Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2232 Manufacturing Conditions

Remember in one second【】

Because Di Renjie ordered the four gates to be closed and the streets to be banned, the gangsters could no longer communicate secretly with each other. This made the gangsters at Tianbao Silver, the contact point, panic.

Just when they were confused, a large number of officers and soldiers rushed in and took everyone into custody.

From the mouths of these gangsters, Di Renjie mastered all the enemy's plans and knew the exact time when the enemy started to act.

Now there is less than an hour before the enemy starts taking action, and the situation is extremely critical.

However, nearly an hour was enough for Di Renjie.

Less than an hour later, the battle began in Youzhou City.

There is no doubt that Jin Mulan put everything on the line and started to make a desperate move.

However, at the critical moment of the last desperate move, Jin Mulan still did not show up, which made the book fans quite puzzled.

Where did Jin Mulan hide?

Jin Mulan didn't show up, but Princess Yiyang was very busy and had a lot going on. Di Renjie and Li Yuanfang were discussing the battle plan in the Governor's Mansion, and Princess Yiyang also came to disturb them at an inappropriate time, which made the book fans quite unhappy.

Putting aside Princess Yiyang for now, the battle in Youzhou City is the focus at this time.

The bandits, led by their leader Yu Feng, suffered many ambushes and suffered heavy casualties, but they still relied on their large numbers to launch a fierce attack and gradually reached outside Di Renjie's camp.

This surprised the book fans. The gangsters' fighting power seemed to be much stronger than expected.

However, Di Renjie didn't seem surprised, and certainly not a trace of panic. Li Yuanfang said that the enemy seemed to be coming with great force, and Di Renjie also said that what he was afraid of was that they would not come.

Also, Li Yuanfang said that the rebels were attacking the Dudu Mansion and asked Di Renjie if they needed to leave? Di Renjie said with a smile that they were indeed here.

Di Renjie's words seemed to be waiting for the gangsters to attack.

What's happening here? Fans didn't get it.

In addition to Li Yuanfang, Princess Yiyang was also with Di Renjie. Di Renjie said it was dangerous outside and asked Princess Yiyang to go back to the house, but Princess Yiyang refused to go back to the house and said she would stay with Di Renjie.

Isn't Princess Yiyang adding to the chaos? I really don’t understand the situation at all. Book fans dislike Princess Yiyang less and less.

After that, the gangsters had already entered the second hall. Li Yuanfang was confused, saying that the imperial guard's combat effectiveness was very strong. How could the enemy attack the second hall so easily today?

Di Renjie said that he had sent the imperial guards to the city to quell the rebellion, but there were no imperial guards in the governor's mansion.

There seems to be nothing wrong with this statement, but when book fans think about it carefully, they become a little confused again.

Do we need Di Renjie's imperial guards to quell the rebellion in the city? Obviously not needed.

The Imperial Guards are here to protect the Imperial Envoy, not to help the local government suppress rebellion. There was a rebellion in Youzhou City that needed to be quelled, and there was absolutely no need for Di Renjie to send his own imperial guards.

But now Di Renjie has sent his Imperial Guards to counter the rebellion. It feels like he is worried that his Imperial Guards are too powerful and the rebels will not be able to attack with the Imperial Guards around.

Reconnecting with what Di Renjie said before, the meaning seems to be obvious, that is, what Di Renjie wants is for the rebels to attack a place not far from him.

Which song is Di Renjie singing? This is obviously unreasonable.

Book fans can't figure it out, but they know that Di Renjie must have some special purpose for doing this, but they can't see it for the time being.

Since you can't see through it, don't think about it. The answer should be revealed soon anyway.

The rebels were not far away. Li Yuanfang asked Di Renjie if he needed help.

Di Renjie said that Li Yuanfang's mission was to protect the princess and prevent Li Yuanfang from helping.

However, Princess Yiyang said that she was a descendant of Taizong and did not need to be protected. Even if she died, she must die bravely.

Princess Yiyang's words were a bit surprising to book fans, which was rare.

However, Di Renjie said meaningfully next, "What a descendant of Taizong!"

Logically speaking, Di Renjie's words were an affirmation and praise for Princess Yiyang, and should not have any other meaning.

But when Di Renjie said this, it was quite meaningful and seemed to mean something, which made people confused.

Fans of the book can’t figure it out.

However, they soon understood.

After Di Renjie meaningfully said, "What a descendant of Taizong," he added, "That's fine."

Later, Di Renjie asked Li Yuanfang to take away all the nearby guards to support him.

Why did Di Renjie ask Li Yuanfang to take away all the guards? Some book fans are thinking about this seemingly harmless question again.

I don’t know if it is influenced by Di Renjie. When reading books now, book fans always feel that there is a problem here and there is a problem there.

This is of course a good thing, and this is what is required when looking at public case works. The more this happens, the more interesting it is.

Li Yuanfang took away all the nearby guards, leaving only Princess Yiyang with Di Renjie.

The shouts of killing were loud outside, and Princess Yiyang suddenly took out a dagger, held it in her hand, and said that if the enemy broke through the defense line, she would commit suicide.

These words once again made book fans look at Princess Yiyang with admiration. They thought that Princess Yiyang was quite strong and indeed worthy of being a descendant of Taizong.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

But soon, book fans were shocked.

After hearing what Princess Yiyang said, Di Renjie reassured Princess Yiyang and said that he would not let Taizong's descendants die like this.

However, Princess Yiyang suddenly sneered and said, "What if Taizong's descendants want you to die?"

Just when the book fans were shocked and some didn't realize what Princess Yiyang meant by these words, Princess Yiyang suddenly stabbed Di Renjie with the dagger in her hand, with a ferocious face and shouted "Go to hell" !”

What the hell is going on? Book fans are shocked!

Why did Princess Yiyang suddenly become like this? Why did he want to kill Di Renjie?

Wait, no, in this flash of lightning, book fans suddenly seemed to understand something?

Di Renjie sent his imperial guards to the city to quell the rebellion, and said something like "What I was afraid of was that they wouldn't come" and "They did come", and then asked Li Yuanfang to take away all the nearby guards, and the A meaningful sentence, "What a descendant of Taizong!"

All these seemed to indicate that Di Renjie had long known that Princess Yiyang wanted to kill him, and the previous events were all providing conditions for Princess Yiyang to take action.

He was creating conditions for Princess Yiyang to take action.

In the blink of an eye, book fans thought of this. The possibility that this is the case is very high, but book fans don't understand why all this is?

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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