Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2234 The end of the case

Remember in one second【】

Di Renjie can finally declare that the case has been successfully closed, and the entire "Terror of the Mission" story has also come to an end.

Hu Jinghui died to save Di Renjie. After his death, he left behind the sword he had always used, the Orchid Sword.

Di Renjie gave the sword to Li Yuanfang and said, "Remember him." Li Yuanfang took the Orchid Sword and said that he would abandon the sword and use the sword in the future to commemorate this good friend.

Afterwards, a glass of poisonous wine and a red caltrop were placed in front of Princess Yiyang, Jin Mulan.

Di Renjie said that in order for Princess Yiyang's father and brother not to be implicated, Princess Yiyang could make her own choice.

It was obvious that Di Renjie wanted Princess Yiyang to commit suicide. Princess Yiyang committed suicide, so he could have more words to say about Wu Zetian.

Otherwise, a large number of princes surnamed Li will be implicated, and even the prince will be implicated. Di Renjie said that Wu Zetian was worried that she would not have a chance to get rid of them.

Li Yuanfang said that Di Renjie worked hard for his descendants named Li, and fans of the book deeply agree with this.

A descendant named Li died in his own hands. This was something Di Renjie had never thought about. When Princess Yiyang finally chose poisonous wine and fell in front of him, he must have been very sad in his heart.

A glass of poisonous wine, this is the end of Princess Yiyang. At this time, the book fans did not feel as happy as the bandit leader was finally executed, but only had endless emotions.

For the sake of the illusory dream of an emperor, a descendant of Taizong actually colluded with the Turks, betrayed his country, and harmed the people of his country. How sad and deplorable is this?

Fortunately, Di Renjie finally shattered all this.

In the Taiji Hall of Chang'an City, Wu Zetian was sitting high, and hundreds of civil and military officials were in the queue. Huangmenguan read aloud Di Renjie's memorial to close the case.

In the memorial, Di Renjie described the entire case process and the results of the case, and also mentioned Hu Jinghui and Yiyang Princess.

However, Di Renjie's statement about these two people is completely contrary to the facts.

Regarding Princess Yiyang, Di Renjie said that Princess Li Qingxia of Yiyang fell into the hands of gangsters, but she was chaste and loyal, did not disgrace the country, took poison to resist violence, and asked to be granted the title of Princess Zhenlie.

Regarding Hu Jinghui, Di Renjie said that General Hu Jinghui of the Qianniu Guards took the lead, repeatedly performed extraordinary feats, and achieved great success. In order to save the minister, he was viciously attacked and died. I am deeply saddened. Please grant me the honor of being a first-class loyal and brave uncle.

Book fans are not surprised that Di Renjie would say this about these two people. Di Renjie is not Bao Zheng, and he will not be selfless.

However, Di Renjie was obviously deceiving the emperor. Moreover, Wu Zetian obviously did not believe what Di Renjie said.

This made book fans feel a cold sweat for Di Renjie in their hearts, fearing that Wu Zetian would punish Di Renjie for deceiving the emperor.

It’s just that the final result proved that book fans had completely overthought it. Although Wu Zetian didn't believe what Di Renjie said about Hu Jinghui and Princess Yiyang, she still played it accurately.

Well, Di Renjie must have calculated that Wu Zetian would play it accurately.

Di Renjie returned to Chang'an. At dusk, Wu Zetian summoned Di Renjie to the Imperial Garden and asked about the list.

Di Renjie replied that he had been burned together with the bandit leader Jin Mulan.

Naturally, the list was not burned together with Jin Mulan, but Di Renjie's, but Di Renjie was obviously not prepared to give the list to Wu Zetian.

Because he knew that once Wu Zetian got the list, there would be another bloody storm.

Later, Wu Zetian asked, how did Hu Jinghui and Li Qingxia die?

Di Renjie replied that I had already stated it in my statement.

Wu Zetian looked at Di Renjie and gradually laughed out loud, and Di Renjie also laughed.

The laughter of the emperor and his ministers echoed over the imperial garden for a long time.

Seeing this, the book fans also smiled in their hearts. There was only one word in their hearts now, "Two old foxes!"

In Chang'an Mansion, Di Renjie still put the list into the brazier. Li Yuanfang saw it and asked Di Renjie, "Will the list be handed over to the emperor?"

Di Renjie sighed and said that it would be another bloody storm, but it would be better to burn it clean.

Then, Li Yuanfang said that there was still something unclear about her humble position. Princess Yiyang was a member of the royal family and her behavior was subject to many restrictions. How could she organize such a large rebel team?

Di Renjie replied, I have thought about this question more than once, but now it has become a permanent mystery with the death of the princess.

Finally, Di Renjie also had an unsolvable doubt.

This doubt may never be solved, or it may be solved soon.

Who knows?

With the list that ran through the entire case burned in the brazier, the complicated and complicated case of the sudden murder of the envoy finally came to a perfect end.

There will be more bizarre and complicated cases waiting for Di Renjie to solve, but now the case of the murder of the Turkic mission is completely over.

This is the first case in the work "Detective Di Renjie". This first case makes book fans unable to stop reading and it is extremely enjoyable.

Although the first case is over, the discussion about the entire case is far from over.

On the Internet, countless book fans put away their emotions, and then quickly became very excited when they recalled the whole process of the case, and were excited about the bizarre complexity and excitement of the whole case.

Countless book fans are talking about it.

"At the beginning of the whole story, before the whole case happened, I had a hunch that this case would be a shocking case. As expected, it was a shocking case, bizarre and weird. Such a crime-solving story is really interesting to watch.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

It’s so addictive. "

"As soon as Mr. Li Fan started his work, he was far from being comparable to other creators of public case works. The gap is really too big."

"This is not nonsense. How can Mr. Li Fan's works be compared to those of other creators?"

"The murder of the entire Turkic mission is a shocking case. And in this shocking case, there are many small cases. Well, no, it is a small case, but it is only relative to the murder of the Turkic mission. For one case, those cases are not small. If you look at other cases, they are huge cases of their own, which is amazing!”

"Yes, one mystery after another is constantly being solved. While we feel comfortable, we have to admire Mr. Li Fan's exquisite, clever and surprising layout of the entire case!"

"Moreover, this is only the first case. The first case is so bizarre and complicated, will the subsequent cases be simple? I am looking forward to this work more than ever."

"I can guarantee that the subsequent cases will be even more bizarre and complicated. When I think about there being more bizarre and complicated cases waiting for us, I become excited and excited."

"I really hope that other creators of public case works can study and learn Mr. Li Fan's layout of the case, and then they can have some insights and breakthroughs."

"They should be doing research. If they don't want to be eliminated by the market, they have to do research."


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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