Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2170 Climbing to freedom

Remember in one second【】

Rhett and several other inmates who were close to him also clearly sensed Andy's emotional changes and said they must keep an eye on Andy. They said they had nothing to do during the day but were afraid of Andy being alone at night.

One of the inmates, Woodhead, said that Andy asked him for a two-meter-long rope, which made Red and others a little uneasy.

What is Andy doing with the rope? Does he have to be like Lao Bu?

The inmates said Andy would never do that, but Red said he didn't know because everyone has moments of vulnerability.

All the audiences in the theater were shocked again. A two-meter-long rope, what purpose Andy was using it for?

In fact, the audience didn't think Andy would really do that, but there was still an uneasy feeling.

As Rhett said, everyone has moments of vulnerability.

At night, Andy once again laundered the ledger for the warden and returned to his cell.

After the lights were turned off in the prison, Andy did not sleep. Instead, he sat there in silence, holding in his hand the two-meter-long rope that he got from Woodhead today, with a firm look in his eyes, as if he had already lowered it. Some kind of decision.

This night, there was lightning, thunder, and violent storms

The hearts of all the viewers in the theater were completely torn. Could this violent night of lightning and thunder foreshadow something?

There is no answer now, only the violent thunder and lightning raging.

This night, Rhett also had trouble falling asleep. He was worried about Andy. He spent the longest night in his life with difficulty.

The night finally passed.

The next morning, the prison guards began to count the number of prisoners. All the prisoners walked out of their cells and stood in front of the cell doors.

However, Andy has not walked out of the cell.

The prison guard reprimanded Andy loudly and asked Andy to come out quickly and not to waste his time, but Andy still did not come out.

Seeing such a scene, all the audience members in the theater felt their hearts tightened to the extreme and felt increasingly uneasy.

Why didn't Andy walk out of the cell? Did he already

No one wants this and it's true,

But the current situation is indeed very bad. Andy can't stay in there forever unless he can no longer come out.

Is everything still sad after all? Is hope still impossible to realize after all? Is Andy's dream of freedom really ending like this?

Nothing is answered yet, but there will be answers soon, and hopefully they won't make people sad.

Andy didn't walk out of his cell for a long time, and finally angered the prison guard. While saying that he wanted to make Andy look good, he walked towards Andy's cell, intending to pull Andy out.

The prison guard finally walked to Andy's cell door and looked inside.

All the answers will be revealed at this time. Whether Andy in the cell is really dead will make the audience's hearts gripped to the top.

Many people were even reluctant to watch the next scene. They were afraid of seeing Andy's body, which was too sentimental.

But after all, they didn't close their eyes or turn their heads to one side. They still had hope in their hearts.

Hope does appear.

When the prison guard stood at the door of Andy's cell and looked inside, his angry expression slowly turned into shock and disbelief.

There was no one in the cell, no Andy, and no Andy's body.

If there is one person in it, you are the portrait of the female star in the huge poster that has been hanging on the wall for 19 years.

Overnight, Andy disappeared into thin air

The audience in the theater let out a long sigh of relief. Their worst fear did not happen.

Then, I was also shocked, where did Andy go?

The cell was so big that Andy couldn't hide in it, let alone open the iron door of the cell and escape overnight.

So, why did Andy disappear out of thin air?

No one knows the answer, everything seems a bit strange, is there something supernatural happening?

It's a pity that this is not a supernatural film, and it is obviously impossible for supernatural events to occur.

So, where did Andy go? The prison guards and other inmates were puzzled. All the audiences in the theater were also puzzled, and they all let out gasps.

But no matter what, the heart that was gripped to the top is basically relieved. As long as Andy didn't die, nothing would matter.

Warden Norton came to Andy's cell, angry, nervous and anxious. Andy had evidence of his money laundering. If Andy was not tightly controlled in his hands, he would feel nervous and anxious.

Now Andy disappears out of thin air overnight in the cell, which undoubtedly makes Norton feel that Andy has escaped his control.

So, he was nervous and anxious.

All the audiences in the theater felt a sense of secret joy when they saw Norton's appearance. It would be best to keep this guy so nervous and anxious.

Norton asked the prison guard to take Red to Andy's cell and asked Red where Andy had gone.

Of course Rhett didn't know, and he was very strange, but he must have breathed a sigh of relief. Anyway, Andy didn't use that rope to commit suicide last night.

Norton was furious and threw the rock Andy left on the window sill at a huge star poster hanging on one wall.

When Andy had just been in prison for a month, he went to Red and bought a huge celebrity poster to hang on the wall.

In 19 years, that huge Ming Dynasty

^0^ Remember in one second【】

The star poster was changed three times, with three different female stars.

For 19 years, there has been a huge celebrity poster hanging there.

Everyone is used to it, including Warden Norton, the prison captain, other prison guards, other inmates, and all the spectators.

However, now that Norton threw the stone in his hand at the giant poster, a strange thing happened.

The stone punched a hole right through the poster.

It stands to reason that there is a wall behind the poster, and the stone Norton throws should not penetrate the poster.

Unless, there is nothing behind the poster, no wall.

There was clearly a wall behind the poster, so how could it be that all the audiences in the theater were empty? For a moment, they didn't understand what was going on.

Norton walked slowly to the poster, stretched out his finger and passed through the small hole that had just been pierced by the stone. His finger went through, and then his entire arm went through.

The next moment, Norton pulled the poster down, and then the screen seemed to be banned.

A large hole and a passage suddenly appeared on the wall, a passage large enough for an adult to crawl inside.

A huge celebrity poster hid this passage, deceiving everyone in the prison and all the viewers.

The answer was revealed. Andy did not disappear out of thin air overnight, but crawled out of this passage last night amid lightning and thunder.

Climb out of the cell, crawl out of the prison, crawl to freedom

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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