Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2262 Invasion of Internet Novels

Some quasi-online novel authors are gearing up, while other book fans are looking forward to it. The entire Languo online novel community is making a lot of noise.

Such news was naturally quickly noticed by authors in other novel fields.

After noticing this, authors in various novel fields were all shocked and incredulous. The invasion speed of online novels was probably too fast.

Are online novels really that charming?

Yes, for novel writers in other fields, online novels are an invasion.

Nowadays, the speed of the invasion of online novels is so fast that all authors in other novel fields feel incredible.

Authors in other novel fields are naturally aware of the fact that Sander Publishing House has introduced online novels from China, and are paying appropriate attention to it.

They are just paying appropriate attention. They actually do not think that Sander Publishing House will succeed in introducing Chinese online novels.

Not to mention other reasons, just because the background and culture of the two countries are so different, it is difficult for Chinese online novels to have a market in Lan.

Authors in other fields of fiction are convinced of this.

As for Gu Yong, the founder of online novels, most novel authors are aware of his great influence in China.

But Guyong has almost no influence in Lan Guo. This is also an important reason why novel authors in Lan Guo are not optimistic about the introduction of online novels by Sander Publishing House.

If online novels were created by Li Fan, then the novel authors in Lan Guo would definitely have other ideas.

In short, authors in various novel fields in Lan Country are not optimistic about the market of online novels in Lan Country, and they are not prepared to read the updated online novels on the website.

Of course, they have no interest in watching it.

Soon after, the first online novel "Zhu Xian" introduced by Sander Publishing House began to be serialized. Fans of the book were full of praise and amazement after reading it. Authors in other novel fields began to realize that their previous views seemed to have emerged. error.

There seems to be quite a market for online novels in Lan Country, and the market is opening up so quickly.

It can be said that on the first day of serialization, "Zhu Xian" successfully opened up the market of Lan Country.

Authors in various novel fields were shocked and began to reconsider the market prospects of online novels in Lan Country. However, at this time, they still did not believe that online novels could achieve ultimate success, and they still did not plan to read "Zhu Xian".

The market for online novels has opened so quickly, perhaps just because book fans are new to online novels and feel novelty. After the novelty wears off, they will no longer be interested, and the market that has just opened will quickly disappear again. .

Authors in various fields of fiction think so and hope so.

To be honest, they do not welcome online novels from China to Lan Country. They are very repulsive to online novels.

This is of course normal. The arrival of online novels will only seize Languo's reader resources. Absolutely no author wants his reader resources to be taken away by online novels.

Although readers have read online novels,

It doesn't mean that I will stop reading their novels in the future, but it will have some impact after all.

Moreover, the more popular online novels are, the greater their impact will be.

Therefore, authors in various novel fields all hope that online novels will wither as soon as possible and then disappear without a trace.

They also believe that the reality will be what they think.

However, as "Zhu Xian" continued to be serialized, authors in various fields of fiction sadly discovered that the facts were once again different from what they thought.

Not only have online novels not withered, but they are becoming more and more prosperous.

After the novelty wore off, book fans not only did not lose interest, but instead fell deeper and deeper into the world of "Zhu Xian", becoming increasingly unable to extricate themselves.

The market for online novels is continuing to stabilize and grow.

Authors in various fields of novels are a little panicked. If this trend continues, online novels will definitely take root in Lan Country. By then, online novels will definitely steal a large number of reader resources.

This is extremely bad news for them.

If those readers continue to read their novels while reading online novels, the results will be better, and they can barely accept it.

The most fearful thing is that after reading online novels, those readers will no longer be interested in their novels and will not read them again.

Then, it would be a devastating harm to authors in other novel fields.

Although this possibility is not high, no matter how small the possibility is, it is still possible.

Therefore, authors in other novel fields began to panic.

However, there was nothing they could do. It is impossible for them to unite and collectively boycott online novels. If they really do that, those fans who are already addicted to the world of "Zhu Xian" will probably unite to resist them, which will be even more devastating.

Therefore, authors in other novel fields can only pray that their reader resources will not be robbed, at least not too much.

They no longer expect online novels to wither away, as long as they don't take too many resources away from them.

Later, "Zhu Xian" ended and "Fights Break the Sphere" began to be serialized.

More and more book fans have fallen into the pit of online novels, and it is difficult to climb out. The influence of online novels is becoming more and more powerful.

Authors in various novel fields can only watch sadly and helplessly as online novels erode their novel market bit by bit.

It was only now that they finally fully understood that the market prospect of online novels in Lan Country was much greater than they imagined.

But they never thought that there would be some book fans so quickly who were no longer willing to just be readers of online novels. They actually began to want to create their own online novels and become online novel authors.

This is too exaggerated and unbelievable!

How long has it been since online novels entered Lan Country? Just over a month.

In just over a month, some book fans are ready to create their own works. The speed of this invasion must be too fast.

Their traditional novels have influenced book fans for several years, more than ten years, or even decades. There are not many book fans who are not willing to be just readers and want to create their own works and become authors.

Now, the online novel has only affected book fans for more than a month, and there are already so many book fans who are ready to take action.

Is this gap too big?

In other words, the speed of the invasion of online novels is a little too fast!

Authors in various fields of fiction all find it incomprehensible and incredible!

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