Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2220 Di Renjie’s reasoning

Remember in one second【】

Afterwards, Di Renjie simply cleaned up, got on the carriage of Qian Niuwei who came to deliver the order, and left Jiangzhangguanyu.

Di Renjie had clearly seen through the opponent's plan, so why did he still take the opponent's carriage and leave? This makes book fans a little confused.

The other party who picked up Di Renjie in a carriage obviously had bad intentions. Maybe he would attack Di Renjie in the carriage as soon as he left Jiangzhangguanyu.

And indeed it is.

The carriage was ambushed before it left the city. A large number of killers surrounded the carriage and fired arrows. If Di Renjie was really in the carriage, he would definitely die from the arrows.

After all, although Di Renjie is an expert in solving cases, he does not know martial arts.

The book fans were a little worried, but the following facts proved that the book fans did not need to worry about Di Renjie.

Di Renjie has seen through the enemy's conspiracy, so he cannot be fooled. The person in the carriage is not Di Renjie, but Li Yuanfang.

When the killers rained down arrows, Li Yuanfang broke out of the car and easily killed all the killers, leaving only one alive.

Then Di Renjie appeared and asked Huokou how many people they had ambushed in the city.

Since the other party is bound to win this time, it is naturally impossible for the number of assassins sent to be so small.

The living man pretended to hesitate, but suddenly a cold arrow was fired from his back and shot at Di Renjie. Li Yuanfang reacted very quickly and blocked the cold arrow with his blade, and then killed the living body with a single blow.

This scene can be described as very dangerous. Fortunately, Li Yuanfang was by his side, otherwise Di Renjie might really be in danger.

For the first time, book fans felt that it would be a perfect thing if Li Yuanfang could always be with Di Renjie.

Then, Li Yuanfang asked Di Renjie what should he do now?

Di Renjie concluded that his opponent must have set up ambushes throughout the city, not only to kill him, but also to kill Li Yuanfang.

And once the enemy succeeds, a sensational story will happen. That is, Li Yuanfang led the gangsters to falsely pass on the imperial edict and waited for an opportunity to kill Di Renjie, the minister handling the case. He later died due to internal coaxing or an attack by his enemies.

As a result, the most wanted criminal in the murder case of the Turkic mission died together with the minister handling the case.

There are no more witnesses or physical evidence to investigate, and the case will become an unsolved case. Even if others want to investigate, there will be no way to start. In the end, it will be dropped. The conspiracy of the people behind the scenes will be completely realized, and then the war between the Great Zhou Dynasty and the Turks will reignite, and the world will Chaos.

The consequences can be described as extremely serious.

However, Di Renjie later said that their opponents had calculated everything but only missed one thing.

Li Yuanfang asked which thing it was?

Di Renjie said that they were going to deal with Di Renjie this time.

Hearing these words, the hearts of the book fans were aflame, and they were so domineering! Quite domineering! This is Di Renjie.

That's right, if the enemy's opponent this time was not Di Renjie, but someone else, their plan would have been successful by now.

Except for Di Renjie, I'm afraid no one can see through their plan from the smallest clues.

Viper and Jin Mulan have such a conversation.

First, Jin Mulan was very surprised as to why Di Renjie appeared in Youzhou? There were obviously no flaws in their plans and actions.

Viper said that Di Renjie is the only one in the world who can find flaws in the absence of flaws.

This only appeared later.

Now, as Di Renjie expected, his opponent has set up a large number of killer ambushes throughout the city, led by Jin Mulan's subordinate Yu Feng.

Yu Feng waited left and right, but when he couldn't wait for his men to report, he decided to change his plan and lead a large number of killers directly to Jiangzhangguanyi.

But Di Renjie had already seen through his thoughts, so he naturally returned without success this time.

At this time, Di Renjie and Li Yuanfang had escaped from officialdom and entered Beijing incognito.

Yu Feng did not find Di Renjie and Li Yuanfang, so he had to take his men back to the bandits' lair and report truthfully to Jin Mulan.

Seeing that the operation failed, Jin Mulan was very angry and reprimanded Yu Feng for failing to kill Di Renjie and Li Yuanfang, let alone attack Guanyi, exposing everything in front of Di Renjie's eyes, and blaming Li Yuanfang was out of the question.

However, now that the matter has come to this, Jin Mulan has no choice but to say that fortunately, Di Renjie does not know their identities. And the list in Liu Jin's hand has been obtained, and the purpose of this operation has been successfully completed.

Then he ordered Yu Feng to destroy all traces, and everyone returned to Youzhou, where they stopped and disappeared, waiting for the opportunity to come. He said there was no trace at all, and no matter how good Di Renjie was, he could not solve this headless case.

Jin Mulan is so confident, which makes the book fans have a kind of expectation in their hearts, thinking about what kind of expression you will look like when Di Renjie finds you and exposes your conspiracy?

The story continues next.

Di Renjie, who came to Beijing incognito, did not go to see the saint first, but quietly conducted a careful undercover investigation of several crime scenes.

He first came to the conclusion that several consecutive cases were committed by a group of people and could be unified.

So, what is the purpose of criminals committing crimes? After repeated interviews and thinking, a hypothesis was gradually confirmed.

That is, the criminals killed the envoys in order to pretend to be envoys and sneak into the capital, and then attack the tuyao. The attack on the earthen kiln was not for money, but to rob the prisoners in the earthen kiln.

The reason why the criminals wanted to kill the Turkic envoys and why they pretended to be envoys and went to Beijing was found. That was to rob the prisoners held in the earthen kilns.

Book lovers suddenly realized

^0^ Remember in one second【】

, and then became excited again. As expected of Di Renjie, he successfully understood the purpose of the criminal's actions just by relying on reasoning.

Di Renjie's reasoning is naturally correct. Book fans already know that Jin Mulan arranged all this and ultimately robbed Liu Jin for the list in Liu Jin's hand.

But, what is the use of that list? It's not known yet.

Of course, Di Renjie still only inferred that the criminal was trying to rob the prisoners held in the earthen kiln. As for who the prisoner was? It is still unknown, and it is even less clear that the main messenger behind the scenes is Jin Mulan.

Book fans know that the main messenger behind the scenes is Jin Mulan, but what is Jin Mulan’s identity and what is her ultimate purpose? It is also unknown.

Di Renjie continued to reason that once the Tuyao case was discovered, the city gates would be closed. The most likely channels to escape the search and get out of the city safely were the envoys and the princess who married outside the country.

So they killed the princess again, let the prisoners in the kiln sit in the princess's sedan, and fled out of the city in the name of an envoy.

This case was really well thought out and perfectly executed.

So, who was the prisoner they kidnapped? What was the purpose of kidnapping him? Where should the breakthrough point be placed in solving the case?

Di Renjie kept thinking.

Wu Zetian was exhausted by the case and decided to go to Yuanjue Temple to offer incense to relieve her nerves that were about to be broken.

Di Renjie used this opportunity to secretly meet with Wu Zetian. From Wu Zetian's mouth, he learned that the mysterious prisoner detained in Tuyao was named Liu Jin. He had a contact list of rebels who were considered a serious concern by the emperor.

"Contact list against the party?" After learning that the list in Liu Jin's hand was a contact list against the party, book fans couldn't help but wonder in their hearts that Jin Mulan spent so much effort just to get this list. Does she want to usurp the throne and become the next Wu Zetian?


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Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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