Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2215 A strong wish

Remember in one second【】

What's even more frightening is that Di Renjie clearly knew that Di Ruyan was fake, but he never revealed it. He also carried it when investigating the case, showing a complete trust. He also handed over many things to Di Ruyan, as if he regarded Di Ruyan as his right-hand assistant, but Di Ruyan really did a lot of things for Di Renjie.

No matter how I think about it, I can only be filled with emotion.

This is just a random example. There are many more examples like this in the entire work.

Therefore, Detective Di Renjie is a work that Li Fan must launch. He wants people in this world to see the horror of Di Renjie's reasoning and layout.

Li Fan smiled and said: "I understand. Mr. Zheng is talking about Detective Di Renjie. This work has indeed been delayed for a long time. Okay, let's release this work next."

Zheng Jie's face lit up and she said, "Okay, it should have been launched a long time ago."

Li Fan nodded, but there was a question at the moment: where would this work be serialized?

Previous works of this type, such as The Punisher of the Song Dynasty and Young Bao Qingtian, were all serialized in Legend, a magazine co-founded by Li Fan and Tang Quan.

Now Legend magazine is still selling well, and Detective Di Renjie can also choose to serialize it in Legend.

However, magazines are released one issue at a time. Even if two issues are released a week, there will be a time interval in between.

Therefore, Li Fan did not want to serialize it in Legend. Instead of serializing it in a magazine, it would be better to serialize it in Qidian Chinese.

No detective category? That's easy, just open a special serial channel for Detective Di Renjie.

As the boss of, you can do whatever you want.

After making up my mind, I chose to serialize it on

Moreover, the entire work is completely free, which is an apology for taking this work for so long.

There have always been many people who like detective and crime-solving works, and these people have been very happy since Li Fan launched Young Detective Detective.

Because under the influence of the young Di Renjie, the quality of Chinese public case works, whether they are works or film and television works, has improved a lot.


Li Fanyou has successively released public case works such as Young Bao Qingtian and Song Dynasty's Criminal Officer. These works have further stimulated the improvement of the quality of Chinese public case works and film and television works.

For those who like detective crime-solving works, this is very happy. Although other works are not as good as those of Young Di Renjie, Young Bao Qingtian, and Da Song Ti Xing Guan, they are still entertaining. In fact, There is no shortage of clever ideas and wonderful reasoning.

However, although other works are also wonderful, compared with Li Fan's public case works, the gap is still very obvious.

Therefore, although I am happy if I like detectives and crime-solving genres, I still look forward to Li Fan releasing more public case works.

Other public case works can be considered wonderful, but Li Fan's public case works are classics that can be watched and pondered over and over again.

The same cannot be said for other works. They are exciting when you watch them for the first time, but after watching them once, it is difficult for people to be interested in watching them a second time.

Therefore, those who like detective crime-solving works always discuss Li Fan’s public case works the most.

Later, Li Fan launched the detective crime-solving work Suspect

Among them, Sherlock Holmes has a huge impact and is sold in many countries around the world.

Sherlock Holmes, this fictional character created by Li Fan, is already a real person in this world in the eyes of countless people. He lives in Apartment 221b, Baker Street, Languo.

Sherlock Holmes has become synonymous with detectives in Western countries and is a household name.

Not long ago, the Lan Kingdom royal family officially awarded Holmes a knighthood. The Royal Society of Chemistry of England also awarded Holmes the title of Honorary Fellow.

These two news shocked the world!

You must know that the conditions for knighthood granted by the Lan Kingdom royal family are very harsh. The conditions for being awarded an honorary researcher by the Royal Society of Chemistry of Lanzhou are also very demanding.

Now, they have simultaneously awarded the honor to a fictional character. This has never happened before and will never happen again.

Sherlock Holmes would be the only fictional character to enjoy both honours.

The news shocked the world! However, everyone was just shocked, no one felt incomprehensible, and no one expressed opposition.

In everyone's opinion, Holmes is indeed qualified to receive such an honor.

In the eyes of everyone, Sherlock Holmes is not a fictional character, he is a real person in reality.

After Holmes received two honors, more people came to visit Holmes at his apartment at No. 221b Baker Street every day than before.

Alves, the real owner of the apartment at 221b Baker Street, has now become the real Sherlock Holmes.

Alves liked his new identity very much. He was always grateful to Li Fan in the far east for giving him a new meaning in life.

People in China who like detective and crime-solving works also like Sherlock Holmes very much, and they also like the Sherlock Holmes detective stories.

However, compared to detectives with Western backgrounds such as Sherlock Holmes, they still prefer public cases with a certain ancient background, such as Young Bao Qingtian and Da Song Ti Xingguan.

This is not to say that the young man Bao Qingtian and the Song Dynasty criminal officer

^0^ Remember in one second【】

The work is better than Sherlock Holmes, but because of differences in cultural background, everyone still prefers this type of public case.

Therefore, although the Sherlock Holmes detective series has achieved great success and is very exciting, many fans of detective crime-solving works in China still hope that Li Fan can produce another one, similar to the young Bao Qingtian and the Song Dynasty. A public case like a criminal.

In the history of China, Di Renjie, Song Ci, and Bao Zheng are the most famous among the people who are known for being good at solving cases.

Now, among Li Fan's works, there are works with Song Ci and Bao Zheng as the protagonists, and Di Renjie is the only one left.

Although there is already a Young Detective Detective, it is a work mainly for teenagers and children after all. The protagonist Di Renjie is only a teenager, so it cannot be said to be a work about Detective Dee's solving the case.

Therefore, it would be great if Li Fan could create another work about the adult Di Renjie solving the case.

Of course, it doesn’t have to be a work about Di Renjie’s case, as long as it is a work of this kind created by Li Fan, no matter who the protagonist is? Book fans will definitely enjoy it.

It doesn’t matter who the protagonist is, what matters is who the author is?

So, the key question is, will Li Fan produce this kind of work again?

Fans of detective crime-solving works don’t know the answer, they just have a strong desire.


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Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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