reason why they would lose in this contest.

The works that the audience is least optimistic about are naturally Hua Guo's works. Although Hua Guo's work has already confirmed two leading actors, the progress is considered to be at the forefront.

But this not only failed to make the audience slightly more optimistic, but also made them even more negative.

The reason is also obvious, that is, with the confirmation of the two leading actors, the idea of ​​relying on the big-name actors themselves to increase the popularity of this work is completely gone.

So, where is there anything interesting about it?

Not only is this work the most underrated, many people also assert that the box office of this work will be extremely dismal. In China, for the purpose of supporting domestic works, the box office may still be good, but unfortunately it will not be included in the total box office results.

As for movies from other countries, they are still worth looking forward to. They will definitely attract some people to watch them, and the box office performance will be guaranteed. Although they cannot surpass the movies from the United States, they will definitely far surpass those from China.

In short, the final outcome of all this will be just three months later.

The film exchange meeting has ended, but the topics left over from this exchange meeting are far from over.

Among them, the topic that netizens from all over the world are always talking about is naturally the film competition between the six countries.

This is very exciting. We are also looking forward to what the movies from various countries will look like? Are you looking forward to what the final box office results will be?

America and China

^0^ Remember in one second【】

The film works of these two countries are the most talked about by netizens.

Although almost everyone outside China is extremely fond of Li Fan's films, everyone talks about them with great interest and seems very interested.

The reason is not only that everyone is gloating about others' misfortune and waiting to see the joke with poor box office results, but also because there are so many topics about it.

Taking "prison" as the theme, the first and second protagonists are both prisoners. At the exchange meeting, Li Fan identified two leading actors. Both leading actors are unknown actors, and one of them is already over 40 years old. These topics are all discussed by netizens from various countries.

"Interesting, interesting! Although American movies are the most anticipated, the most interesting movies are undoubtedly Chinese movies. Not to mention, the final ending of Chinese movies is also quite exciting. "

"That's good. Let's look forward to how bad the final box office will be. Will it set the worst box office record? Of course, the domestic box office in China does not count. China has such a large population, if they don't care whether the movie is good or not. If we don’t support it, then the box office results will be meaningless and have no authority or value.”

"Anyway, things are starting to get interesting from now on, so let's keep our eyes peeled."


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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