Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2271 Staying in a hotel

Li Fan continued: "The old man is fishing for wild fish, so it should be easy to sell, right?"

The old man shook his head and said: "It depends on luck. Sometimes you can sell it, and sometimes you can't. There are many people selling fish in our town, so it's common for us to not be able to sell it."

Li Fan nodded. There should be many people in the nearby villages who fish regularly like the old man. There are more people fishing, and there are more people selling fish. The whole town is not big, and the demand for fish is not too high. In addition, there are merchants who specialize in selling fish, like the old man. It is normal for private sellers to be unable to sell fish.

Fortunately, the town is located on a traffic thoroughfare, and there are not many business travelers coming and going. Some business travelers who are passing by and not far away are likely to buy fish from fishermen like the old man.

Everyone who is a businessman knows that the fish in the hands of fishermen like the old man are real wild fish, which is almost impossible to buy in the market.

Therefore, when they pass by, if it is convenient, they will buy some fish to take away.

Therefore, when fishermen like the old man sell fish, they usually sell it on the side of the road outside the town. If you're lucky, it won't be long before someone buys it.

If you are unlucky, you may not be able to sell it after waiting for several hours. In the end, you can only take it home and feed it until the next time you sell it.

If you toss it twice more, you will have to eat it yourself. The wild fish that is caught cannot withstand the tossing and will usually be on the verge of death after two or three days. At this time, it is naturally even more difficult to sell and you can only eat it yourself.

Li Fan and the old man were talking and walking side by side on the river, while the little girl jumped ahead.

"Does the old man live far away?" Li Fan asked again.

The old man seemed to be in a very good mood and said with a smile: "It's not far, more than a mile. The young man is not from our place, where did he come from?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "I'm coming from Funan, and I plan to stay in the town for one night. Old man, it's not too close for more than a mile. Let me help you carry it for a while. I'm on my way to town."

The old man repeatedly said no, saying that he was not very courageous and that he had no problem at all, and kept expressing his gratitude to Li Fan.

When Li Fan saw this, he did not insist, but nodded and said: "The old man's body is indeed strong."

The old man smiled and said: "As a farmer, you are active every day, so your health is indeed fine. Young man, do you want to stay in the town for one night?"

Li Fan said: "I do plan to stay one night. My companion and I have made an appointment to meet in this town. She won't arrive until tomorrow. Well, we may continue to stay tomorrow."

The old man nodded and said: "So that's it...this...that..."

The old man suddenly hesitated, as if he wanted to say something but was too embarrassed to say it.

Li Fan smiled and said, "Did the old man want to say something?"

The old man nodded, shook his head, and after hesitating for a while, he finally said: "That's right, since the young man is going to stay in town for one night, he must stay in a hotel. This... this... my boy, That is, the girl’s father also opened a hotel on the edge of the town. This...this..."

"Oh?" Li Fan understood what the old man meant and said with a smile: "It turns out that the old man also has a hotel at home. What's its name? Where is it? I happen to be looking for a hotel too.

Since there is a hotel in the old man's home, I don't have to go out to find it. I just stay one night in the hotel in the old man's home. I have to thank the old man for this. Otherwise, I would have to find a hotel specifically. "

When the old man heard what Li Fan said, he was obviously happy, but the joy flashed away and he said: "Although our town is not big, it is located on a traffic thoroughfare, and there are not many people coming and going. Therefore, the people in the town There are quite a few hotels, so you don’t have to look for them. You should be able to see them if you just walk around. As for our hotel, it’s on the edge of town, and the conditions are relatively poor. You don’t actually need to go there. .”

It was obvious that the old man was always conflicted. He wanted to recommend Li Fan to stay in his hotel, but he seemed very embarrassed. This may be because the conditions of the old man's hotel were really poor.

The conditions were so bad that the old man was embarrassed to let Li Fan live there.

Also, perhaps because of poor conditions, the business of the old man's hotel was not good. Otherwise, the old man wouldn't be obviously very embarrassed, but still hesitant to say something.

The old man wanted to facilitate such a business.

"Are the conditions bad?" Li Fan said calmly. What kind of difference does this poor condition mean?

If the corresponding facilities are relatively simple, it doesn't matter. Li Fan is not a picky person. The simpler the facilities are, the simpler they will be.

But if the facilities are simple and the environmental sanitation is quite bad, then Li Fan will definitely not live there, and it will also greatly reduce his impression of the old man.

Li Fan decided to take a look first before talking.

So, Li Fan said: "Old man, it doesn't matter if the conditions are a little bit worse. Let's do this. I'll take a look first. If I think it's okay, I'll live there. If I'm not satisfied, I'll go somewhere else."

The old man was quite happy, nodded repeatedly and said: "Okay, okay, then please ask the young man to take a look."

Although the old man was happy, he didn't think Li Fan would really be willing to stay, because the conditions of his hotel were really poor, almost the worst hotel in the entire town.

But since Li Fan said he could go take a look, there would be some hope.

Moreover, Li Fan also said that if he was not satisfied, he would stop, which made the old man no longer have the unnatural feeling of moral kidnapping.

If Li Fan said that he would live there no matter what the conditions were, the old man would not be very happy.

Because in that case, even if Li Fan really stayed, he would definitely stay there reluctantly because he couldn't refuse. For the old man, this is very apologetic and will make him even more embarrassed and unnatural.

Therefore, Li Fan said that if he was not satisfied, he would stop, which made the old man breathe a sigh of relief and feel at ease.

In this way, even if Li Fan did not move in in the end, the old man would not have any regrets. He at least successfully invited Li Fan to look at the house.

Later, the old man told Li Fan some information about his hotel.

From the old man's words, Li Fan learned that the old man's hotel had been open for nearly a year. After the old man's son came back from working outside last year, he stopped working due to some reasons.

If you don’t go out to work, you have to find some way to make a living. There are many people coming and going in the town, and the hotel business seems to be good. The old man's son had the idea of ​​opening a hotel.

But because he didn't have much capital, the old man's son finally chose to rent a very cheap old-fashioned house on the edge of the city, and then transformed it into a hotel with only three rooms.

Calling it a hotel is actually not very accurate.

Perhaps because it is not a standard hotel, and its conditions and facilities are not good, business has been very bleak. There have been almost no guests in the past year.

Fortunately, the rent was very cheap, so I could barely support it, but it was about to become unsustainable.

No way, no matter how cheap the rent is, it is in vain without business.

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