Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2260 I’m glad to have caught up with the era of online novels

Xiao Yan's cheating journey to becoming a strong man has officially begun, and book fans are convinced that with the help of Yao Lao, Xiao Yan's strength will surely improve by leaps and bounds.

What kind of height will it reach in the end? Book fans don't know it yet, but they are certain that that height is enough to look down upon the entire Dou Qi Continent.

As for the Yunlan Sect's appointment with Nalan Yanran three years later, the winner will definitely be Xiao Yan.

Although Nalan Yanran's talent is not much worse than Xiao Yan's, and her current strength far exceeds Xiao Yan's, Xiao Yan's current existence is like cheating and will be invincible.

On the Internet Mountain, countless book fans are discussing excitedly.

"The trick that Guyong played for Xiao Yan this time was indeed very imaginative. He was followed by an awesome old man. Only Guyong could think of such a trick."

"I feel that Yao Lao should be a very powerful existence, but I don't know what caused him to inhabit Xiao Yan's ring. Moreover, he absorbed Xiao Yan's fighting spirit for three full years before he woke up. come over."

"Perhaps for some reason, Yao Lao died, and then a trace of his remnant soul resided in Xiao Yan's ring."

"Well, this possibility is not small. Although Yao Lao is very powerful, he should not be invincible. There will definitely be someone more powerful than Yao Lao. It is not impossible for Yao Lao to fall for some reason. Of course, the real Gu Yong will definitely reveal the reason later, we just have to wait.”

"Yao Lao said that Alchemy King Furukawa is a piece of shit, so Yao Lao is most likely an eighth-grade or even ninth-grade alchemist. With such a top alchemist by his side, he can help refine medicine at any time. Such nonsense is simply It’s invincible. Xiao Yan’s cultivation speed can’t be slowed down even if he wants to.”

"It's not just as simple as refining medicine. Yao Lao obviously has a lot of skills and is very knowledgeable. He will definitely be able to give Xiao Yan guidance in all aspects in the future. In short, this guy is really invincible."

"Gu Yong once again started a trend for online novels. I estimate that this way of cheating with the grandfather will soon be copied and imitated by a large number of online novel authors. We estimate that we will soon see various What an awesome old man.”

"That's for sure. All online novel authors are staring at Gu Yongda. Every setting of Gu Yongda will make other online novel authors rush to imitate and learn from it."

"This is also a good thing for us book fans. Gu Yongda's various settings are always original and imaginative. They always make people want to read more similar works. Other authors are competing for it. Imitation and reference are what we want.”

"What I'm saying is that although the works of other authors cannot be compared with Gu Yong's works, they are better than nothing in the end."


Times Literary Award Jury Office.

Li Bo laughed loudly and said: "Lao Yang, how about it? The plug-in setting this time is really imaginative, isn't it?"

Yang Qiming also smiled and said: "It's really a big imagination. The ring contains the soul of a super strong man. This setting is really amazing for Gu Yong's imagination."

Li Bo said: "It is certain that Yao Lao is a top alchemist and a super strong man. With such a teacher, Xiao Yan's future achievements are quite exciting."

Yang Qiming said: "I'm sure,

A large number of works by the portable grandfather are about to appear, which is very interesting. "

Li Bo said: "This marks the birth of a new genre. It is indeed very interesting and very exciting."

Yang Qiming, Li Bo, and a large number of book fans all predicted that a large number of works set by grandfathers would soon appear in the online novel world.

This is of course true.

Gu Yong's various settings have been copied and borrowed by a large number of online novel authors. Now this kind of portable grandfather setting with great imagination and great attractions will naturally be used by a large number of Internet novel writers. Novel authors rush to imitate and learn from it.

Especially now, countless online novel authors are absolutely sure that as long as they imitate or learn from this setting, the starting point of their works will be higher.

Coupled with the previous setting of the breakup of the engagement, the setting of the several-year appointment, etc., the opening chapter of "Fights Break the Sphere" simply made countless online novel authors ecstatic.

They seem to have seen the template for the beginning of their works that will no longer hit the market. Some impatient authors are already imagining the beginning of their new works impatiently.

Of course, this does not mean that all works that draw on this setting will not be popular. The key is to see whether the author himself has a certain level.

If your level is really too low, even if you highly imitate the setting and opening of "Fights Beyond the Sphere", you will still fall into the trap.

But no matter what, new hope is ignited in the hearts of every online novel author, that's for sure.

In the distant country of Lan, countless fans of books from the country of Lan are also very excited at this time.

"Fights Break the Sphere" is the second online novel they have read. Compared with the first online novel "Zhu Xian" they read, "Fights Break the Sphere" has very obvious differences in the use of language and setting.

However, Lan Guo's book fans did not feel uncomfortable, but quickly became involved in the various excitements of "Fights Break the Sphere".

Regarding the setting of Yaolao, the fans of Lan Guo were amazed. In their opinion, this setting is too fantasy, too whimsical, too interesting, and too exciting.

They said directly that they really didn’t know why Gu Yong’s mind was so active. To be able to come up with such a setting.

Based on this alone, it is far from being comparable to those novel writers in their country.

Is this an online novel?

At this time, book fans in Lan State further understood why online novels are developing so fast in China. In just a few months since Gu Yong proposed the concept of online novels, the number of online novels in China has reached tens of millions, and the cumulative number of online novel authors has exceeded 10 million.

Originally, Lan Guo's book fans were somewhat skeptical of such data, as its development speed was too fast.

But now, Lan Guo's book fans have almost no doubt. They already believe that online novels do have a unique charm that promotes their rapid development.

As Sander Publishing House said in its previous announcement, online novels are the best product of novels adapting to this era, and are an inevitable trend in the development of novels now and in the future.

Lan Guo’s book fans are very happy that they have caught up with the era of online novels.

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