Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2226 Li Yuanfang was not poisoned?

Remember in one second【】

Di Renjie has been waiting for the viper to appear, because only when the viper appears does it mean that he has really touched the core of the case.

Now, Viper finally appeared and did two major things, killing Liu Jin and severely injuring Li Yuanfang.

However, such an arrogant viper was killed by a group of Qianniu Guards without much effort. Such a contrast between before and after made people feel that something was wrong.

Book fans have a vague feeling like this, but they are not very clear about it, and some are confused about the situation.

However, Di Renjie didn't seem to suspect anything, or perhaps he had already suspected it, but he just remained calm.

Later, Lu Dayou from Xiaolianzi Village came to report that the bodies of many missing villagers had been found, all sealed in several caves in the mountains.

Di Renjie believed that this matter was of great importance and he had to rush to Xiaolianzi Village immediately to check.

Therefore, Di Renjie left Hu Jinghui in Youzhou and asked Hu Jinghui to handle some matters for him in Youzhou, while he led the imperial guard to Xiaolianzi Village.

On the other hand, Viper, who had been killed, reappeared and told Jin Mulan that he had successfully killed Liu Jin.

The book fans were surprised at first, and then quickly understood what was going on.

It turns out that the viper killed by Qian Niuwei was fake.

The book fans were finally relieved. They just said, why is the contrast between the viper's combat power so great? It turns out that the viper killed was a fake.

After knowing this, it is not difficult to guess the methods used by Viper.

Before assassinating Liu Jin, Viper found a substitute for himself. Afterwards, he and his substitute acted at the same time. The substitute deliberately appeared in the Governor's Mansion and was discovered by Qianniu Guard, who fought with Qianniu Guard.

He himself sneaked into the place where Liu Jin was imprisoned, killed Liu Jin with a shadowless needle, seriously injured Li Yuanfang, and then escaped directly.

And his substitute was pitifully killed by the Qianniu Guards.

This assassination plan was very clever. It killed three birds with one stone. It not only killed Liu Jin, but also seriously injured Li Yuanfang, who was a highly skilled martial artist. Di Renjie lost a right-hand man around him.

Finally and most importantly,

Di Renjie mistakenly thought that the viper was dead. In this way, Di Renjie is likely to make many wrong predictions in the future, and may be further and further away from the truth.

It was really wonderful, but I took pity on the substitute and was killed like this.

Viper was also very satisfied with his assassination plan this time. He told Jin Mulan the result. Jin Mulan was also overjoyed and said that only Viper could really help her.

However, what Viper said next shocked Jin Mulan.

Viper said that although Liu Jin was dead, Li Er was still alive.

Jin Mulan was shocked and her voice became trembling, saying that Li Er must die and asked Viper to kill Li Er.

Otherwise, they will lose foreign aid and it will be difficult for their plan to succeed this time.

Jin Mulan's words made book fans realize once again that Li Er's identity is by no means simple.

But that's all. Everything about Li Er is still a mystery.

What kind of foreign aid is the foreign aid Jin Mulan is talking about? Why do you say that if Li Er doesn't die, they will lose foreign aid?

These are still mysteries, and we can only wait for the answers to be revealed later.

Viper said that now was the best time to kill Li Er, and he already knew where Di Renjie hid Li Er.

In addition, Li Yuanfang was poisoned and fell into coma. Di Renjie led the imperial guards to Xiaolianzi Village to investigate the case.

Li Yuanfang was in a coma and Di Renjie was away. This was indeed the best time to kill Li Er. Viper decided to seize this golden opportunity and sneak into the Governor's Mansion again to kill Li Er.

This has made book fans worried again. If Li Er dies, the entire case will probably reach a deadlock.

Because Li Er was already very obvious and had a very important connection with the entire case. Unfortunately, he was still unconscious and could not reveal his identity to Di Renjie.

Well now, Viper is going to kill him.

The last time there were Di Renjie and Li Yuanfang, Viper successfully assassinated Liu Jin. This time Di Renjie and Li Yuanfang were not here, and Li Er was unconscious again. Viper's chance of success can be said to be almost 100%.

This makes book fans have to worry!

Well, no, Viper mentioned one less person, Hu Jinghui.

Hu Jinghui's martial arts may not be inferior to Li Yuanfang's, and Viper must know that there is Hu Jinghui beside Di Renjie, and he must also know that Di Renjie left Hu Jinghui in Youzhou, and he is going to assassinate Li Er, Hu Jinghui Hui is obviously also a huge power.

But why didn't he mention Hu Jinghui? It is only said that Di Renjie is not here and Li Yuanfang is unconscious, which is the best time to kill Li Er.

Why don't you take Hu Jinghui seriously? Or are there other reasons?

The book fans were pondering this situation carefully in their hearts, and suddenly, a bold idea came to their mind.

Could it be that Viper is Hu Jinghui?

is it possible?

It seems unlikely, but if Viper is really Hu Jinghui, many of the previous doubts can be explained.

So, is Viper really Hu Jinghui? Don't know the answer yet.

Still wrong, is Viper Hu Jinghui? It's not a top priority right now. The top priority now is that Viper is going to kill Li Er. If Li Er dies, it is very likely that the case will be framed.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Entering a deadlock.

Therefore, Li Er must not die.

But no matter how you look at it, Viper's success rate will be very high this time, and book fans are worried.

I just hope that Viper is not Hu Jinghui, and that Hu Jinghui, who stayed in Youzhou, can successfully stop Viper's assassination attempt.

It seems that this is the only way.

Why did Di Renjie go to Xiaolianzi Village to investigate the case at this time? Although the discovery of the bodies of missing villagers in Xiaolianzi Village is indeed a big event, it seems that there is no need to rush there in such a hurry.

Could it be that Di Renjie really thought that the viper was dead and therefore relaxed his vigilance?

This is impossible.

Fans of the book have a lot to think about. However, no matter how much they thought, it was useless. They had to watch the next development of the story.

As expected, Viper took action and once again sneaked into the Governor's Mansion, found the place where Di Renjie secretly placed Li Er, and prepared to kill Li Er.

The hearts of book fans are in suspense.

However, something unexpected happened next for book fans.

A man suddenly appeared and successfully stopped the viper's movements.

The person who appeared was none other than Li Yuanfang, who was supposed to be in a coma due to poisoning.

Li Yuanfang appeared, and there was no sign of poisoning.

What the hell is going on?

Wasn't Li Yuanfang already poisoned and comatose by the viper's shadowless needle? Fortunately, Di Renjie took action in time and saved his life.

Although his life was saved, he remained unconscious.

How could he suddenly appear now and prevent Viper from assassinating him? How the hell does it look like you've been poisoned?

Could it be that Li Yuanfang was not poisoned at all?

Fans of the book are all doubtful.


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Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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