Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2237 Will not refuse

Remember in one second【】

Li Fan was not surprised by Jared's sudden visit. Seeing Jared walking quickly, Li Fan also walked over quickly.

After approaching, Li Fan smiled and said: "Old friend, you are welcome to come."

Afterwards, the two exchanged pleasantries.

After the greetings, Jared said: "Mr. Li Fan, the scale of your farm is several times larger than the last time I came here. In fact, I just want to take a good look around."

Li Fan smiled and said: "In that case, I will accompany Mr. Jared for a nice walk."

Jared said: "Thank you Mr. Li Fan, this is definitely a good idea."

Then, the two started walking on the farm.

While walking and talking, the conversation was naturally about "The Sherlock Holmes" published by Jared Sander Publishing House.

The story of Sherlock Holmes has been completed for some time, but "The Sherlock Holmes" is still a hot seller.

Jared and Li Fan both made a lot of money.

Speaking of "Sherlock Holmes", Li Fan smiled and said: "Mr. Jared, if my prediction is correct, the main purpose of your visit this time should be for "Detective Di Renjie"."

Jared laughed and said without mincing words: "Exactly, Mr. Li Fan creates another detective work. This is definitely a great joy."

Li Fandao: "But Mr. Jared should know that "Detective Di Renjie" is a public case work set in the Tang Dynasty of my country. It is different from "Sherlock Holmes" in many aspects. Mr. Jared is definitely interested in this work. Are you interested in the work?"

Li Fan naturally said this on purpose. He wanted to see what Jared thought of this work. He naturally knew that this work would be equally popular in the West.

"The Case of Di Gong of the Tang Dynasty" by Mr. Gao Luopei in his previous life perfectly proves this point.

Although "The Case of Di Gong of the Tang Dynasty" was written by Mr. Gao Luopei, a Westerner, its cultural background, narrative techniques and other aspects are completely typical of Chinese public case works, and there is no trace of the writing style of Western detective works. .

So, "The Case of Di Gong of the Tang Dynasty" can sell well in various Western countries, and "Detective Di Renjie" written by Li Fan will naturally do the same.

Li Fan guessed it from the beginning,

Jared is most likely here for "Detective Detective Dee".

Now this is indeed the case.

When Jared heard what Li Fan said, he laughed again and said, "Sure, Mr. Li Fan, of course I am interested in this work. I know that "Detective Di Renjie" is a public case work in your country, which is different from the Western work. The writing techniques of detective works are very different, but the essence of detective solving cases is the same. I have found someone to translate and read the first case of "Detective Di Renjie". I think the charm of Detective Di Renjie is not that of Sherlock Holmes. Next. They are all the best detectives. Moreover, by reading this work, you can also have a deep understanding of the history and culture of your country in the Tang Dynasty. Now people in many Western countries are familiar with the history and culture of your country. has a very strong interest. Therefore, I believe that "Detective Di Renjie" will be welcomed by readers in various Western countries. Of course, the main reason why I am so sure is that this is the work of Mr. Li Fan. Facts "Sherlock Holmes fans in various Western countries now know that Mr. Li Fan is once again creating the detective work "Detective Di Renjie", and their desire to see this work is already very strong."

"Oh? Those Sherlock Holmes already know?" Li Fan didn't know this. He hadn't paid much attention to the news of Sherlock Holmes fans recently.

Jared smiled and said, "They already knew it. In fact, they already knew it before the serialization of "Detective Di Renjie" started. Mr. Li Fan created another detective work, and the media in various Western countries were very enthusiastic about it. Reporting may not be much later than the Chinese media.”

Li Fan nodded, which was not surprising. Because of the huge influence of Sherlock Holmes, the news that Li Fan is creating another detective work will indeed attract the attention of various Western countries immediately.

The reports of those national media may not necessarily be much better than those of the Chinese media, but Li Fan hasn't paid much attention to it recently and doesn't know much about it.

Then, Jared said: "Mr. Li Fan, we at Sander Publishing House want to publish "Detective Di Renjie". I wonder if Mr. Li Fan is willing? Of course, Mr. Li Fan can make whatever conditions he wants. No matter what the conditions are, We at Sander Press agree.”

"Oh?" Li Fan smiled and said, "Mr. Jared seems to be very optimistic about the market prospects of this work."

Jared said: "This is natural. I dare not say that this work can sell as well as "Sherlock Holmes", but it will definitely not be any worse."

Li Fan nodded. Due to the strange cultural background and writing techniques, "Detective Di Renjie" is indeed not as popular as "Sherlock Holmes", but the gap will definitely not be too big.

Of course, although "The Case of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty" written by Mr. Gao Luopei in his previous life is a hot seller in many Western countries, the sales volume is still far behind that of "Sherlock Holmes" and cannot be compared.

But the situation is different now. Now Li Fan is the author of "Sherlock Holmes", which has laid the most solid foundation for the sales of "Detective Di Renjie".

"Detective Di Renjie" has not yet been officially released in the West, and readers in various Western countries already have a strong desire to read it.

Its sales base is countless times stronger than that of "The Case of Di Gong of the Tang Dynasty" by Mr. Gao Luopei in the previous life.

Furthermore, the previous life of Mr. Goluopei’s "Big

^0^ Remember in one second【】

When "The Case of Tang Di" came out, "The Sherlock Holmes" had been released for decades, but it is different now.

Of course, the most important reason is Li Fan himself. The desire of book fans in various Western countries to look forward to Li Fan's detective works is by no means less intense than that of Chinese book fans.

Now, Li Fan has finally created another detective work. Although it is not a detective work with a Western background, this is not a big problem for book fans in Western countries. As long as it is a detective work created by Li Fan, no matter it is a Western The background, or the Chinese background, is enough to excite them.

At most, it's a little regretful. If it were still set in the Western world, it would be even more perfect.

This is actually the main reason why Jared is so optimistic about the sales prospects of "Detective Detective Dee".

Jared wanted to publish "Detective Dee Renjie", so Li Fan naturally wouldn't refuse. He had originally planned to publish "Detective Di Renjie" in Western countries. He wanted book fans in those Western countries to know that China also has a detective whose strength is by no means inferior to Sherlock Holmes. In some aspects, he is even better than Sherlock Holmes. Of.

He wants Detective Dee to become a world-famous detective like Sherlock Holmes.

At the same time, it can also be regarded as a tribute to the "The Case of Di Gong of the Tang Dynasty" by the previous generation Mr. Gao Luopei.

As for the conditions for publication, since Jared asked Li Fan to mention it casually, he would agree to it no matter what the conditions were. Moreover, Li Fan knew that Jared really thought so sincerely.

Then, Li Fan is not going to put forward any excessive conditions, and everything will be in accordance with the standards of "Sherlock Holmes".

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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