Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2222 Is it someone around you?

Remember in one second【】

A group of government officials rushed into Lu Dayou's home and wanted to arrest someone. Hu Jinghui wanted to stop them, but Di Renjie said there was no need to stop them.

In this way, the government officials took away Lu Dayou, Di Renjie, Hu Jinghui, and the unconscious Li Er.

In the government hall of Youzhou Governor's Mansion, Youzhou Governor Fang Qian was extremely proud to see that Li Er had been captured. He didn't know Di Renjie or Hu Jinghui, and he used excessive force on Di Renjie and arbitrarily convicted them.

Faced with Fang Qian's ugliness and arrogance, Di Renjie sternly rebuked him, and then asked Hu Jinghui to read out the imperial edict and reveal his identity. Fang Qian learned that the person in front of him was the current court elder, the imperial envoy Di Renjie, and he was so frightened that he peed and kowtowed. beg for mercy.

Di Renjie turned on the show-off mode in front of Fang Qian, and book fans liked this show-off mode very much and found it extremely rewarding.

On the other hand, Jin Mulan was equally shocked when she learned that the person brought to the governor's office with Li Er was none other than Di Renjie.

She originally thought that by bringing Li Er to the Governor's Mansion, Li Er would be under their control again. But who would have known that Di Renjie was actually with Li Er, and in this way, Li Er fell into Di Renjie's hands.

Jin Mulan is on pins and needles, because once Li Er's identity is exposed, their huge conspiracy internally and externally will face failure, which she cannot accept in any case.

Later, Jin Mulan issued an order for Viper to find a way to kill Li Er at all costs.

When book fans saw this, they couldn't help but think deeply. Judging from Jin Mulan's reaction, Li Er's identity was indeed not simple, and it was indeed closely related to the murder of the Turkic mission.

It's a pity that Di Renjie still doesn't know Li Er's identity, and Li Er is still unconscious. If Li Er could wake up and reveal his identity to Di Renjie, a breakthrough would likely be made in the case of the murder of the Turkic mission.

So, what is Li Er’s identity? This made book fans even more curious, and they were looking forward to Di Renjie knowing Li Er's true identity as soon as possible.

After revealing his identity, Di Renjie no longer surrendered. In his opinion, the top priority now is to thoroughly investigate the reasons for the villagers' rebellion in Daliushu Village and the closure of Xiaolianzi Village, catch corrupt officials, and eliminate harm to the people of Youzhou. .

Hu Jinghui still advised Di Renjie to focus on the murder case of the envoy. Di Renjie said that it is the foundation of an official to resolve the civilian case first. Only by sorting out the chaotic situation here can we possibly solve the envoy case. The tangled thread in the Tuan's murder case.

Di Renjie was just about to investigate the case of the Daliushu villagers' rebellion.

Fang Qian caused trouble and caused trouble. He ordered a group of officers and soldiers to pretend to be villagers and kidnapped the old, weak, women and children on the execution platform.

Then he created a fake scene and ordered people to provide false evidence in an attempt to interfere with Di Renjie's sight.

However, if this method can also be used to hide Di Renjie, Di Renjie will no longer be Di Renjie.

After Di Renjie inspected the scene, he easily saw through Fang Qian's trick.

In the court where the villagers were judged for robbing the villagers, Fang Qian denied it in every possible way, hoping to put the blame on the villagers. Unexpectedly, Li Yuanfang had already led the villagers outside the government office and demanded verification of the facts.

Di Renjie was confident and calm in making judgments. Seeing that the conspiracy was about to be exposed, Fang Qian and his gang were panic-stricken. Unexpectedly, the witness Zhang Laosi betrayed him in court, putting the trial in trouble.

Fang Qian breathed a long sigh of relief, but he was also a little strange in his heart. Why would Zhang Laosi betray him and help him? I thought to myself, could it be someone sent from above to help him?

"The person sent from above? Where is it? Is it Jin Mulan?" the book fans thought in their hearts. If this is the case, it can be confirmed that Fang Qian is really Jin Mulan.

This is not surprising. Jin Mulan's lair is in Youzhou. If the governor of Youzhou was not Jin Mulan's, Jin Mulan's lair would have been discovered by the government long ago.

A dignified governor of a state and a high-ranking official in the border area has become a member of Jin Mulan. It is really scary to think about it. The water in Youzhou is too deep.

Continue reading below.

The people's troubles were caused by the government's embezzlement of consolation funds. Di Renjie asked Li Yuanfang and Di Chun to secretly summon them. The only insider in the case, Sanhe County Magistrate Zhao Chuanchen, hoped to open up the situation from Zhao Chuanchen.

Unexpectedly, when Zhao Chuanchen was summoned, he shouldered all the embezzled money, saying that he had embezzled all the money alone.

Zhao Chuanchen was obviously lying to cover for his superiors.

Di Renjie thought in his mind that if he wanted Zhao Chuanchen to tell the truth, it seemed that he would have to use some strategy.

Next, Di Renjie cleverly devised a plan to break up the relationship and make Fang Qian and his gang believe that Zhao Chuanchen had confessed.

In desperation, Fang Qian decided to take the risk and kill Zhao Chuanchen to silence him without waiting for orders from above. By then, even if Di Renjie knew that he sent people to kill Zhao Chuanchen, there would be no evidence. Without evidence, Di Renjie couldn't do anything to him no matter how powerful he was.

However, he didn't know that all of this was Di Renjie's plan.

When the assassin he sent to assassinate Zhao Chuanchen, Li Yuanfang, who was hiding in the dark, took action in time and rescued Zhao Chuanchen.

Seeing that the superiors had sent people to kill him and silence him, Zhao Chuanchen finally realized that he was just a pawn from the superiors, so he asked to see Di Renjie again and tell the truth about the Youzhou government's embezzlement of consolation funds.

Zhao Chuanchen met Di Renjie again and first expressed his gratitude to Di Renjie for his life-saving grace.

Then, he took the initiative to tell Di Renjie the truth about the comfort money from the Youzhou government.

However, when Zhao Chuanchen came to the key point, he suddenly died suddenly and inexplicably.

Zhao Chuanchen had just reached the key point when he suddenly died.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Well, it was obvious that someone took action at a critical moment and killed Zhao Chuanchen.

Who killed Zhao Chuanchen?

At that time, there were only two people around Di Renjie, Li Yuanfang and Hu Jinghui. Could it be that one of them secretly did it?

Di Renjie had doubts in his heart, but remained calm.

Of course, it is also possible that there was a killer lurking in the dark. Seeing that Zhao Chuanchen was about to get to the key point, he took action and killed Zhao Chuanchen in time.

However, if there is really a killer lurking nearby, Li Yuanfang and Hu Jinghui in the room are both highly skilled in martial arts and should be aware of it.

Even if he didn't notice it before, he should have noticed it after the killer took action to kill Zhao Chuanchen. But after Zhao Chuanchen died suddenly and inexplicably, Li Yuanfang and Hu Jinghui both rushed out of the room to look for the killer, but did not find the killer.

Di Renjie was thoughtful, but at this moment, Lu Dayou came to report that Li Er's poisoning had recurred again.

Di Renjie was startled and hurriedly went to check and saw that Li Er, who had been successfully detoxified, suffered from snake venom again and was in critical condition.

Li Er's snake venom has obviously been removed, but why he was poisoned again is too strange, unless someone poisoned Li Er again.

However, there should be no outsiders coming into contact with Li Er.

Could it be the people around you? Di Renjie had doubts again, but remained calm.


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Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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